Chapter 70 The Invincible Man Is Tricked

Gu Tingfang and Wang Biming threw four chains around Ma Jingguo's wrists and ankles. They pulled Ma Jingguo from the wall onto the ground. Yongzheng and Rao Zhengsheng grabbed the two chains on the ground, and the four martial artists desperately prevented Ma Jingguo from entering the room.

In the dilapidated room of the old temple, Mu Dishi slowly opened his eyes, and the four nails in his body were slowly pulled out of Mu Dishi by the inner energy of Monk Ling. After pulling out the four nails, Monk Ling who sat behind Mu Dishi fell to the ground out of breath.

Kuo Lok and Bazar Batu rushed into the room quickly. Kuo Lok helped Monk Ling to sit up. Monk Ling wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Kuo Lok wanted to transfer some of his inner energy to Monk Ling, but Monk Ling stopped him. Monk Ling said, "Ah Lok, it's useless now." He looked at Mu Dishi. "Mu gongzi, the old monk hopes you will do what you promised."

Mu Dishi looked directly outside the door and saw Ma Jingguo locked by four chains. Ma Jingguo and the four martial artists are testing each other's internal strength. Mu Dishi held the gold needle between his fingers and flew straight towards Ma Jingguo. He flew past Wang Biming, and suddenly remembered, 'All the martial artists in the martial arts world said in unison that shifu loved martial arts too much and learned all kinds of martial arts. They didn't know, behind their gossips, shifu was just an ordinary loyal man determined to win back the person he love'. When he approached Ma Jingguo, Ma Jingguo's white hair fluttering in the wind, and he also remembered the last words Ma Jingguo said when he was about to save him, 'Because I love you a hundred times more than Wang Biming could ever loved you'. His golden needles, pierced straight in the middle of Ma Jingguo's chest.

Ma Jingguo looked directly at Mu Dishi with tears in his eyes. He remembered Yuan Chaomei's words, 'Chief, do you really believe it, or do you just say that to appease your injured heart?'. Ma Jingguo road angrily, "Xiao shushu!"

Mu Dishi flipped over Ma Jingguo, he pierced a needle on the back of Ma Jingguo's neck, took out two more needles, and pierced them on the left and right waists of Ma Jingguo. Subsequently, Mu Dishi exerted his internal strength and hit Ma Jingguo in the upper back. Ma Jingguo cried out in pain.

Bazar Batu was about to get up, but was stopped by Kuo Lok. He burst into tears because of guilt and buried his face in Kuo Lok's chest. He sobbed, "Ma ge…I'm sorry…"

Ma Jingguo tried to stop his meridians from being torn apart, but Mu Dishi's momentum was very strong. Because both Mu Dishi and Zan Huangming studied Killer Strings, their combined force completely covered Ma Jingguo's internal force, causing him to suffer severe pain throughout his body. The energy of Ma Jingguo was released from him, causing Yongzheng, Rao Zhengsheng, Wang Biming, and Gu Tingfang to stagger back into the room. Mu Dishi was thrown back, hit the wall, then slipped to the ground, spat out blood. Ma Jingguo quickly turned around and pinched Mu Dishi's throat. He lifted Mu Dishi from the ground and pulled Mu Dishi's face closer with his right hand.

Ma Jingguo asked angrily, "Why? Why do you helped them?"

Mu Dishi did not answer.

Ma Jingguo burst into tears and said bitterly, "Xiao shushu, before I break your neck, did you consider me as your lover?"

Mu Dishi said softly as he struggling with his breath, "You are not my lover."

Ma Jingguo said angrily, "Wang Biming can be your lover, why can I?"

Mu Dishi said, "Wang Biming is Wang Biming and you are you. The two of you are not the same in anyway."

An anger suddenly surged from Ma Jingguo's already badly injured body. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, "You just have to lie to me and I will believe it."

Mu Dishi said, "I won't blame you." He reached out to wipe Ma Jingguo's tears on Ma Jingguo's face, but Ma Jingguo grabbed his hand.

Ma Jingguo gritted his teeth, "Don't touch me..." He stared at Mu Dishi with a pair of disgusting eyes. Immediately afterwards, his face suddenly turned from anger to surprise. "Xiao shushu…" Ma Jingguo's lips trembled and was taken aback. "Why?" Ma Jingguo wrapped his left arm around Mu Dishi's waist and moved his hand away from Mu Dishi's throat. He held Mu Dishi tightly inside his arms. "Why?"

The people gathered were puzzled by what happened. Ma Jingguo almost break Mu Dishi's neck. At this time, Ma Jingguo hugged Mu Dishi tightly in his arms and no longer angry. They could see that Ma Jingguo suddenly felt a little sad.

