Chapter 51 Heaven Be My Witness

Early in the morning, Mu Jiao Long was awakened by the sounds of birds around the old temple. He felt dizzy and completely exhausted. He looked to the left and saw Wang Changming, who was asleep on the left, curled up into a fetal position. He was about to open his mouth to call Wang Changming, but found himself naked. His robe was spread over him, covering his private parts. He slowly tried to sit up, making as little noise as possible.

Wang Changming's hoarse voice frightened Mu Jiao Long, "You are awake?"

Mu Jiao Long put on his pants, and all the memories of last night suddenly returned to his mind. He said to himself, "Shit...what have I done?" He looked at Wang Changming. "I am awake now."

Wang Changming quavery said, "That's good." He refused to look back at Mu Jiao Long.

Mu Jiao Long heard Wang Changming's quavering voice and asked, "Are you crying?"

Wang Changming snorted, "No..."

Mu Jiao Long quickly moved to Wang Changming's side, turned Wang Changming around with his right hand, but Wang Changming covered his eyes with his left hand. Mu Jiao Long saw all the bite marks and hickey marks on Wang Changming's neck. Then, he saw tears from the corner of Wang Changming's right eye streaming down at the corner of the eye.

Mu Jiao Long lay his head on Wang Changming's chest and said, "I'm sorry."

After sometime of resting his head on Wang Changming's chest, he got up and put on his clothes. He knelt in front of Wang Changming and helped Wang Changming up.

Wang Changming didn't even at look Mu Jiao Long, and said, "You go first."

Mu Jiao Long asked, "Why don't we leave together?"

Wang Changming said, "I can't walk ."

Mu Jiao Long laughed and teased Wang Changming, "How many times did we do it last night?"

Wang Changming said quietly, "Many times, I don't remember counting."

Mu Jiao Long knelt in front of Wang Changming. He held Wang Changming's hand and said, "Changming, do you still want to learn the Mu acupuncture technique?"

Wang Changming, "Yes, but I don't have that choice anymore. Your brother will not come back until next spring."

Mu Jiao Long said, "You don't need to worry, you can study anytime now."

Wang Changming asked, "How?"

Mu Jiao Long smiled and said, "As my wife."

Wang Changming pulled his hand away, "Are you crazy?"

Mu Jiao Long said, "No, I'm very sincere." He stood up and walked towards the statue of Buda. He turned the statue of Buda around and knelt in front of the statue of Buda. "Heaven be my witness that from today onward, I will take Wang Changming as my wife. I will love him and never lie to him. I will only love him for the rest of my life. If I goes back on my words, I shall be struck by lightning."

Wang Changming looked at Mu Jiao Long and asked, "Do you really want to love me for the rest of your life?"

Mu Jiao Long said, "Yes."

Wang Changming, "Knowing that I am a man, can you really accept me as your life partner?"

Mu Jiao Long smiled and said, "The rice is cooked, and we did it in front of Buda... Do you want to deny it?"

Wang Changming said, "But..."

Mu Jiao Long, "No but, if you marry a pig you stay with the pig, if you marry a dog you stay with the dog, end of this conversation." He looked at Wang Changming. "Since you married me, you stay with me."

Wang Changming said, "I never agree to marry you... this is not a child's play."

Mu Jiao Long said, "You are the wife of Mu Jiao Long, whoever wants to take you away must be done over my corpse."

Mu Jiao Long carried Wang Changming on his back and began to walk along the small hill to the road.

Wang Changming asked, "Where are we now? How are we going to find our way back?"

Mu Jiao Long, "Back to where?"

Wang Changming said, "Did you just said if I marry a pig then I stay with the pig, if I marry a dog then I stay with the dog."

Mu Jiao Long chuckled, and they continued to move forward until they met a man with ten disciples walking towards them. Mu Jiao Long approached the man and asked, "Xiong-tai, please tell us which way to return to Yao Village."

The man pointed to the left. He said, "Take this small path, it will take you back to Yao Village."

Mu Jiao Long asked, "What about that way?"

The man smiled humbly and said, "That will lead you to Yong Sword Village."

Mu Jiao Long, "Thank you xiong-tai." He carried Wang Changming on his back, and the two began to walk forward. Mu Jiao Long only took twenty steps before turning his head to look at the man and his disciples. "Xiongtai, what's your name?"

The man smiled and said, "Yong Ho, leader of Sword Village." He and his disciples walked away.

Back at the Mu Manor, two old women and twenty beautiful young women stood inside the guest hall of Mu Manor, all in well-dressed clothes.

Mu Jian said, "Where is Jiao Long?"

