I felt weird…weird as floating in endless darkness. Did I die? I did not remember if I did die or not…was I always just here in this space of nothing. I wanted to break free of this place, but I could not. I was there, with nothing but my thoughts. Where was I? I tried to remember, but nothing came of it. Why was I here? I do not know how much time passed, but I finally saw the light; by light, I mean less darkness. Running with all my might to it, I felt even more strange. I felt as though my body was being formed; the closer I got, the feeling only increased. I thought I did have a body. Confused, I looked down to see that I was nothing but dark water. Was I always like this? The water fell from my body and eventually stopped running down me. I was confused. I looked to see that others were being "born" the same way as me. Dark water would come up, fall, and reveal a creature made of dark fur or skin with a mask on its face. Was I like them? I wanted to know more about my people, did we have a community, were there rules that we needed to follow, what was our purpose? There were many questions that I had. I went to one of them to try and communicate with it. The being stood on two legs and had long arms with claws; It was interesting to see. What came out of the mouth of the being were not words but growls. I wanted to know why he was growling, but then I heard a voice in my head.
It was an odd voice that kept playing in my head. What deserves to die that badly? What being would drive us to kill it so badly? I wanted to know, and I wanted to see it for myself. Seven others of the same kind followed the being that I was with. I did not know what I looked like. Was I like them? I wanted to continue to communicate with them, with my species. I tried and failed multiple times. Was it because I was not speaking right? Did they not understand me? I was confused again for the second time in my life. With nothing to do, I followed them; where we were going, I did not know. I did not care either; my only thought was, "what are we?". The place we were at was a barren wasteland full of the dark water that birthed me. The others of my group continued to walk slowly through the wasteland. Was this the world I was in?
We continued to walk, ignoring all in our way. I met others of the same species as me, but they were different. They had various forms and shapes, but I knew that they were like me deep down. I wanted to communicate with them, but again the only thing they said was "Kill, Follow, and deserve to die" It was the only thing they said repeatedly. Was this all my kind was? Did they not wish for more, did they not wish to try something different? The months went by, traveling the wasteland with my group, and I noticed something. I was different from them, the same but also different. I wanted to talk to them, to do more than to kill everything. Yet, no matter what I did nor how much I tried to change them, they continued to do the same thing. We walked, said "die," and continued….I was….I did not know what I felt, nor did I know what to think.
I could not decide either I wanted to free myself from them or do I stay with them? I did not know the world I was in, and being with my group…felt…right. I battled with that thought for a while before deciding that I would continue with them. It felt safe to be with them, and it felt right. I started to notice something else about my brethren, they did not eat, they did not sleep, and they did not feel anything. The same went for me, of course, but I wanted more than just this emptiness that my brethren had. I wanted…I do not know what I wanted, but I knew I wanted something, what I did not know.
It took some time, but we finally made it out of the wasteland to what looked different. I stopped because I was curious as to what these things were. They had hard brown skin, multiple arms, and little green things held on to their arms. I saw these things before, but they were either black or barren. I have never seen them so…so…different. Was that what I wanted to not be like my brethren, not just to be…alive, but to feel, communicate, to…be more. I looked at the many things with green beings on them. There were many of them all around, and I got lost in looking at them. I looked at how bright they were, how full of life, how….more they had than me. I looked down at my body, and I was made of the same black fur I had bones that protected my hands and claws. I did not want this. I did not want to be like this. I wanted to be different than my brethren, but what I still did not know. Did I want to be like the beings here that stood motionless all day? No, I did not, but I wanted something like it. I wanted to be free, free from this feeling of being just alive. I wanted to communicate, to understand what life was.
I was lost in my thoughts when I felt something. It was like a call, a call that I could not resist. I felt intense energy that had held nothing but negativity, and I was attracted to it. I met up to my brethren attacking the creatures that gave off so much of that energy. My brethren were nothing but raging towards the animals doing anything and everything to attack them. I waited. I wanted to see what these beings were and what they would do. I felt nothing for my brethren being killed; they did not talk; all they did was move in a direction and repeatedly say the same thing. They were alive, yes, but not what the kind of life that I wanted.
The little creatures had impressive abilities; they communicated with each other protected each other. The more I watched them, the more and more curious I became of them. What were they? Were they like us? Were we created the same way? I do not remember seeing these beings in the wasteland with my brothers or me. I wanted to know more about them, and what they were…so I watched. The creatures won against my brethren, which to me was not a surprise at all. They were better at everything we were not. The creatures eventually put away their tools and made their way back to where the negative energy was coming from. I saw that once my brethren were defeated, they vanished into nothingness. Was that what happened when I died…interesting.
I quickly followed the creatures as slowly and silently as possible. I did not want to be known to them, they might attack me, and I was not too fond of that. I wanted to learn from them, not attack and kill them. We made our way to the creature's home, which was when I knew what I wanted.
[A/N: The MC looks like the picture for this novel, the only thing is he has bone plates on his hands, a bigger tail, and has bone spikes at the end of this tail.]