Mu Dishi said weakly in Ma Jingguo's arms, "Long da ye said that if one day I find someone I really love, I will understand why Changming shushu chose to die instead of betraying Long da ye."

Wang Biming screamed, "Let go of him." He rushed forward with a punch to Ma Jingguo's back.

Ma Jingguo quickly turned around and counterattacked Wang Biming's hard fist. Ma Jingguo internal energy sent Wang Biming slammed into the air and hit a pillar in front of the house. The martial artists onlookers gasped, because Mu Dishi had just destroyed the meridians of Ma Jingguo, why the strength of Ma Jingguo was stronger than before.

Monk Ling frowned in disappointment, "Amitabha…"

Yan Zhanjin gnashed his teeth, "MU DISHI!"

Yong Taihua said in disbelief "Shizun…"

Wang Biming stood up and vomited more blood. He wiped the blood from his mouth. He asked, "Dishi, why?"

Mu Dishi said, "Because behind this demon that everyone hates, there is just an ordinary person who wants to take back the one he loves."

Wang Biming shouted angrily, "He is not shifu, and you are not da ge."

Ma Jingguo shouted at Wang Biming, "You, shut up."

Xue Horan asked, "What happened, Yongzheng?"

Yongzheng said, "Mu Dishi lied to us. He did not destroy Ma Jingguo's meridians but opened Ma Jingguo's meridians and transferred all his internal energy to Ma Jingguo."

Cao Yanmei, "Then he…"

Yongzheng sighed, "He is invincible now. Even if we work together, we can't defeat him."

Xue Horan, "What about Mu Dishi?"

Yongzheng said, "He is the same as Monk Ling."

Yong Taihua said sadly, "In other words, shizun's internal strength can no longer be restored."

A white ball flew to Mu Dishi from the left, Ma Jingguo quickly turned around and hit the small ball with a punch. The powder in the ball exploded, blinding Ma Jingguo. A man rushed forward and hit Ma Jingguo's chest hard, pushing Ma Jingguo back to the wall. He grabbed Mu Dishi's hand and pushed Mu Dishi into the sword of another person.

Wang Biming shouted, "Don't hurt him!"

When the powder mist finally dissipated, the martial artists standing in the yard saw chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands, with his sword pointed at Mu Dishi's neck. Standing in front of the martial artists was Yang Ru, who had disappeared when he was ordered to confirm Mu Dishi's death.

Li Kong Bai shouted, "Ru'er…" Yang Ru stood in the middle, looking lifeless. "Ru'er come over to us." Yang Ru stood still, refusing to give in.

Chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands said, "Kneel down and grovel at my feet." Yang Ru dropped to his knees.

Kuo Lok rushed out of the room. He shouted "Shifu…"

Chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands said, "Kuo gongzi, don't move, or I will let him stab himself in front of you."

Cao Wenyan walked out of the room and stared at chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands, "You killed the other gentlemen of Huangshan and blamed my father for the crime?" He gritted his teeth. "Let Mu gongzi go."

Chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands sneered happily, "I am not stupid to release Mu Dishi at this time. As soon as I let go of Mu Dishi, Xin Taiyang will pounce on me with all of his strength."

Wang Biming walked up to chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands and said, "What if I want you to let him go?"

Chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands shook his head, "Stop talking, if you beg me to let him go again, I really am going to pierce this sword into his throat."

Wang Biming said, "You killed him, I will never forgive you."

Mu Dishi looked at Wang Biming, "Do you know him?

Wang Biming said, "Yes."

Mu Dishi, "When did it start?"

Wang Biming sighed, "A very long time ago."

Suddenly, Ma Jingguo rushed forward and grabbed the sword from Mu Dishi's throat. Chief leader of Seventy-Two Island hit Ma Jingguo's chest with a fist. While Mu Dishi was held in his arms, they smashed into the wall, and fell to the ground.

Mu Dishi helped Ma Jingguo up. He checked Ma Jingguo's pulse and said, "Lighter than a feather."

Miao Mingzhu sat on top of the wall, holding her tiny green snake inside her hand. She lowered her head and smiled at the gathered martial artist, "Yes...Ma fell into my hands, I won't let you off as easily as last time." She jumped off the wall and stood beside Wang Biming.

Wu Jinghua stood on the wall and said, "Chief, the whole place is surrounded by us."

Although Ma Jingguo's eyes were a bit blind, he was still able to see the chief leader of Seventy-two Islands front collar. He looked at him and said, "Why did you kill Dandan?"

Yong Taihua was taken aback, "Ma Jingguo, what did you just say?

Ma Jingguo said, "He killed Dandan and Liu jiefu."