Chapter 46 Lose Control

Early in the morning, everyone was ready, just waiting for Mu Jiao Long. When the sun began to peak on the horizon, Mu Jiao Long walked out to greet the workers and Mu He.

Mu Jiao Long walked to Wang Changming and Wang Bo. He sneered and said, "Xiao mao, what is he doing here?" He looked at Wang Bo.

Wang Changming said, "He wants to go too."

Mu Jiao Long said, "Lao Wang, you stay."

Wang Bo, "I was instructed to go wherever my gongzi go."

Mu Jiao Long said, "A worker goes to work and has his own servant to serve's a joke."

Wang Changming, "Can you let him go with us?"

Mu Jiao Long looked at Wang Changming, "Wang gongzi, where we are going is a land with hills." He scratched his head. "Ok...well, you both stay."

Wang Changming said, "You can't break your promise."

Mu Jiao Long said, "Wang gongzi, I would rather break my promise than you break your legs. I can't be responsible to you two. It's best for you two to stay at home." He looked at the other worker. "Lao He, let's go."

Mu He looked at the workers and said, "Let's go."

The workers disappeared from the corner of the street. Wang Changming snatched his bag from Wang Bo and said quickly, "Lao Wang, you stay here and wait for me. Don't follow me."

Wang Bo shouted behind Wang Changming, "But gongzi…"

Wang Changming shouted back, "Stay…"

It was already noon when Mu Jiao Long and his party stopped to rest and eat. After having enough rest, they continued to move forward, and Mu Jiao Long saw Wang Changming approaching them.

Mu Jiao Long shouted, "Everyone get ready to go."

Mu He, "Da gongzi should we wait for Wang gongzi?"

Mu Jiao Long said, "No, if he can't catch up, he will eventually leave."

The workers pulled the donkeys back to the food carts, and the twelve of them began to pull away.

As soon as Mu Jiao Long turned around, he saw Wang Changming chasing the last cart. Mu Jiao Long closed his eyes and sighed heavily. He started to slow down the donkey and let another worker pass by him.

When Wang Changming finally caught up with Mu Jiao Long, Mu Jiao Long said, "Wang gongzi, why torture yourself? You should go back and rest comfortably in the Mu Manor."

Wang Changming said, "I have a strong will, and physical exhaustion will not affect my morality."

Mu Jiao Long said, "Looking at you, it seems that you going to faint at anytime. There is still a long way to go." He pointed to the mountain in front of him. "When we reach the foot of the that mountain, it will be dark. There are no comfortable beds, no warm blankets. Only thin quilts and straw beds. Do you think you can do it?"

Wang Changming gasped heavily, "Huh..." He swallowed. "If you can do it, I can do it too."

Mu Jiao Long said, "How can you compare with me?" He looked at Wang Changming's tired face. "Go back."

Wang Changming replied stubbornly, "No." He looked at Mu Jiao Long's provocative eyes and tripped over without seeing where he was walking. He tried to get up, but couldn't get up.

Mu Jiao Long stopped the donkey and walked back to Wang Changming. He looked down at Wang Changming sitting on the ground. He said, "Go back."

Wang Changming said, "Mu Jiao Long, don't look down on me."

Mu Jiao Long said, "Me? Look down on you?"

Mu Jiao Long looked at Wang Changming who was silent, but looked at Mu Jiao Long angrily. Mu Jiao Long looked at Wang Changming's beautiful phoenix eyes with long eyelashes and a fair and delicate face. He scratched his head and frowned, "Ahhh….I gave up." He bent down, picked up Wang Changming, and started walking back to the donkey and the cart.

Wang Changming struggled, "Mu gongzi what are you doing…Mu Jiao Long… let me down. Let me down..."

Mu Jiao Long sighed and said, "Xiao mao, don't struggle to grab others' eyes, or I will kiss you to shut you up."

Mu Jiao Long put Wang Changming on the cart platform. He grabbed a white bag, the leather water bag, and threw it to Wang Changming. He grabbed the reins and followed the other workers up the mountain.

When the group reached the foot of the mountain, it was already dark. Many simple shacks were built in a small area for workers to rest at night. The shacks is an open shacks without a door, only a piece of cloth covers the door.

Wang Changming was awakened by a loud noise. When he stood up, he was still on the wooden cart and found that Mu Jiao Long's robe was covering him. He quickly got up and walked towards the gathering crowd. He saw Mu Jiao Long arguing with another man. Mu He and another elder stood between the two, trying to break the fight.

Mu Tao shouted at Mu Jiao Long, "It's wrong for you to bring wine."

Mu Jiao Long shouted back, "What's wrong with giving the workers wine to appreciate their hard work. I want to be nice to the workers. Mu wonder you don't get a smile from the workers...everyone hates you."