Mu He said, "Gongzi is not at home now, and he didn't come back for two days."

One of the servant added, "He left to rescue the kidnapped woman near Yao Village... He has not yet returned."

Mu Jian said madly, "Find him right now."

Standing outside of the Mu Manor, Mu Jiao Long held Wang Changming's hand tightly. He smiled warmly at Wang Changming and said, "Don't be afraid... your husband will be by your side all the way." He stretched out his left hand and brushed some hair away from Wang Changming's face. "Are you ready to face all the obstacles with me?"

Wang Changming smiled and said, "Jiao Long, we are only in our early twenties. Do you think we rush into making the decision?"

Mu Jiao Long chuckled and said, "It's too late now for doubting. You should have thought about that, when you were removing your clothes last night."

Wang Changming said madly, "You take everything as a joke."

Mu Jiao Long said, "I choose you and you only. I have seen many people and participated in many competitions, but no one made my heart beat faster like you do. When I decided to make you tangyuan, I had already made up my mind to be with you." He opened the door and walked into the house.

When they were halfway to the living room, a servant rushed over. The servant panicked and said, "Gongzi, where have you been?"

Mu Jiao Long, "What's wrong?"

Servant said, "The master is looking for you, he is very angry now."

Mu Jiao Long, "Where is he?"

Servant, "In the guest hall."

Mu Jiao Long and Wang Changming walked into the guest hall, and they were met by twenty well-dressed young women and angry Mu Jian.

Mu Jiao Long smiled and said, "Yo, what's going on here?"

Mu Jiao looked at Mu Jiao Long and said, "These young ladies has been waiting for you all morning."

Mu Jiao Long smiled, "For?"

One of the matchmaker said, "Mu gongzi, let me introduce you to the ten girls next to me."

Mu Jiao Long smiled and nodded. He looked at the ten young women on the left and the other ten women on the right. He grabbed Wang Changming's right hand and looked at the women one by one until the last one. Then he asked Wang Changming, "Which of these ladies do you think is more suitable for me?"

Wang Changming bit the lowered lip and said, "I don't know, just pick one you like." He pulled away his hand, but Mu Jiao Long held it tighter. "Let go." He struggled.

Mu Jiao Long said, "I don't like any of these ladies."

Mu Jian stood up and asked angrily, "Why?"

Mu Jiao Long turned to the two matchmakers and said, "Please take these ladies back home. I think they are tired after waiting for a day."

The other matchmaker said, "Master Mu..."

Mu Jian said, "Today, you have to pick one of these young ladies and get married."

Mu Jiao Long, "If I don't get marry, you won't let it go."

Mu Jian, "Yes." From Mu Jian's tone, the people in the room could tell that he was already too angry with Mu Jiao Long.

Mu Jiao Long raised his hand with Wang Changming's hand clasped tightly together and showed it to Mu Jian. He said, "I'm going to marry him."

Mu Jian shouted in angry, "You." He coughed severely.

Then one of the servants flew landed on the floor and spat a mouthful of blood. The people in the house looked at the door, and Wang Zedong walked in with ten well-dressed martial artists.

Wang Zedong looked coldly at Mu Jiao Long and he said, "You can marry whoever you want, but you can't marry him."

Mu Jiao Long, "Who the hell are you?"

Wang Zedong looked at Wang Changming, "Ming'er, let's go."

Wang Changming held tightly onto Mu Jiao Long's arm. Mu Jiao Long grabbed Wang Changming's hand and said, "Don't be afraid. I am here." He looked at Wang Zedong. "He will not go with you. He is already married to me."

Wang Zedong sneered and said, "How could the heir of the Wang Household marry a unknown man?"

Mu Jiao Long looked at Wang Changming, "You are Wang gongzi of the Wang Household?"

Wang Changming, "Yes."

Mu Jiao Long said, "I don't care who he was in the past, but today, the person standing here with me is my life partner. I will not let anyone take him away from me."

Wang Zedong scoffed, "If your fist is faster than mine, you can have him."

Wang Zedong quickly rushed towards Mu Jiao Long, his devil fist hit Mu Jiao Long's right chest, and Mu Jiao Long flew backward crashing into the row of chairs in front of Mu Jian. Wang Zedong grabbed Wang Changming's hand and dragged him out of the door.

Mu Jiao Long turned to the door and vomited a mouthful of blood. He slowly got up and rushed out from the guest hall into the courtyard, but Wang Zedong had already dragged Wang Changming out of the door.

Mu Jiao Long shouted from the top of his lung, "Changming..." His vision became blurred, and he fell to the ground and fainted.