Chapter 52 Xiao Xingan

Wang Changming knelt alone in the ancestral hall. Since returning to the Wang Manor, he has stayed in the ancestral hall. In the evening, Wang Bo walked into the ancestral hall with a plate of food and placed the plate in front of Wang Changming.

Wang Bo said, "Gongzi, I'm sorry. I shouldn't tell the chief where you are."

Wang Changming said, "It's not your fault."

Wang Bo, "What does chief want?"

Wang Changming, "He wants to send me away to Tibet."

Wang Bo, "Gongzi, do you want to go."

Wang Changming said with a weepy voice, "Lao Bo, is wrong to love someone of the same gender?"

Wang Bo, "Gongzi, are you talking about Mu gongzi?"

Wang Changming nodded. He bit his lowered lip and said, "I love him. He promised to be my lifelong companion."

Wang Bo comforted, "It's not wrong. When I was your age, I was very serious about love."

Wang Changming, "I don't want to go to Tibet."

Wang Bo asked, "Where do gongzi want to go?"

Wang Changming wiped his tears and said, "I want to go with Jiao Long to a place far away from here."

Wang Bo said, "Eat something to replenish your physical strength. I'll go find a way. I'll bring Mu gongzi here to see you."

Wang Changming, "Are you for real?"

Wang Bo smiled at Wang Changming and said, "Have I lied to you?"

Wang Changming shook his head, "No."

Wang Bo gently patted Wang Changming on the head, and said, "Wait for the good news."

Then the door opened and a guard walked in. He shouted at Wang Bo, "Lao Wang, time to leave."

Wang Bo slowly got up and said, "I know…I know…don't rush these old bones." He walked out slowly, and the guard closed the door behind him.

The guard looked at Wang Bo and said, "You have no more business here. Leave at once."

Wang Bo slowly walked out of the family ancestral hall, and when he was walking through the corridor, someone grabbed his neck. He heard the man tell him to be quiet, or he would kill him.

Wang Bo said quietly, "Mu gongzi?"

Mu Jiao Long loosened Wang Bo's neck, "Lao Wang…" He grabbed onto Wang Bo's hands. "Lao Wang, Changming? Where is Changming?"

Wang Bo said, "Mu gongzi, do you know that breaking into the Wang's household the penalty is death, if you get caught?"

Mu Jiao Long said, "I don't care. I want to see Changming. I come to take him with me. I am his husband and he should be with me."

Wang Bo said quietly, "Chief Wang punished gongzi to kneel in front of the ancestral monument in Wang's ancestral hall."

Mu Jiao Long, "Take me to him."

Wang Bo looked at the empty room. It seemed that they were in a servant's room. Wang Bo grabbed the clothes and threw them to Mu Jiao Long. He said, "Put it on." He grabbed the blanket and pillow and waited for Mu Jiao Long to change his clothes. He handed the blanket and pillow to Mu Jiaolong. "Hold these and make sure not to look up."

Wang Bo carried the small lantern and took Mu Jiao Long back to the ancestral hall. When approaching the door, two guards stopped Wang Bo. A guard said, "Lao Wang, we have told you that no one can enter without the permission of chief."

Wang Bo said madly, "How dare you? You are just guards, inside that room is the gongzi. It is cold tonight, what if gongzi become sick? Are you two willing to be responsible? You know that chief love gongzi a lot…aren't you two afraid that one day when gongzi became the chief of the Wang household, you two might not have a place to stand inside this household?"

The two guards glanced at each other, and one of the guards said, "You go in, you'd better get out when the count reaches two hundred." The guard opened the door, and then closed it from behind.

Mu Jiao Long quickly make way to Wang Changming. He looked down at Wang Changming's defeated face. He smiled and teased, "My xiao xingan, are you praying for your lao gong to magically appear in front of you?"

Wang Changming looked up and saw Mu Jiaolong looking down at him with a smile. He quickly got up and hugged Mu Jiaolong tightly. He said with tears, "I thought I would never see you again. My father wants to send me back to Tibet."

Mu Jiao Long said, "No one can take you away from me. I will not allow anyone to take my xiao xingan away from me."

Wang Bo made the bed and stood up. He handed his old black robe to Wang Changming. He said, "Gongzi, take off your robe and leave here with Mu gongzi."

Wang Changming, "How about you?"

Wang Bo said, "I will be you, sleeping here."

Wang Changming, "If I'm gone, father will kill you."

Wang Bo said, "No, he won't. I have been a servant for a long time, and he won't kill me. Believe me. Hurry up, you run out of time."

Wang Changming quickly put on Wang Bo's robe. He said loudly, "Lao Wang, I'm going to sleep. Don't disturb me."