Mu Tao shouted, "Mu Jiao Long, speaking of hatred, I think you are being hate more than anyone in the Mu family. I don't know how Jian shushu blindly raised someone like you."

Mu Jiao Long clenched his fists. He gritted his teeth, "Mu Tao, shut up... If you talk badly about my father, I will knock you down to the ground."

Mu Tao, "Father? Are you sure he is your father?" He turned his back to Mu Jiao Long. "A true gentleman never raises his fists. Only uneducated poor filth use their fists to solve problems."

Mu He, "Gongzi, please be respectful."

Mu Tao said, "For him, why should I?"

Mu Jiao Long rushed forward and punched Mu Tao in the face. Mu Tao fell to the ground and Mu Tao wiped the blood from his bleeding nose. Mu Tao spat out a tooth.

Mu Jiao Long sneered and said, "I told you that if you talk too much, I will knock you to the ground." He rushed over, grabbed Mu Tao by the collar, and prepared to punch at Mu Tao again.

Wang Changming rushed over from behind Mu Jiao Long, grabbed his right hand, "Jiao Long, stop…" He pulled Mu Jiao Long from Mu Tao. "Jiao Long, you still remember what your uncles said, control your temperament."

Mu Tao got up and rushed forward and punched Wang Changming on the back. Wang Changming fell into Mu Jiao Long's arm.

Mu Jiao Long said frantically, "I'm going to kill you." He kicked Mu Tao in the abdomen, and Mu Tao fell to the ground again. Mu Jiao Long pushed Wang Changming to Mu He's side and walked towards Mu Tao. He cracked his knuckles. "I will show you what this filth can do."

Everyone standing there knows that once Mu Jiao Long gets angry, not many people can stop him. Mu He pulled a worker to his side and said, "Go get Master De. Hurry up." He looked around. "Stop da gongzi."

A worker said, "Lao He, it's not that we don't want to stop da gongzi, but you know, once he gets angry, no one can stop him."

Another worker said, "Yes...yes...he has great strength like an ox."

Mu He panicked, "What should we do? If this goes on, da gongzi will hurt Tao gongzi."

Wang Changming rushed forward, his arms tightly wrapped around Mu Jiao Long's waist. Mu Jiao Long turned around and was about to punch. When he recognized Wang Changming, his trembling fist was only an inch away from Wang Changming's face. The people standing around gasped.

Mu Jiao Long gritted his teeth, "Let go of me."

Wang Changming tighten his grasped, "No…this problem won't be solved by hitting him. Don't let the misunderstanding become something you regret later."

Mu Jiao Long said madly, "I don't care if he hits me or not, he can hit me however he wants, but I won't allow him to hurt my person."

Wang Changming grinned, "I am not your...person." Trying pulling Mu Jiao Long back from Mu Tao.

Mu Jiao Long pulled Wang Changming away, "Let go of me."

Wang Changming grunted, "Jiao Long... apologize to him."

Mu Jiao Long gritted his teeth, "I am not wrong, I will never apologize."

Wang Changming grunted, trying to pull Mu Jiao Long away from Mu Tao, "The moment you hit him, you were wrong."

Mu Jiao Long said angrily, "Wang Changming! You are not his friend, why do you want to protect him?" He pulled Wang Changming's hands away from his waist and pushed Wang Changming away. "If you want me to apologize to him, then we won't be friends anymore."

Wang Changming shouted angrily, "Mu Jiao Long!" He slapped Mu Jiao Long's face. "Wake up!"

The workers and the Mu family stared at Mu Jiao Long and Wang Changming in horror. No one have never seen anyone dared to hit Mu Jiao Long besides Mu De. In the Mu family, everyone knew that beside Mu Tao, Mu Jiao Long was also Mu De's favorite great-grandson. Mu De made it clear that no one but Mu De could hit or scold Mu Jiao Long and Mu Tao.

Mu Jiao Long looked at Wang Changming angrily, "You slap me in the face because of him?" His eyes were lit with anger.

Wang Changming said, "I will not only slap you, but also beat you to wake you up from your stupidity."

Mu Jiao Long turned frantically to look at Mu Tao, "You have the guts to tear up our friendship, I will kill you."

Mu De slowly approached the gathering crowd with Mu Shi, "You dare?"

Mu Jiao Long turned around, "De zengzufu…"

Mu De said firmly, "On your knees." He walked to Mu Jiao Long and hit the back of Mu Jiao Long's knees with his walking stick. "You ungrateful thing, kneel down." He hit the back of Mu Jiao Long's knees twice, and Mu Jiao Long knelt to the ground. "Shi'er, punish him according to the family rules."

Mu Shi, "Yes father."

Mu Tao cried and stood beside Mu De, "Zengzufu, he broke one of my tooth."

Mu De said, "Hit him five times."

Mu Shi, "Jiao Long hang in there."

Mu Jiao Long gnashed his teeth, "Shi zufu, go ahead and hit me."