Chapter 47 Kiss By A Firefly

Wang Changming grabbed the medicine box and followed behind Mu Jia Long, but when Wang Changming rushed to the direction where Mu Jiao Long was running, Mu Jiao Long had disappeared into the night. Wang Changming walked around aimlessly, looking for an hour, finally found Mu Jiao Long sitting on the grass slope, overlooking the small village below.

Wang Changming saw Mu Jiao Long buried his face in his knees. Wang Changming sat beside Mu Jiao Long and said nothing. He just stared at Mu Jiao Long.

Mu Jiao Long muttered, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Wang Changming said, "Let me see your back."

Mu Jiao Long still didn't look up, and said, "It's fine."

Under the moonlight, Wang Changming saw the stains on his torn robe. He said, "Jiao Long, your back is bleeding, let me see."

Mu Jiao Long said, "You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine, you can go."

Wang Changming shook his head and said, "Are you willing to take off your robe, or fight with me again."

Mu Jiao Long raised his head and pushed Wang Changming away, "If you get closer, I will beat you up."

Wang Changming said angrily, "How dare you going to hit me? You have no shame."

Mu Jiao Long shouted at Wang Changming, "Don't get close to this shameless person, or you will be infected."

Wang Changming picked up the medicine box angrily and walked away. After walking far enough, Mu Jiao Long was still sitting where he was. He sighed and walked back. He threw the medicine box on the ground behind Mu Jiao Long and began to untie Mu Jiao Long's robe.

Mu Jiao Long quickly turned around and pressed Wang Changming to the ground, "What do you want to do?"

Wang Changming said, "You refused to remove your robe when ask nicely, I decided to rob you."

Mu Jiao Long asked, "Why bother?"

Wang Changming said, "Because we are friends, I know you didn't break off your friendship with me on purpose."

Mu Jiao Long suddenly let go of Wang Changming's hand and dropped himself on Wang Changming's chest. He sternly said, "Changming...Changming...Why are you surnamed Wang? Can I buy you to be my servant and change your surname to Mu."

Wang Changming chuckled softly, "My price is high, you may not be able to afford it."

Mu Jiao Long frowned again, "Changming...if you are a guniang, how wonderful would that be."

Wang Changming smiled and said, "Why? If I am a guniang, would you propose to me?"

Mu Jiao Long, "Hmm..."

Wang Changming, "Stop talking nonsense. Let me see your back." He pushed Mu Jiao Long up.

Mu Jiao Long took off his robe, and Wang Changming began to clean the wound and apply medicine.

Mu Jiao Long then said, "Changming, what I just said is true."

Wang Changming said, "You have said a lot, and I don't know which sentence you are referring to."

Mu Jiao Long turned around and looked at Wang Changming, "If you are a guniang, I want to marry you, but even if you are not a guniang, I am willing to accompany you for the rest of my life."

Wang Changming felt his heart beating faster, "Why?"

Mu Jiao Long said, "I'm happy to be close to you. Tao tangge can humiliate me in front of those workers. I don't mind at all, but I lose it when he hit you. I don't know. This is hard to explain. Because I have never felt this way for anyone before."

Wang Changming said, "You are older than me, but more childish than me."

Mu Jiao Long said, "I have tried my best to avoid him. I don't know why he always regards me as a throne in his eyes." He put his hands behind his head and lay on the grass. "Maybe it's because I don't have parents."

Wang Changming was taken aback, "Master Jian, isn't he your father?"

Mu Jiao Long, "He raised me, I call him father out of respect. I always thought he was my father. I only knew when I grew up that my father was the black sheep in the family."

Wang Changming lay down beside Mu Jiaolong, "What do you mean?"

Mu Jiao Long said, "My father already had a lover, so he forcibly married my mother. So after giving birth to me, she gave me to my father to take care of and left the Mu Family. When my zufu knew about my father's love affair, my father and his lover decided to end their lives."

Wang Changming said, "One person can marry multiple wives, why doesn't your father marry his lover as his second wife?"

Mu Jiao Long, "De zengzufu and my zifu will not let him do that."

Wang Changming, "Why?"

Mu Jiao Long said, "My father's lover is a man."

Wang Changming, "A man?"

Mu Jiao Long said, "I didn't know that until not long ago... when my father warned me to keep a distance from you."

Wang Changming said, "Master Jian is afraid that you will follow in your father's footsteps."

Mu Jiao Long, "Mm..."

Wang Changming said, "You can reassure him that will never happen, because we are just friends. Once I learn the Mu acupuncture needle technique, I will leave immediately."