Wang Bo said, "Yes, gongzi."

Wang Changming hugged Wang Bo. He smiled and said, "Thank you."

Wang Bo smiled and said, "Good luck, gongzi." He looked at Wang Changming and Mu Jiao Long. "Gongzi, I will leave the lantern here for you." He motioned to Wang Changming to put the lantern down. He nodded and motioned for them to leave. Then he lay down to the left, with his back facing the door. He pulled the quilt to cover himself.

As soon as the door was pushed, the guards walked in, and Wang Changming and Mu Jiao Long rushed out. When the two guards saw Wang Bo sleeping on the concrete floor, they thought Wang Bo was Wang Changming. The two guards hurriedly closed the door, and when they turned around, Wang Changming and Mu Jiao Long had already left.

Mu Jiao Long and Wang Changming fled the Wang Household and continued running away. After a hour of running, Mu Jiao Long suddenly fell to his knees. Wang Changming hurried back.

Wang Changming asked, "Jiao Long, are you alright?"

Mu Jiao Long said, "I'm fine, let's keep going."

Wang Changming looked around and said, "This is still within the Wang Household." Mu Jiao Long tried to get up, but he vomited a mouthful of blood. "Jiao Long…"

Mu Jiao Long wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm fine, let's continue."

Wang Changming supported Mu Jiao Long, and the two slowly walked away. Suddenly, Mu Jiao Long pushed Wang Changming away, and Wang Zedong's fist hit him hard on the same spot again, knocking Mu Jiao Long into the air fifty yards away. The four guards flew out from behind and stood beside Wang Zedong.

Wang Zedong said, "Kill him. Everyone in the martial arts world knows that anyone who breaks into the Wang Household without permission will be killed."

Wang Changming knelt in front of Wang Zedong and pleaded, "Father, please don't kill him."

Wang Zedong, "Why should I let him live?"

Wang Changming said, "If father killed him, I will killed myself." He looked at Wang Zedong. "Father let him go, I'll go back with you."

Wang Zedong, "Alright."

Mu Jiao Long slowly got up and walked to Wang Changming. He helped Wang Changming up and said, "Changming, I would rather die than live a life without you."

Wang Zedong said, "If you can beat me in five years, I will let him leave with you. Not only that, I will also hold a wedding for you two."

Wang Changming turned around and hugged Mu Jiao Long tightly. He said with tears, "I'm waiting for you." He looked at Mu Jiao Long's hair, pulled the jade hairpin from Mu Jiao Long's hair, and walked back to Wang Zedong.

Mu Jiao Long watched Wang Changming and Wang Zedong slowly disappear up the hill. He shouted, "Xiao xingan, wait for me." He clenched his fists tightly. "No matter how long, I will never abandon you."

Wang Changming was severely thrown to the floor inside the ancestral hall. He saw three dead men lying on the ground. The two people closer to him are the two guards who have been guarding him these past few days. He quickly climbed onto the third corpse and turned around. It was Wang Bo. Wang Changming cried and hugged Wang Bo. Wang Bo's body has become cold, and the blood on his body has turned into ice. He looked at Wang Zedong and asked, "Why? Why Lao Bo?"

Wang Zedong said, "It is your fault for these three people to die. Blame yourself for their deaths. You are the heir to this household, so act like one."

Wang Changming looked at Wang Zedong and said, "Father, kill me. My loyalty no longer belongs to you, nor does it belong to this family."

Wang Zedong gnashed his teeth, "Then where did your loyalty belong to?"

Wang Changming sighed and smiled, "With my husband, Mu Jiao Long."

Wang Zedong slapped Wang Changming, "Do you have any shame?"

Wang Changming said, "No, father, no more shame. You poisoned the abducted women in Yao Village with the Miao poison, and the one who went to save those women was Mu Jiao Long."

Wang Zedong pulled Wang Changming's front collar closer. He asked angrily, "You help him?"

Wang Changming smiled and said, "I saved him…We had sex all night in the abandoned temple in front of the statue of Buda." Wang Zedong pushed Wang Changming to the concrete floor in a rage. "It's not just that father, we bowed to heaven and earth, and to each other as husband and husband." He laughed hysterically. "How do you feel when karma comes back to bite you?"

Wang Zedong said angrily, "You don't like to be my beloved son, you don't like to be the heir to the Wang Household, fine…Maybe you like to be a prisoner. Guards."

Two guards walked into the room, "Yes, chief."

Wang Zedong said, "Take him away and lock him in a cave in the back mountain."

The two guards dragged Wang Changming away. Wang Changming shouted, "You can lock my body, but you can't lock my spirit..."