Chapter 47 Suspicion

In the main conference hall inside Shaolin temple. Monk Ling, the six sectors, Cao Fengge, Cao Wenyan, Yong Gui, Yong Taihua, and Yuan Zixin were sitting waiting for Gu Tingfuang. It was a little past noon, when Gu Tingfuang, Gu Xiaowen, Gu Gouliang, and Gu Jinjing arrived.

Gu Tingfuang sat down while his two sons and daughter stood behind him. Gu Tingfang handed the letter to Gu Jinjing. Gu Jinjing walked up to Monk Ling and handed him the letter.

After finishing reading the letter, Monk Ling turned to look at the sitting leaders. He said, "According this letter, it said for the Gu Household to release the members of Sunset Sector. What does this mean? Does the Gu family detain any Sunset members?"

Gu Tingfuang said, "If the Gu did, that was before I became the chief. There are hundreds of prisoners inside the Gu prison cell, so I have no idea who is who."

Cao Fengge said, "Even if the previous chiefs imprisoned those members of Sunset Sector, it was for a good cause."

Gu Tingfuang said, "We do have many prisoners in our prison cells. Everyone in the martial arts circle know this. Our Gu household imprisoned many unorthodox clan's leaders." He looked at the martial artist leaders. "If any clan or sector thinks they can do a better job, please let us know. I have no problem sending those prisoners to your sector and clan."

Li Kong Bai, "Leader Gu, we do understand that the four households has been maintaining peace in Central Plains. The Sunset Sectors has been wipe out from the martial arts world for many years. What do they want now?"

Nun Chingmei, "I have not meet them face to face, but why they decided to cause trouble in Central Plains. Also, why did they deliberately targeted Gu's family?"

Tang Jianyu, "I believe that the Gu Household is targeted because they knew that there are many dangerous martial artists that is locked inside the Gu's prison cells."

Wu Jianping, the young leader of Mangsha Sector said, "If this is the case, should we send disciples from different clans to aid the Gu Household?"

Gu Tingfuang said, "We have thousands of guards guarding the Gu Manor. If we need help, we will let everyone know."

Li Kong Bai looked at Cao Fengge and said, "Also, there is still a problem in the martial arts world, that is, whether chief Cao kill my three disciples." He took out a white handkerchief and unfolded the white handkerchief. "This is the needle drawn from Lie Jie. The only person in the martial arts world who uses needle and thread is chief Cao."

Yong Gui said, "Regard of this issue, I vouch for chief Cao. During the period when the two gentlemen disappeared and murdered, chief Cao was in Sword Village."

Monk Ling said, "This monk can also vouch for chief Cao."

Li Kong Bai said, "I have known chief Cao for many years, so I don't believe that chief Cao is the murderer." He looked around. "I believe someone framed chief Cao."

Fu Yuanjun said, "I also agree with leader Li's statement. If chief Cao wanted to kill someone, he will do it openly, so why bother to hide behind a mask."

Wie Shuai, the young leader of Kongdon said, "Leader Li, I heard that you sent the four gentlemen to the Mu Cave. That's why there is such a tragedy... Could it be that Mu Dishi is still alive, and he is the one who framed chief Cao?"

Wei Shuai expressed the thoughts of everyone in the conference hall.

Yuan Zixin said, "In this case, should we go back to the Mu Cave? We should confirm for ourselves. We all know that since the Mu Cave incident, many martial artist want to know whether Mu Dishi is dead or alive."

The martial artists and leader sectors inside the conference hall agree with Yuan Zixin's statement.

Wu Jianpong said, "If Mu Dishi is still alive, we can end him once and for all, but if he died already, then we can rest assures that the person who is making trouble in the martial arts world right now is not him."

Yong Taihuan said madly, "My shizun did nothing wrong except being forced into taken you guy into the Mu Cave. May I asked?" He glared at Wu Jianping. "What crime did shizun commit this time?" He grinned. "You'd better make it clear, because if my shizun did not commit a crime, then I would think that leader Wu still wants to avenge the death of your late sector leader."

Wu Jianping said, "Yong gongzi, we don't take revenge anymore, don't get me wrong."

Yong Taihua asked, "Then what exactly did you mean by finishing my shizun off? Please explain it clearly..."

Yong Gui, "Taihua." He shook his head. "I have known Mu gongzi for a long time. Everyone in martial arts circle knows that we the Yong are caretaker of the Mu grave. If Mu gongzi is still alive, we also would like to know. If he is dead, then Sword Village would like to take his corpse back to Sword Village and bury him with the rest of the Mu." He looked around. "Does any one have an objection?"

Li Kong Bai said, "I have no objection."

Monk Ling, "Shaolin has no objection."

Everyone inside the conference hall agreed not to object Yong Gui's request.

Yong Gui stood up and clasped his hands together. He said, "Sword Village thanks each and every one."