Mu Jiao Long murmured, "Changming, if I like you, would you like me back?"

Wang Changming pretended not to hear Mu Jiao Long. He sat up and said, "The moon is so big tonight, why are there no stars."

Mu Jiao Long knew that Wang Changming had heard him, but avoiding the question by pretending not to hear Mu Jiao Long's question. Mu Jiao Long sat up and asked, "Do you want to see stars?"

Wang Changming said, "Unfortunately, there are no stars."

Mu Jiao Long smiled at Wang Changming and said, "If you want, I will give you one million stars."

Wang Changming said, "The star is so far in the dark sky, how do you get it for me?"

Mu Jiao Long grabbed a handful of stones and threw them on the hillside. As soon as the stones hit the tall grass, hundreds of fireflies flew over the hillside overgrown with trees.

Mu Jiao Long smiled and said, "Your million stars."

Wang Changming smiled and said, "It's more like a thousand."

Mu Jiao Long smiled, "It doesn't matter, just say one million."

Wang Changming smiled and said, "Okay, one million."

Mu Jiao Long, "Do you like it?"

Wang Changming was taken aback. He smiled and said, "It's beautiful...I like it." He turned to Mu Jiao Long and smiled. "Thank you."

Mu Jiao Long saw the smile on Wang Changming's face, and his heart beat faster and faster. He approached Wang Changming. He said, "Changming..."

Wang Changming turned his head to face Mu Jiao Long, "Mu are too close."

Mu Jiao Long murmured, "Can I kiss you?"

Wang Changming's eyes widened, ""

Mu Jiao Long stretched forward and sealed his lips to Wang Changming's lips. The sudden force pushed Wang Changming to the ground, and he continued to kiss Wang Changming. Then Mu Jiao Long put his mouth on Wang Changming's neck, sucked hard, and slid one hand towards Wang Changming's member.

When Mu Jiao Long touched Wang Changming's members, Wang Changming began to have a feeling he had never experienced before. He started moaning. He thought that Mu Jiao Long was teasing him, so he could not easily let Mu Jiao Long go. He grabbed Mu Jiao Long's member and began stroking too.

Mu Jiao Long and Wang Changming began to touch each other, their mouths continued to kiss, and suddenly Wang Changming let out a loud moan and he released in Mu Jiao Long's hand. Wang Changming didn't want to lose face, so he quickly stroke Mu Jiao Long, and Mu Jiao Long also released too.

Mu Jiao Long rested on Wang Changming's chest and murmured, "Changming, if I like you, would you like me too?"

Wang Changming said, "If you like me, I will like you back."

Mu Jiao Long quickly raised his head and looked at Wang Changming, "Then do you mind if this firefly kisses you again?"

Wang Changming smiled and said, "I don't mind being kissed by this firefly."

Mu Jiao Long lowered down his head and kissed Wang Changming.

Mu Jiao Long and Wang Changming didn't know how long they kissed, they heard several people calling their names from a distance.

Wang Changming said, "Jiao Long, stop..."

Mu Jiao Long got up quickly, and the two began to get dressed quickly. Mu Jiao Long got up first and reached out to Wang Changming. Wang Changming reached out to hold Mu Jiao Long's hand, and Mu Jiao Long pulled Wang Changming up off the ground.

Only then did Mu shouted loudly, "Lao He, I'm here." He turned his head to look at Wang Changming. Under the moonlight, he could see Wang Changming's bright red cheeks. He approached Wang Changming and said. "Changming, don't blush too much, you look suspicious."

That night, Mu Jiao Long let Wang Changming sleep by the wall. Wang Changming turned around and said, "Jiao Long, can we switch places? You sleep by the wall. It's too cold."

Mu Jiao Long whispered in Wang Changming's ear, "No, I don't want other men to approach you." He covered Wang Changming with a blanket and hugged Wang Changming.

Wang Changming elbowed Mu Jiaolong in the abdomen, "What are you doing?"

Mu Jiao Long said, "You are clod, I only cover you with my blanket."

Mu He said, "Wang gongzi, this is normal. Sometimes it's too cold, the workers will sleep under one blanket."

Another worker said, "Lao He is right. It is cold tonight, so we should get close to each other to keep warm."

Another worker said, "Don't think too much, we are all men."

Mu Jiao Long said, "Did you hear them? Don't think too much, we are all men."

Wang Changming muttered to himself, "The person behind me is a hungry beast."

Mu Jiao Long kissed the back of Wang Changming and whispered softly, "But he is only hungry for you."