Grimm fight Grimm

-------------------------(MC POV)---------------------------------------------------------------

I had to leave Thomas…the amount of negative energy his so-called parents were releasing made me sick. Running over, I looked to see my kind gathering near the end of the forest. I could tell that they were going to attack soon. How I hated being a Grimm, the more I thought of Thomas and his sister, the more I wanted to be like them. The question was, how do I be more like them. I could walk like them, talk like them but could not look like them. I went to the lake to see myself in the reflection. When I looked, all I saw was a being with a white mask like the rest of my kind. Anger started to take over me, and I tried to take the mask off. When I did, I was hit with unbearable pain. The pain was more than enough to make me stop any future attempt to taking the mask off. I looked back at my reflection to see claw marks on my mask. Again anger overtook me, and I hit the water, but the anger did not go away. I continued to hit the water and howled in frustration. What did I need to do to not be like this?

My kind only looked in my direction for a second, but they quickly turned away when I looked at them. NOTHING….that was all my kind was….we were nothing. We came from nothing, continued to be nothing, and dead as nothing. I was so angry….I was angry at being born this way…angry at what my kind was, and finally angry that the humans had more than me. They had emotions, villages, each other. They had everything that I wanted, yet they still held negative emotions. WHY! Why did they not see how blessed they were? How did they take that for so little? Here I was struggling to have even a fraction of what they had, yet they were born into it.

Did the being that made my kind hate us….were we left forgotten by him? My anger turned into something else….was I sad…..I felt alone. The humans would most likely try and attack me. My kind was nothing more than the wind in my eyes, and the being that made me had forsaken me. I was probably the only one who felt like this. I looked to notice that my kind was starting to look at me. They looked at me, and I wouldn't say I liked how they looked at me. One of the smaller wolf creatures tried jumping at me, but I killed it with my claws. It dead, and I felt better for killing it. My anger was slightly less, but only slight.

If they wanted to kill me, then I would kill them. If the being that created my kind forsake us, then I would kill all of my kind. I would find a way to be human and go against what it made me. The act of killing my kind was more of mercy in my eyes. To feel and have nothing, what kind of life was that. I would be a savior to my race through death. The only thing my kind knew was to kill….so kill them I WILL.

I dash to the group with all the speed that I could muster. Jumping up and stabbing a giant creature that was in the group straight in the mask. It howled in pain before dying. I jumped off and dashed again to the next kill. It saw me jumping towards it and met me head-on. It was powerful, yes, but I was stronger. Reaching my claws out, I held down its mask and crushed it. Two more came from behind me, but I used my tail to strike them both. Weak, was the only thought I had of them. I looked over to see that three big ones were dashing towards my side. I picked up the body that I had crushed and threw it to them with all my strength. It knocked one of them down, and the other two seemed to be stunned. Using this chance, I dashed towards the nearest one and stabbed it straight in the face with my claws, turning around I used my momentum to cut the other ones head off. Jumping on top of the one that was down, I stabbed it in the head. The other smaller ones were relatively easy to kill. It did not take me all to kill them all.

[A/N: MC fought regular beowolves and Ursa Grimm]

I held the last one in place; it howled and growled at me but could do little to me. I was on top of it with my claws holding its mask. The reason why was because I was curious about something. I know that my kind could evolve. I had seen it before during my long travel through the wastelands; the evolution came with age that I had assumed, but I felt right about it. My kind did not evolve from killing humans. Did they get stronger? Maybe, did it affect their evolution, maybe? My question was…if I wanted to be the opposite of my kind, then did that not mean I needed to do the opposite. I saw before that my kind would fight, but never kill or… each other. What would happen if I ate them? Would that make me human or something else? Looking down at the little Grimm in my claws, I started to get more and more curious. Finally, I decided to try it. Holding it down, I ripped one of his arms off and ate it. The Grimm howled in pain due to my act, but I care little for it. This could help our race; a sacrifice was necessary to reach a higher level. Eating his arm, I felt some energy come through me. It was small, but I felt it, was this a regular thing or this only due to me finally "eating" something.

Breaking his legs, to ensure he did not run away, I left him in that spot. I wanted to hunt to eat other creatures to see if this was just a normal thing or something more. It took me a while, but I was able to hunt and kill a four-legged creature. Eating it, I felt nothing from it; Now, what would happen if I continued to eat my kind. Eating humans would only make me more like them, and that was NOT my goal. Going back to the spot to see that the little thing was still alive, I picked it up and bit off the mask. I knew that my kind would disappear quickly after death, so I hurried and ate him.

I felt the same energy go through me. It was a minor difference, but I felt stronger. I felt more…whole, more complete. I looked around me to see that my kind had already disappeared. All that energy has gone to waste.

[A/N: Grimm attacked our MC because our MC is a Grimm with a soul. Our MC felt negative emotions, which made the other Grimm attack him. This is a stupid excuse, yeah, but still, I think it would happen]