Chapter 14 Rescue

The carriage stopped right in front of the Gu Manor. Yuan Chaomei said, "Chief, we are at the foot of the Gu prison."

Ma Jingguo opened the curtain and walked out of the carriage. He said, "Chaomei, stay here to accompany them." He looked at Wen Huifang. "Wen Qianbei... let's go."

Ma Jingguo, Wen Huifang, Si Meifeng, and Tong Keung led the way, followed by hundreds of members of Sunset Sector. Once they got to the door. Ten guards dressed in black blocked their way.

Guard, "Who are you?"

Tong Keung, "We are here to take back what belongs to us."

The second guard said, "This is the Gu territory, return to which where you came from."

Wen Huifang said angrily, "You talk too much." She directly sent three needles to the guard. Her red string was wrapped around the guard's neck, she flew over, and kicked behind the guard's knee. "Kneel down in front of our leader."

Guard two spat on the ground, "I am a guard of the Gu household, and I will never bow my head to anyone."

Ma Jingguo smiled and said, "Very loyal." Ma Jingguo raised his right palm and slammed his hand down at the second guard's head. "Then you deserve to die as a very loyal dog."

Wen Huifang loosened the rope around the second guard's neck, and the second guard fell to the ground. She directly shot four needles straight at at the three guards.

Si Meifeng said, "Don't waste time on these useless servants."

Wen Huifang and Tong Keung jumped back to Ma Jingguo, while Si Meifeng leaped forward and threw white powder at the three guards. The guards flesh began to rot. Wen Huifang sent three needles at the three guards and her three needles pierced through the guards' body. The three guards suddenly fell to the ground and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Si Meifeng smiled and said, "Leader Wen, I'm still fascinated by your poison."

The group of people from Sunset Sector walked into the main area where the cell was located. Thirty guards ran towards them, blocking their way to the cell.

Wen Huifang knew that Gu's guards were well-trained, and it will be very difficult to defeat all the guards at once. Wen Huifang and Tang Qiang began to fight with the four guards.

Wen Huifang said, "Chief, we will stay behind to deal with these guards."

Ma Jingguo said, "We came together and we will leave together." He reached into his robe and took out his black gloves. He put on his gloves, stood in front of the three subordinates, and he flew forward attacking the guards.

Si Meifeng looked at Weng Huifang and said, "No wonder you bend your knees."

Wen Huifang said, "Meimei, it's time for you to faithfully bend yours."

Gu Gouliang stood at the top of the stairs. He asked, "Who are you? How dare you make trouble here?"

Wen Huifang said, "We did send a letter to inform you that we want Zan Huangming and Ma Jingguo." She looked at Gu Gouliang. "But chief Gu decided not to take our words seriously, so we are here to take our right-hand guard home."

Gu Gouliang, "Right-hand guard?"

Ma Jingguo sneered and said, "The person who was chained to the dungeon by you. You and your brother will go there every month to ask him about the Devil Fist Manual."

Gu Gouliang, "How do you know?"

Ma Jingguo said, "Stand aside if you don't want to die."

Gu Gouliang, "If I don't, what are you going to do?"

Ma Jingguo said, "If you refuse to stand aside, you will die."

Gu Gouliang, "I'm not afraid of you. Do you think some unknown person can make me afraid? You gives yourself too much credits..." He ordered the guards beside him. "Kill them all."

The thirty men in black pulled out their dao from the sheath on their back and rushed down the stairs towards the four of them. Ma Jingguo sneered and flew over punched the first guard. Another guard stabbed his dao at Ma Jingguo. Ma Jingguo bent the guard's dao with a punch and shattered the guard's right knuckle. Ma Jingguo grabbed the guard's neck with his left hand and broke the guard's neck. He threw the dead guard at the other guards who was lunging at him. Ma Jingguo sprinted to Gu Gouliang.

Si Meifeng said, "Up."

Wen Huifang, Tong Keung, and Si Meifeng flew up. Si Meifeng threw a white powder ball at the surrounding guards. The guards knew it must be some kind of poison, and quickly pulled back. Wen Huifang threw multiples needles at the guards. Some of the needles hit some guards, but the majority of the guards are still rushing towards them.

