Meeting the creature

The creatures had buildings that were everywhere. There were more giant creatures, smaller creatures, and creatures that looked completely different. It was an interesting sight to behold. They talked to each other. They seemed to be….alive…more than my brethren or I were. This was what I wanted, to be like them. To be able to experience the things that they were experiencing right now. I wanted it; now the question was, how do I do that? I understood what they said, which I did not know how, but I did not know how to talk to them. I could growl, howl, and other such things but could not….talk like them. I continued to watch from where I was; maybe if I listen and observe closely, I can speak their language as well.

As I watched them, I noticed that the negative energy was still there, attracting me to it. It was not an attraction that forced me to go to it. It was more of an annoying bugging feeling that I could easily ignore. The same could not be said to my brethren; they were drawn to it. It made me wonder if they could even think, let alone go against their basic instincts. Watching the creatures fight my brethren again made me feel glad that I was different from them. Similarly, the creatures won against my brethren with no real issues on their parts again. It was days, but the energy that surrounded the place slowly increased.

I learned how to speak their words. The only problem was I did not know who to practice with. I could not go to the place that I learned was called a village because I did not want to fight them. I highly doubted any of my kind knew what these words meant. Hell, I doubt they even knew anything besides to fight. Sigh…how my brothers could even survive after observing the other creatures was beyond me. A mystery that I will not even bother trying to solve. I had to figure out a way to try and talk to them without them trying to kill me. If they attacked, so would I, but that was not the goal.

I circled the town as silently as possible, looking for someone to talk to. It was not until I noticed a group of small creatures running to the forest. They had tiny tools in their hands and looked to be fake fighting each other. This was my chance, and I should try to talk to them. I needed them to get closer to me. If the more giant creatures saw me, I would have to start over again. The smaller creatures eventually stopped and started talking to each other.

"I bet you won't go further in," said one of them.

" I will watch as I, the brave hunter, show you" The smaller creature made hi way closer to me, and I grew more impatient. I wanted it to come so that I may learn from it. The creature was finally close enough, it could have been closer, but I wanted to talk now. The feeling of not talking or communicating with another being was driving me crazy.

"Hello," I said to it.

The creature looked around; it was scared and almost tried to run away before I said.

"I will not harm you."

The small thing looked around, and I could tell was less afraid of me. This was a good thing, the less, the better. The little thing got into a stance with its tool held up and spoke.

"I am a brave hunter, so you better be careful."

"Is that what your kind is called…hunter…interesting" I was learning so much from it.

"What no, I mean yes, I mean no, we are called humans. What are you? Why does your voice sound…creepy." I was confused that it called itself a hunter, now it called itself a human. The other question made me when more confused. What was I? Was I like my brethren…no, I was not. I was born the same way, yes, but I was nothing like them. I was not like the humans either, so what did that make me. There was silence for a while before I said to the human.

"I do not know…. what I am, I know that I am not like you. I look like my brethren, but they are nothing more than basic creatures; they are alive but only barely." I said my honest thoughts to this human. I wanted to know more about what I was. Maybe it could tell me.

"Brethren?" He asked

"Yes, the ones that you…humans? Killed. I am not bothered by you killing them. In fact, I am almost grateful for it." The small human started to shake. It fell on its back and started to talk differently. I could feel some negative energy coming from it.

"Y-y-you… are a gr-gr-Grimm….the monsters that attacked." Was that what I was called a Grimm. The name was…stupid, in my opinion. Grimm, what did that even mean. I would not call myself such a thing.

"If that is what you call my brethren, then yes, I do not wish to be called such a thing. I may be like them, but I am my own and wish to be called as such. The negative energy you are releasing, please stop. It would do no good if my kind came here in this spot."

The energy coming from the human slowly started to decrease. It stopped shaking as much and got up off the ground. It looked around to see if it could see me, should I reveal myself? It was a passing thought, but an idea I had for the moment.

"Why are you not attacking me?"

"Did I not say I would not harm you?"

"Yeah, but still….GR-I mean, your kind attacks humans, right?

"That would be the case for them, and I am not them. I wanted to learn more about your kind…the humans. I have many questions to ask you. Where are you born? How are you born? Do you eat? Why are there smaller humans and bigger humans? Have you always been a small human?" I was excited; I wanted to know all I could about them. These were the questions that had bugged me for days while watching them.

"Wait…those are a lot of questions…hmm, I was born here, mom said I was too young to know where babies come from. I do eat, and that is because we grow up. Oh, my name is Thomas, by the way."

"Thomas…a name, do all you humans have names?" Did the name make them different? They were all humans, but they all were different from the last one.

"Hmm…yes…we all have names. What is your name?" What was my name…I do not even know a name besides Thomas. I was not sure how to answer that, so I decided to tell the truth.

"I do not have a name"

"Would you like one?"

Did I want to be different; the answer was yes. I wanted a name to make me stand-out above my kind. I wanted to be like the humans, and having a name would do that.

"Yes, I would like one."