The day ends

"The first thing, though, is you got to promise me some things," He said in the opposite direction from where I was. Thomas did not know where I was hidden, so I could not blame him for it. What was a promise? Was it something that you did, or was it something that the humans ate?

"What is a promise?" I asked Thomas.

"It….its….its when you do something or at least something like that." Did I confuse him with my question?

"So it is something that I do?"

"Yes, so if you promise not to hurt anyone, then you have to do it," I see. It was an order that needed to be done. That was simple enough; it was not like I had anything to do anyway.

"What are the promises?" I asked him. Thomas seemed really excited about the situation, and I did not know why, but I felt excited too,

"Okay…first things first, you cannot harm anyone, okay."

"I did not want to harm anyone, anyway, so the promise can be kept. However, any human attacks me, then I will attack them."

"I guess that works; the second promise is for you to show yourself to my friends and me. I want to show them the GRI- I MEAN the thing I found."

This was a fair promise that he had made to me. If I talk to his friends, then I will learn even more from them.

"I agree to your promises." I got down from the tree that I was hiding in and made my way towards Thomas. I do not know if it was because I was good at hiding or if Thomas was…stupid, but he did not see me until I was right next to him. He turned around slowly, and I got to see Thomas more clearly. He had short brown hair, a circle face with a small nose and ears, and small blue eyes. How could he hear or see anything with such small things? Thomas was less than half my size. He was wearing a green shirt with dark brown pants. He had weird feet…how could he go anywhere with these features? He had no claws, no bones to protect him, and no fur to keep him warm.

[A/N: He does not know about shoes!!!]

"We met face to face; as promised I have revealed myself to you." Thomas stood there frozen; I did not know why but I continued to observe him closely. It went on for sometime before I got impatient with him, so I decided to touch him. The moment my claw touched him, Thomas fell over with his eyes closed. Did I kill him? The first human that I met I killed, and I do not even know-how. I felt a little upset. Where humans that easy to kill? One-touch, and they die. If that was the case, then how did those more giant humans win against my kind?

Observing Thomas more closely, I realized that he was not dead, but something else. I could hear him breathe, and I could feel the energy coming from him. The question now was, what was I going to do with him? Do I take him with me to continue our talk, or do I give him back to the town? I did not know what to do. I started to hear something coming in this direction.

"Thomas….if you are trying to scare me, it will not work…m-m-mom said that you could not scare me anymore" The voice was different from Thomas's voice. It was…higher pitched. I heard Thomas say this before, but what is a mom? Curious, I moved my way towards the new human. I promised Thomas I would not hurt them and that I needed to reveal myself to him and his friends. I had to complete the order, did I not? I met a small human like Thomas, but this one was different. It had long blonde hair, the same face as Thomas, the only difference being more...i do no know it was different but the same. The human had a blue shirt and a matching pair of pants.

"Hello," I said to the human; I did not want to reveal myself just yet, so I hid.

"Who is there…where is my brother…" The little creature seemed braver than Thomas. Brother, was that Thomas?

"Do you mean the human known as Thomas?"

"AH…did you eat him?"

"No...I did not 'eat' him. I promised him that I would not harm anyone and that I would reveal myself to him and his friends. When I showed myself to him, he fell to the ground. He is over there, not too far away from here. If you want, I will show you."

"Hmm…okay, thank you."

"However, you must promise that you will not fall as Thomas did. If both of you are sleeping, then I will not know what to do." I said to the little human

"Thank you…"

I walked out of my hiding spot to meet the little human face to face. I tried to say something to it, but the same thing happened. The small being froze, and when I touch it, it fell to the ground. Why are humans so weak? I was excited, but now I am disappointed in them.

I decided to take the little human and Thomas with me. I did not want to deal with having the same thing happen again and did not want to fight at the moment. I grabbed the little human as gently as possible with my arms and made my way towards Thomas. When I got there, I noticed that Thomas was still on the ground. I picked him up as well and made my way to a cave that was nearby. Running through the forest, I made it into the cave. The Cave was a temporary home that my brethren had found, a long time ago.

I put them down as slowly as possible. I did not want to kill them, only learn from them. I did not know how long they would be out, so I decided to wait for them. My kind try to attack them, but I quickly killed them. They were nothing but lower-level beings in my eyes. The only reason I followed any of them was because of my curiosity and because I did not know the world. Those things have changed now, I am learning about the world and do not want to follow my kind anymore.

The sun was starting to set, yet they still had not wakened. I noticed that Thomas and the other little human were trembling. Scared, I went over to them to notice that they were cold. I only just then realized that it was cold outside, and the cave did not help. I saw other creatures do this before, so I decided to let them rest on my fur. It would keep them warm and maybe get them to wake up faster. I rested down close to them and used my tail to wrap them up next to me. I noticed that when I did that, they both stopped shaking. The little human even started to hug my fur more, which made me feel…weird. I felt warm; there was a feeling of wanted to protect them. They were so small, so fragile, and yet had so much life to them.

So I laid there with them being on my fur, being wrapped by my tail for what seemed like hours. I did not sleep, but the feeling of their soft breathing and heartrate made my eyes heavy. It was not like with my group, where there was no love or emotion between us. We would walk for days, ignoring everything in our sights. Here these little humans did more than just that; they lived. I wrapped them closer to my body and fell asleep like them. I was happy about the next day.