Chapter 35 Out Of The Fire Into A Flying Pan

Cao Wenyan sent Gu Yingjie back to his room. They walked along the back pond in the backyard of Beixing Sector.

Cao Wenyan said, "Your guard is so brave, I really envy you."

Gu Yingjie said, "Cao gongzi, many people envy you."

Cao Wenyan, "How long have you two been in love?"

Gu Yingjie looked at him without answering.

Cao Wenyan said, "You concealed it well, but Zhu Mingyang didn't. Zhu Mingyang, just like Ma Jingguo, couldn't hide his feelings. It was because of his indiscretion that the whole martial arts world knew about them. "

Gu Yingjie said, "I heard that you also like Mu Dishi."

Cao Wenyan, "Thank you for not exposing me in front of my father."

Gu Yingjie said, "Why are you hiding from your father? Everyone knows that Cao gongzi likes both woman and men."

Cao Wenyan said, "My father won't let me chaser Mu gongzi."

Gu Yingjie and Cao Wenyan were talking, and a person came running towards them. The person stopped in the middle of the road. In the front are Gu Yingjie and Cao Wenyan, and chasing from behind the person in black clothes were Beixing Sector disciples.

Cao Wenyan asked, "Who are you?" He looked at the assassin. He rushed to the assassin.

Cao Wenyan and the assassin started fighting. The assassin flew over the wall, followed by Cao Wenyan. The four guards quickly followed Cao Wenyan and the assassin.

Gu Yingjie hurried back to the room. Zhu Mingyang and Yan Zhanjin were still talking in the bedroom. He quickly said, "Mingyang, let's go now."

Yan Zhanjin, "What's the matter?"

Gu Yingjie, "There is an assassin here, everyone is chasing after the assassin. We are injured and nobody cares about us. This is our chance to leave here."

Since everyone was chasing the assassin in the backyard, no one paid any attention to the three injured people. Zhu Mingyang, Gu Yingjie, and Yan Zhanjin rushed out from the front door. When they came to the main entrance, ten guards were still standing guard. Gu Yingjie picked up ten stones and sent them to ten guards. Ten stones knocked down ten guards, and everyone continued to walk down the steps. As they walked further down the stairs, more guards were chasing them.

Gu Yingjie pushed Zhu Mingyang and Yan Zhanjin forward. He quickly said, "Mingyang, you two leave now."

Zhu Mingyang grabbed Yan Zhanjin's waist and flew them down the first stairwell to a platform. The three guards began to attack Zhu Mingyang. More guards rushed to the stairwell.

Yan Zhanjin shouted, "Mingyang be careful, another guard is coming."

Gu Yingjie quickly picked up ten yellow dandelions. He spun down in the air and came to the second floor where Zhu Mingyang fought with the three guards, and at the same time sent ten yellow dandelions to the four guards who charged after him. Gu Yingjie's ten dandelions knocked the four guards down on the stairwell. Gu Yingjie landed on the second stairwell platform, he kicked one of the guards, he sent the guard tumbling down the stairs. The fallen guard directly hit the first two guards that charged up the stairs to Gu Yingjie, Zhu Mingyang, and Yan Zhanjin.

Yan Zhanjin reached into his sleeve, took out the acupuncture needle, and threw it to Gu Yingjie. He said, "Yingjie, just treat this as your silver leaf."

Gu Yingjie unfolded the sleeves of the acupuncture needles. He started sending needles one by one to the people in the stairwell. After using the last needle. He stood in the middle, held Zhu Mingyang and Yan Zhajin's waist, and flew the two away from the injured guard to the exit. He felt a thin thread wrapped around his waist. When he was dragged back to the second platform, he pushed Zhu Mingyang and then Yan Zhanjin out to the door.

Zhu Mingyang quickly turned around and grabbed Yan Zhanjin. Gu Yingjie being pulled back to the second stairwell platform by Cao Fengge. He yelled, "Yingjie!"

Gu Yingjie shouted, "Mingyang, take Zhanjin away. This is an order."

Zhu Mingyang grabbed Yan Zhanjin and escaped from the main entrance.

Cao Fengge said, "Chase after them and bring them back." He turned to look at Gu Yingjie. "Gu Gongzi, if you don't behave yourself, don't say that I'm unfair." He looked at his guard. "Bring him back and chase the two who just escaped." He flew towards the backyard.

Cao Wenyan hit the assassin's chest, but the assassin blocked Cao Wenyan's fist. The impact of Cao Wenyan's fist, causing the assassin to fly back, and the assassin released three needles at Cao Wenyan. Cao Wenyan quickly dodged the three needless, and flew towards the assassin's neck quickly. When he grabbed the assassin's neck by the neck with his right hand. Cao Wenyan's left hand was stopped by Cao Fengge when he tried to pull off the assassin's cloth mask.

Cao Fengge said, "Let go of your hand."

Cao Wenyan let go of the assassin's neck. The assassin stepped three steps backward behind Cao Fengge.

Cao Fengge turned to the assassin. He smiled at the assassin and stroked the assassin's face lightly. He smiled and said, "You can go now. Be careful when you go out."

The assassin nodded and flew over the wall.

Cao Wenyan asked, "Father, why did you release that person?"

Cao Fengge replied, "If you see that person again, don't fight, you can't hurt that person under any circumstances."

Cao Wenyan, "Why?"

Cao Fengge chuckled and said, "That person is a very important piece of chess on the board game we play with the six sectors, Gu Tingfuang, and Wang Zedong."

Cao Wenyan asked, "Does this mean, this person is a secret spy?"

Cao Fengge smiled and said, "And this spy is on our side."

Zhu Mingyang and Yan Zhanjin rushed towards the wooded path down the main road, and many guards chased them. Zhu Mingyang looked back at everyone, Gu Yingjie was not among them.

Zhu Mingyang said, "Zhanjin, you run ahead."

Yang Zhanjin replied, "I won't leave you behind, I know what you are thinking." He refused to let go of Zhu Mingyang's hand. "You want to go back for Yingjie? You have to remember Yingjie is still Gu Tingfuang's son, that demon Cao will not do anything to harm the Gu and the Cao's relationships."

Zhu Mingyang stopped and pushed Yan Zhanjin away. He shouted, "Get the hell out of here now." He sprint to the guards.

Yan Zhanjin shouted, "Mingyang, don't!"

Zhu Mingyang's fist fell on one of the guards, causing the guard to fly backwards and bump into several other guards. Zhu Mingyang began to fight with the guards

Then suddenly a red ribbon was wrapped around a guard's neck, and a guard was yank forward. The guard's throat was cut open by Miao Mingzhu.

Yan Zhanjin turned and Wang Biming's flute pointed at Yan Zhanjin's throat. He smiled and said, "If you don't mind, please stay a little longer."

The guard took a step back from Zhu Mingyang and Miao Mingzhu. Miao Mingzhu said, "Go and tell your leader that these two are our guests. If your leader wants these two guests." She smiled at the guards. "Therefore, your leader, must take us with him to the Mu treasure cave." She turned to Zhu Mingyang. "I don't think you can stand anymore. Don't force yourself, unless you will not have your last strength to say goodbye to your beloved master."

A sword flew towards Miao Mingzhu, and she quickly flew backward towards Wang Biming and Yan Zhanjin.

Miao Mingzhu frowned, "Fu Yuanjun."

Fu Yuanjun smiled and said, "Miss Miao, if you don't mind, I will take Guard Zhu with me."