Chapter 34 Man To Man

The next morning, Zhu Mingyang woke up with Gu Yingjie in his arms. He kissed Gu Yingjie on the forehead. Listening to Gu Yingjie's breathing, warm Zhu Mingyang's heart. He secretly hoped in his heart that every day of his life, when he woke up, he would be able to hold Gu Yingjie in his arms.

Gu Yingjie asked softly, "Mingyang, why do you keep staring at me?"

Zhu Mingyang said, "I was thinking about what happened last night."

Gu Yingjie asked, "What about it?"

Zhu Mingyang hugged Gu Yingjie tightly and said, "I really want to grow up with you. I want to see you when you are seventy years old with gray hair."

Gu Yingjie smiled and kissed Zhu Mingyang on the neck, "Mingyang, if you like Zhanjin, I am okay with it."

Zhu Mingyang looked at Gu Yingjie and said, "I can't love another person. I am sincere, when I tell you that my body and soul are yours." His fingers touched Gu Yingjie's face. "Don't try to separate us . You know very well that this won't work. Tell me honestly, how many lies did you tell me? "

Gu Yingjie sighed then said, "Many."

Zhu Mingyang asked, "Why?"

Gu Yingjie replied, "It was supposed to be just one but you refused to leave me. As a result, I lied a lot later."

Zhu Mingyang said, "So, there is only one?"

Gu Yingjie sighed and said, "You can say so."

Zhu Mingyang, "You know you have done a lot of things that hurt me before, but that's not as hurt as when you walked into your bedroom on your wedding night."

Gu Yingjie, "Why?"

Zhu Mingyang looked at Gu Yingjie and said, "Because you belong to me. This body belongs to me. No one can touch it except me. The scene of you making love with her is more painful than all the scars added together."

Gu Yingjie, "I know that feeling, because when I saw you kiss Yan Zhanjin, and I was very heartbroken and mad at you. If I hadn't met those young Taoist, I would have run away." He sighed. "After listening to the recitation of the Taoist teaching, I realized that the best gift to give you is forgiveness."

Zhu Mingyang, "That's why you left the jade at the gate?"

Gu Yingjie, "It means I forgive you and wish you all the best in your new life."

Zhu Mingyang, "Yingjie, you have to know that I can't love anyone except you."

The knock on the door ended the conversation between Zhu Mingyang and Gu Yingjie. Zhu Mingyang put on his clothes, and Gu Yingjie went to open the door.

Yan Zhanjin walked in with two bowls of medicine. He put the tray on the table and handed one bowl of medicine to Zhu Mingyang and the other one to Gu Yingjie.

Yan Zhanjin said, "This is for pain."

Gu Yingjie smiled at Yan Zhanjin, "Thank you Yan Yisheng." He took the brewing medicine and drank it.

Then a servant walked into the room. The servant said, "Gu gongzi, someone here wants to see you. She said she is your wife."

Gu Yingjie smiled at Zhu Mingyang, "She is here, I'm going to meet her."

Zhu Mingyang smiled back at him, "Mm..."

Yan Zhanjin asked, "How are you?"

Zhu Mingyang, "Good."

Yan Zhanjin, "Do you know he has a wife?"

Zhu Mingyang, "Between Yingjie and I, there is no secret."

Yan Zhanjin, "No secret?"

Zhu Mingyang looked at Yan Zhanjin, "Mmm..."

Yan Zhanjin, "So, he knows we sleep in the same room?"

Zhu Mingyang, "Mmm."

Yan Zhanjin, "Does he know about our kiss…?"

Zhu Mingyang, "Mmm…he saw us kiss."

Yan Zhanjin blushed, "I don't know how to face him."

Zhu Mingyang, "Yingjie is not the kind of person who has prejudice against anyone, so don't worry."

Yan Zhanjin, "It's still... I'm embarrassed when I look at him."

Zhu Mingyang scoffed, "You are acting like we had an affair and caught by him."

Yan Zhanjin, "I don't like being hated by others."

Zhu Mingyan, "Yingjie is not like that."

Gu Yingjie walked into the room and did not see Yuan Chaomei, but Cao Fengge and Chao Wenyan.

