Grimm meets the "Hunters"

Eating and consuming my kind gave me more energy; more energy means that I could evolve into hopefully a human. The question now was how many did I need to eat to evolve, and when I do evolve, what will I change into? What would I become? There was no doubt in my mind that I should continue with what I was doing? No, what drove the thought was my curiosity and need to be more human. I looked in the direction of more of my kind and wanted to go after them. I was about to go when I heard Thomas again. I could not help but feel slightly irritated at his calling me. This was the second time today, and I had other things to do. I did not want to waste my time on him, but I might learn something new from him.

I decided to go towards him, but the closer I got, the more negative emotions I felt. Sadness, fear, hatred…all those annoying things that they felt. What do they have to be sad for? They got everything they want? What were they fearful of there is, nothing here. Hatred to what do they hate so much? I hid like I usually did and went closer to his call. When I saw Thomas, he was surrounded by other more giant humans. The one that he called his "Parent" was also with them. Thomas called out to me again, but I did not respond to it. I wanted to know why they were there. I also did not want to be at his beck and call for everything. I was not a servant to anyone or anything, much less someone weaker than me. The feeling itself of being a servant was enraging.

[A/N: Our MC will not like Salem then]

"BEING…WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU." Thomas continued to yell that sentence repeatedly. Yet I did not respond to him, this was getting boring, and I was growing impatient. I do not know why I was even here in the first place. I told myself it was to learn, but learn what? I saw that the other humans started to relax a little bit. They all turn towards Thomas, and one of them said.

"Thomas…are you sure…that you saw this Grimm, and it was not a prank or something,"

"Yeah, and Kyle, how are you going to believe what a kid said."

"Hey guys, do not be mad; Kyle is going crazy due to his old age, and Thomas has a crazy imagination. To think that we were worried about this"

They all began to laugh at both Thomas and his "Parent." Thomas started to cry and yelled at them that I was real. Seeing him like that made me feel uncomfortable. Those lesser humans were not only saying that I was not real but mocking Thomas as well. Still hidden, I finally spoke to them.

"Thomas….I will not come to your beck and call every time, and those of you that said I was not real, be grateful for the promise I made to him. If it were not for the promise I made to Thomas, I would have killed you already."

All the bigger humans quickly got tense and took out their weapons. Did they need tools to fight me? All I needed were my claws and teeth to rip them apart. It would be so easy to kill them, but I would not do it. I looked at Thomas to see that he was smiling; it made me feel warm to see him like that. Was that why I came here for him? To make sure that he was safe? Thinking of Thomas, I also grew concerned about Jocelyn. Was she eating okay? Did others mock her as well? Was she safe? Why was I feeling this way towards them? I looked at the rest of them and wait for them to say something to me. Thomas finally came up closer to where I was hidden and said.

"My father and his friends wanted to talk to you."

"Very well, speak father of Thomas what do you want" I did not like Thomas`s father, nor did I like his friends. To me, they were lesser humans. His father came up to where Thomas was and said,

"We would like to see you." When he said that, I could see that the others had their weapons ready. I could feel their hatred towards me and their body taking a stance that said, "I am ready to pounce." Did they believe I was stupid or something? Why would I reveal myself to a being that screamed, I will attack you when I see you? Only an idiot would do that.

"Do you believe me to be stupid? Or do you think that I am not smart enough to realize what this is? Do you take me as a fool father of Thomas?"

The lesser humans seemed tenser when I said those words. The father was a little taken back from what I had said to him but quickly recovered and said.

"I do not know what you mean?"

He did not know…he did not know that this group would probably attack me when I showed myself. Is killing all they know how to do, they were acting like my kind….And I was very much dissatisfied with my kind. I did not truly hate them; I only hated being one of them.

"You must be the fool then; I can feel your hatred towards me. I know a battle stance when I see one and your group is doing as such. You plan to attack me, did you not?"

The grouped looked more upset and angry at my response to them. One of them came to where Thomas was and yelled.

"Where are you fucking Grimm? I know you are the one leading the other Grimm here. Show yourself, you coward, and fight us."

I wanted to kill them but did not want to make Thomas upset. I did not want him to look at me with hatred in his eyes like them. With great self-control, I stopped myself from dashing out and ripping his throat out. Calming down after a few seconds, I finally said.

"Human, why do you hate me? My kind attacked your kind. Is that why you hate me? Because of what my brethren did to you? I will not fight you, as it would break my promise and get us nowhere."

The human looked like it would say something when one group member grabbed and pulled the human back. The father of Thomas said.

"If you are not the one leading them, then who is, also? Can you tell us how many there are?"

I thought about it before I replied to his question.