Cao Fengge went on to say, "Let's move the two years annual competition to the same day as the competition of the four households."

Monk Ling said, "I also agree." Monk Ling got up and walked to the center of the conference hall. "This monk wants everyone to know that Shaolin will not participate in entering the Mu treasure cave."

Tang Jianyu said, "Kunlun will not participate either."

Nun Chingmei, "Emi Sector will not participate either."

Yong Gui said, "I'm not going, but Taihua will take some Sword Village disciples to retrieve Mu gongzi's body."

The martial artists nodded.

Yong Taihua went on to say, "The third problem is the seventy-two Islands from the south sea. They claimed that we killed their second leader while looking for Yang qianbei. On our way home, they ambushed us and many of the disciples of different clans and sectors were killed."

Nun Chingmei stood up and hit the tea table hard. The tea table smashed into pieces. She said madly, "Who does those bandits think they are? We have left them alone because we didn't want to chase dogs that has nowhere else to go. If they dare to step into Central Plains, Emi Sector will have no problem killing them." She breathed heavily.

Tang Jianyu said, "Chingmei, calm yourself down."

Cao Fengge said, "Maybe who framed me might have killed their second leader. The opportunist took this opportunity to set fire in the martial arts world."

Gu Tingfuang, "I agree. The opportunist will use the martial artists of Seventy-two Islands to fight us."

Fu Yuanjun, "When the two sides fight, there will be lost on both side. Who do you think will gain more out of this?"

Gu Tingfuang, "Yueguang Sector."

Everyone gasped.

Cao Fengge, "Leader Yuanjun has a point, who will gain more than Lao Wang."

Monk Ling, "Amitabha…chief Wang refuses to let it go after so many years."

Yong Taihua, "Could it be that Yueguang Sector use the name Sunset Sector to strive trouble in the martial arts world?"

Li Kong Bai, "Let take one step at a time."

Yong Taihua, "No matter what, we are clearing my shizun's name first."

Li Kong Bai, "We will go to the Mu Treasure Cave in two days to confirm our suspicion."

The martial artists inside the conference hall nodded in agreement.

Wang Biming walked into the conference hall with Miao Mingzu. The martial artists inside the conference hall looked at the front entrance.

Wang Biming looked at the martial artists and said, "You might have to rethink your suspicions of my father striving trouble in the martial arts world."

Gu Tingfuang asked, "Why?"

Wang Biming said, "My father was killed by Mu Dishi. I can assure you that this matter in the martial arts world has nothing to do with him."

Miao Mingzhu said, "If Yueguang sector wants to kill or cause trouble, we will announce it publicly without shame."

Wang Biming said, "Since my father died, I have been the new chief of the of Wang Household. I know that my father has some beef with some martial artists and he did not follow the rules of the martial arts world, but today's Wang Household is different from yesterday's Wang Household. The Yueguang sector will remain in Tibet, and I will not be part of Yueguang Sector." He looked at the martial artists in the conference hall. "We will not cause trouble for you or intervene your problem."

Cao Fengge, "If that is the case, then why is Wang gongzi here today?"

Wang Biming smiled and said, "Just to clear one of yours suspicion."

Monk Ling said, "Wang gongzi, if the Wang Households follow the rules of the martial arts world, I believe the martial artists in Central Plains will give your your household a second chance."

Wang Biming smiled and said, "No, thank you. I have better things to do than chasing some ridiculous title." He took four steps and looked back. "By the way, since everyone is here. If you leave Wang Household alone, we will leave you alone, but if someone wants to bring old beef to the table, we have no problem tearing that beef with you."

A martial artist walked out of the crowd, "Very well, Wang Zedong killed my father, and I will avenge him." He rushed towards Wang Biming with a sword.

Wang Biming grabbed the martial artist's wrist and directly punched the martial artist's chest. With a punch, Wang Biming blasted the martial artist into the center of the conference hall. The martial artist bled blood from his mouth and nose. The martial artist died immediately.

Elder Tong, "Devil Fist."

Wang Biming and Miao Mingzhu walked away.

Monk Ling quickly checked the martial artist. He looked up at the other leaders and said, "The power of that punch shattered his chest and destroyed his heart."

Walking down the mountain path, Miao Mingzhu asked, "Da shixiong, do you really going to leave this behind?"

Wang Biming said, "Meimei, if you want to coexist with them, just follow their rules." He stopped and looked at Miao Mingzhu. "Your home is not here. You should go home. Don't you miss the long winter. Drinking yak butter tea around the small warm fire pit."

Miao Mingzhu said, "Is it because of Mu Dishi?"

Wang Biming, "I always wanted to take him to Tibet. Stay away from other people. Sitting by the warm fire and drinking yak butter tea with him. But now...I don't have that chance anymore." He smiled at Miao Mingzhu. "I should spend my ten years wisely."