Ma Jingguo hit the guard on the left and went straight to Gu Gouliang. Gu Gouliang sent three silver leaves to Ma Jingguo. Ma Jingguo caught the three silver leaves with his left hand and directly sent the three silver leaves to the three guards who rushed towards from the left. Ma Jingguo continued to rush forward, grabbing Gu Gouliang's hands, and twisting Gu Gouliang's wrist. Ma Jingguo then kicked Gu Gouliang's left knee with his right foot, causing Gu Guoliang to fall on one knee. Ma Jingguo pinched Gu Gouliang's neck.

Ma Jingguo squeezed Gu Gouliang's neck and picked him up from the ground. He looked at the guards rushing over and shouted, "Stop!" The guards quickly retreated from Wen Huifang, Si Meifeng and Tong Keung. Ma Jingguo looked at the guards. "Dare to take another step...I will break his neck." He threw Gu Gouliang to the ground.

Tong Kueng grabbed Gu Gouliang by the back collar and followed Ma Jingguo into the cell.

The leading guard said, "Go get Xunsu gugu and Tianjian shushu."

Because Gu Gouliang took Ma Jingguo and the three leaders into the underground cell, the other guards couldn't attack Ma Jingguo or his men.

Ma Jingguo stood in front of the rusty door. He said firmly, "Open."

Gu Gouliang coughed, "Open."

The guard quickly opened the heavy iron door. The door rang with a loud creak.

Zan Huangming smiled and said, "You just step out? Why come back? "

Ma Jingguo said, "Shifu, it's me. I am here."

Zan Huangming, "Jingguo?"

Ma Jingguo looked at the guard madly. He said "Light up the room."

The guard hurriedly lit the candles.

Ma Jingguo walked over and knelt in front of Zan Huangming. He said, "Shifu, I'm here to take you home."

Zan Huangming's lips trembled, tears in his eyes. He said happily, "Very good, very good. "

Wen Huifang knelt in front of Zan Huangming. She took Zan Huanming's hand. She said, "Right guard Zan, Huifang... I don't know you have been imprisoned here for so many years."

Zan Huangming smiled, "Look at your appearance, you successfully completed the Immortal Child Manual, did you?"

Wen Huifang said, "Yes…"

Zan Huangming smiled and said, "Huifang, you are still as young as I remember."

Ma Jingguo untied all the chains that had been locked on Zan Huangming's body. He squatted in front of Zan Huangming. Zan Huangming climbed onto his back and Ma Jingguo walked them out of the cell.

Wen Huifang quickly blocked Gu Gouliang's acupuncture point. She leaned Gu Gouliang against the wall. She looked at Tong Kueng and said, "Leader Tong, who is known for his tricky traps. Can you set a trap for this young Gu gongzi. " She walked up to Gu Guanliang. "Gu gongzi, the next person walking into this prison cell will be your killer." She chuckled lightly. "If no one comes to rescue you within twelve hours, then you escape death, but…" She laughed. "If someone opens the door before your acupuncture points are released, then you can't blame anyone, but the person who locked guard Zan here in the first place." She walked out.

Ma Jingguo handed the key to Si Meifeng, "Releases them."

Standing in front of the captives, Si Meifeng said, "Today, our chief Xian Taiyang of Sunset sector kindly release you. We are welcome for any of you to join us. Those they don't want to join us, we will not force it upon you."

The prisoners in the cells shouted loudly, "We will serve Chief Xian."

Ma Jingguo asked, "Why should we want them to join us?"

Si Meifeng said, "Chief, the Gu guards are not ordinary guards. They are very skilled. With these martial artists, they can help us escape."

Wen Huifang and Tong Keung walked from behind. Tong Keung said, "I agree with leader Si on this one."

When Ma Jingguo and his men walked to the gate. Forty guards stood with Gu Tianjian and Gu Xunsu.

Gu Xunsu said angrily, "How dare you break into our cell? You wouldn't shed a tear if you didn't see blood?" She looked at Ma Jingguo coldly and smiled. "Sunset Sector, what a joke?" She released five fast and powerful silver leaves and the five leaves flew directly to Ma Jingguo.