Del stood a few yards away from Bruce, stretching his arms and legs. Just before he got here he had checked the system and found that it was now tracking his manus amount, which had a maximum of 5. Humble beginnings.
"You are to prove your worth Del! You are to study under me for the next two months before the professors arive, and I will not have someone who isn't even educated disrespect me!" Bruce yelled out loudly at Del. A vein in his forehead was bulging as he yelled.
It appeared to be a hand to hand combat spar seeing at they had no weapons. They had no protection either though.
"You must hit me five times within five minutes, otherwise you will listen to my instruction to the letter, understand?" Bruce said loudly again.
"Understood Bruce." Del said with a lazy salute. Bruce's eyebrow twitched seeing as Del didn't even use an honorific to address him. He got into a fighting stance where his hands were held out in front of him with open palms. His feet were spread in a way that made his balance more steady, but exposing more body area.
Del thought about this for a moment. He only had to hit this guy five times right? It usually wouldn't seem that difficult, but Del's body was currently weak and Bruce had more experience with whatever manus was. It'd be a shame if Del had to use one of the cards now, but if he were to keep his creative freedom in this academy it may be necessary. He was still debating on whether to use the card or not now considering that he had already used one for the old man.
Del got into his stance, a boxing stance, his hands put low to his chin. He normally would go into the hitman style, but his body was different here and he was far shorter so it wouldn't be wise to keep his hands lowered. An advantage he had though was that the skinny body was agile. He didn't need any power to fight here anyways, all he needed was speed.
He was going to bait and switch, make them miss and make them pay.
"Begin!" Bruce yelled out as he began his approach. It was a slow one due to his wide stance. In Del's eyes the man moved like a living boulder just aiming to run down all that was smaller than it. Del smirked at this and didn't dare hide it. Bruce was likely similar to a slugger than, that or he had just decided that Del probably didn't have much technique of his own.
Del began his approach. After the third step he lowered his hands to his chest. Bruce saw this and quickly popped his right leg forward. The step was far too telegraphed because of the stance, allowing Del to make the decision to slip to the left before the punch was even thrown.
Bruce threw the punch and was wide eyed when he felt nothing but air. He then felt a force come up to his chin, knocking his head back. He stepped back and held his chin. Del had already got a strike!
Just when Bruce had punch, Del leaned in came in with an uppercut with his right fist. It didn't do much damage obviously as Bruce recovered quickly, but it still landed.
"Whew, too easy!" Del said as he bounced back. He had a grin on his face which irritated Bruce. He had let a mere child get a hit on him not even ten seconds into the match! His face was even more serious now and he got into a stance thst seemed more focus on speed.
Oh shit, Del thought as he saw Bruce switch into a different version of the pervious stance.
Without warning Bruce advanced and stuck out a foot towards Del's face. Del quickly tried to block with his arms crossed the kick all the same flung him back. He left the ground for a moment as his body fell backwards before his back hit the floor with a thud. With the wind knocked out of him Del gasped.
"Get back up, we still have four minutes." Bruce said as he swept dust off of his shoulder.
This guy is straight up bullying me now! Del thought this as he struggler for a moment to get up. He could use exaltation to heal himself right now, but he wasn't sure if it would consume hos manus and if it would make him fatigued. He decided against it and simply tried to work through it.
Once Del got back to his feet he was beaten a few more times being sent to fhe floor clutching his injured body parts.
He wasn't instilled the fear of being unable to lose though. In fact, he saw this as a useful experience. There a little less than one minute less. At least one punch every ten seconds was all he needed.
What difference could be made after being knocked down so many times though? His ability copycat. The more he fought Bruce the more he understood the technique and timing. He could execute it himself, but ultimately decided modern boxing was still better.
Del got into stance and furrowed his eyes brows as he focused. He stepped forwards with two steps quickly as he lowered his guard. Bruce took the bait and swung his right arm at Del's head. Del leaned down and forward, avoiding the blow and getting a good angle at Bruce's gut. He threw punches the ribs and liver before bouncing back.
Bruce approached Del quickly having not been affected by the strikes. Del kept his guard lowered and even pointed a finger to his chin.
Del then looked to Bruce's feet and saw he was making a right step. Del moved to the left and made a right hook to Bruce's ribcage.
One more hit. One more hit was all he needed. No damage was needed. All he had to do was make contact. How lucky was he? With one final movement Del made and uppercut to Bruce's chin before he could move his other foot for another strike. Bruce wasn't stopped by it see he still struck Del which made him fall back, but Bruce's face was filled with surprise.
Del breathed heavily as he laid on the floor not wanting to gey up right now. "Hahaha! I won!" Del said hysterically. As his adrenaline came down he felt the soreness of his body, the bruises, and his bloody nose. This guy was ruthless! He would be a great combat teacher Del thought.
"Tsk, you got five hits on me. Congratulations. I'll show you to your room and then tell you about the schedule, so get on up." Bruce said with some contempt in his voice. He would have to honor the agreement and let Del had more freedom than usual students.
Del had a wide grin on his face.