Chapter 71 Scapegoat

The sun gradually fell to the horizon, and everyone in the old temple stared at chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands.

Ma Jingguo looked at chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands, "Have I offended you? Why do you framed me for the killing of Dandan and Lui jiefu?"

Chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands scoffed, "Xin Taiyang, from the beginning to the end, you have not offended me. On the other hand, I appreciate your determination very much. I just overlapping my plan with your plan. I had always known that the six sectors wanted to get rid of Seventy-Two Islands. At that time, you seemed to be the perfect target of the six sectors. I simply turned their attention to you instead of the Seventy-two Islands. If anyone is to blame for this problem, you should blame yourself for being too careless and arrogant." He looked at Yongzheng. "Because I have never been number one, no one really pays attention to me."

Yong Taihua shouted angrily, "Then why do you kill Dandan?"

Bazar Batu said, "Because he doesn't want to wait for the six sectors to fight Ma ge. The longer he waits, the better the chances of Sunset Sector and the six sectors will get together. Moreover, he dare not fight with Ma ge." Bazar Batu thought for a while. "Zhanjin, remember what I told you before I passed out?"

Yan Zhanjin said, "You told me, you know how the murderer killed Dandan."

Bazar Batu said, "Since the murderer knows that I know how Dandan and Lujiefu were murdered, they poisoned me and sent someone to kill me for fear that I could guess who he was. I shouldn't have known that you were the culprit, but what I don't understand is how you convinced other martial artists to be your eyes and ears." He looked at chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands. "Can the chief enlighten me?"

Chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands laughed, "Bazar gongzi, do you know what Seventy-two Islands means?"

Bazar Batu, "Why would I ask you if I knew?"

Chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands said, "That means I ruled the seventy two islands in the south. We are the largest sector there is in Central Plains, so there are spies inside the six sectors, four households, and other sectors or clans, it's not a big of an issue for me to have spies acting as my eyes and ears."

Yong Taihua asked, "How did he killed Dandan?"

Bazar Batu said, "He doesn't have to kill Dandan himself, but he share the responsibility to plan her death."

Yong Taihua said, "Yuan Chaomei said that besides the murderer who killed Lui jiefu, she was the last person to see him alive. I checked Lui jiefu's body and found that his clavicle bone was indeed fractured."

A martial artist said, "She could had killed Lui gongzi."

Gu Yingjie said, "Chaomei, is a woman of medicine, not a martial artists. There is no way she can kill Lui gongzi physically."

A martial artist said, "After she joined the Sunset Sector, she could have learned some exercises from Xin Taiyang."

Ma Jingguo said angrily, "She is a master of medical skills, why use her strength to kill Lui jiefu? If she really wants to kill Lui jiefu, she can use poison instead." He glared at the martial artist. "Now she is the leader of Sunset Sector. You must be tired of living to framed their new leader. Aren't you afraid that your little world will turn to ashes?" He sighed. "When adults are talking, children should listen quietly."

The martial artist frowned at Ma Jingguo and stopped talking.

Bazar Batu stretched out his hand and said, "Taihua give me ten liangs." Yong Taihua reached into his inner robe and gave Bazar Batu ten liangs. Bazar Batu clasped the Liangs in his hands and continued. "If I'm not mistaken, the murderer of Lui jiefu and Dandan was not the same person. I think their original plan was to kill Caixia, Lui jiefu, Wenqian jiejie, and Dandan, but the two loser leaders of Seventy-Two Islands failed to do so. They didn't expect to see Wenqian jiejie is a skilled martial artist and met Lok gege." He began to walked back and fort between the martial artists and he continue to shared his hypothesis. "Wenqian jiejie's martial arts allowed Dandan and Lui jiefu to escape. Therefore, the first killer injured Lui jiefu. At that time Dandan must had known that if she pull the distress signal, the people of Sword Village could come to her rescue within an hour. Ma ge rushed to Mu Village to rescue Dandan, but it was too late and the murderer had seriously injured Dandan."

Gu Xiaowen shouted, "That doesn't explain why Ma Jingguo is not a murderer."

Bazar Batu said, "It does, it proves that Ma ge did not kill Dandan and Lui jiefu."

Gu Xiaowen sneered, "That little story you made up is to help Ma Jingguo."

Bazar Batu madly said, "I will make you eat your own words."

Gu Xiaowen said, "If you can persuade everyone, I will kowtow and apologize."

Bazar Batu smiled and said, "Very good." He stretched out his right hand. "Gu Gongzi, how many liang are in my right hand?"

Gu Xiaowen said, "Ten liangs. Everyone has heard clearly, you want ten liangs from Yong gongzi."

Bazar Batu said, "Do you want to reconsider changing your answer?"

Gu Xiaowen, "No."

Bazar Batu said, "In my right hand, there are no liang." He opened his right hand and there was nothing in his hand.

Gu Xiaowen said angrily, "You must have hidden the money."

Bazar Batu said, "Everyone was so focus on my speech, but they didn't see that I had given the money to someone else."

Gu Xiaowen smiled and said, "Everyone knows that the money is given to Kuo gongzi. I didn't expect that as the son of Kuo shifu, he would let this alien bully him."

Xue Horan stepped forward and said, "I have the money." He opened his palm and the liangs are inside his right hand.

Bazar Batu said, "Gu gongzi, I only met Xue gongzi two days ago. Do you think I'm conspiring with him too?" Gu Xiaowen didn't answer. "Like I said, everyone valued my speech too much, and didn't notice that I gave the money to others, and I added five more liangs to the ten liangs. In Xue gongzi's hand should be fifteen liangs." He looked at Cao Wenyan. "Cao gongzi, do you mind counting the liangs?"

Cao Wenyan began to count the liangs in Xue Horan's hand. After he finished, he said, "Sure enough, there are fifteen liangs."

Bazar Batu said, "When everyone paid close attention to Ma ge and thinks that he is the murderer, no one really pays attention to the murderer. The murderer can quickly take off his clothes and join the gathering crowd later without anyone noticing it. At that time everyone's eyes are on Ma ge." He looked at chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands. "You are right, being second, everyone didn't really pay attention to your every move. You created the perfect scapegoat." He pointed his finger at chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands. "You must be one of the martial artists within the six sectors."

Chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands smiled and said, "Bazar gongzi, you are indeed very smart, but be careful. Being smart will get you kill. Do you know that the first people to die are indeed smart people under any circumstances?" Chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands smirked and glanced a Yan Ru then Li Kong Bai.

Bazar Batu did not pay attention to chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands. He looked around and looked at the people standing in the crowd. He frowned, "He is not here?"

Kuo Lok, "Who?"

Bazar Batu took a step back, his eyes widened, "I know who you are." He pointed his finger at chief leader of Seventy-Two Islands.

Ma Jingguo looked at Mu Dishi and smirked, "I also know who he is…"