Cao Fengge asked, "Gu gongzi, how is your stay?

Gu Yingjie replied, "Its fine. Thank you, Leader Cao. Why did you call me here today?"

Cao Fengge said, "I called you today to let you know that we are about to enter the Mu treasure cave. You and your guards must go with us to make sure Ma Jingguo keeps his promise."

Gu Yingjie said, "Mingyang and I have decided to leave the martial arts world and live in seclusion."

Cao Fengge said, "After I entered the Mu treasure cave, your life has nothing to do with me."

Cao Wenyan, "I know that the Gu is very strict. It is easy to enter Gu's house, but difficult to get out. The consequences are more serious than death."

Gu Yingjie, "I know."

Cao Wenyan praised Gu Yingjie. He said, "But you…have the most royalist guard. If I were you, I would keep someone like Zhu Mingyang with me for the rest of my life too."

Gu Yingjie, "I'm sure you have many."

In the small room, Ma Jingguo sat opposite Mu Dishi. Ma Jingguo smiled at Mu Dishi and said, "Xiao shushu, do you want to take a bath after eating?"

Mu Dishi did not answered.

Ma Jingguo got up and walked to sit down beside Mu Dishi, picked up the rice in the bowl, and started to feed Mu Dishi. Mu Dishi refused to open his mouth. Ma Jingguo said, "Xiao shushu, I know you are angry with me, but part of it is your fault. If you don't run away from me, I don't have to do this. I know you are more angry about the way I carried you out of that celebration yard."

Mu Dishi said coldly, "You shouldn't be carrying me like that. Do you know how many people stared at us?"

Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "I know you are worried about your face, but I am afraid you will leave with Wang Biming again. I have to act quickly." He put the bowl of rice back on the table, leaned forward, and hugged Mu Dishi's narrow waist. He kissed Mu Dishi's right cheek. "Xiao shushu, I really miss you. Please tell me, is my love suffocating you, so you decide to leave me, or do I love you too little, not enough to make you stay with me?"

Mu Dishi did not answered.

Ma Jingguo said, "I'm sorry... just because I love you so much, I don't know if I can see you again in my next life, so I will do my best to give you everything that I can give you in this life." He pulled the jade hairpin from Mu Dishi's hair and tucked it inside his robe. "I keep this for now…just for assurance." He quickly tapped Mu Dishi's front chest. Then he went to sit down across from Mu Dishi and smiled at Mu Dishi. "Let's eat."

Ma Jingguo stared at the rice in his bowl for a while. He suddenly couldn't remember which hand he is supposed to hold the chopsticks. He hesitated between his right and left hands. Since Mu Dishi left him, he has been struggling with his memory, because the only person he thinks of day and night is Mu Dishi. He struggled with which hand to hold which items on the table between the rice bowl and the chopsticks. He shook his head and finally picked up the chopsticks in his right hand.

Mu Dishi noticed that Ma Jingguo's temperament has become weird since their last meeting. Mu Dishi did not pick up the bowls and chopsticks, but looked at Ma Jing and asked, "Why do you want to practice Devil Fist?"

Ma Jingguo smiled with big puppy eyes. He said, "Since you left me, I finally understand that my abilities are not good. In order for you to be by my side, I must be better than you."

Mu Dishi, "How far have you practiced?"

Ma Jingguo said, "Level seven."

Mu Dishi looked at Ma Jingguo coldly and said, "Stop practicing it."

Ma Jingguo, "Why?"

Mu Dishi, "People who practice Devil Fist will eventually lose their sense of thinking. Zhu Mingyang and Wang Biming know that, so they have never practiced farther than level five. Once you reach leave eight, you will began to lose your ability to think. Your memory will disappear. Slowly disappear until your mind remains the mind of a one-year-old. That's why Long da ye and many martial artists never seek the Devil Fist manual."

Ma Jingguo sneered at Mu Dishi and said, "If I can't have you by my side, I would rather lose my mind and forget you completely." He picked up a piece of vegetable and put it on Mu Dishi's bowl of rice. He smiled and asked, "Xiao shushu, what are you staring at, is there something on my face?"