The panic

------------------(Kyle POV)----------------------------------

When 'he' showed us the amount of Grimm in the horde, I felt helpless. My group and I were not even real hunters, yet we acted like it. We were ordinary people who took up arms to defend their small village. We did this for years; eventually, the other villagers started to call us hunters. We knew that it was fake, but it made everyone here happy to know that we were 'hunters.' I hated living a lie every day; I wanted to tell the truth on multiple occasions, but my group would always talk me out of it. I would go home to see my family's smiling faces, believing that I would protect them. Now, here we are...doomed…..I knew deep down that there was no way we could win against the horde. We could not even contact the actual hunters in time; if we did by the time they got here, it would be too late. No one cared about a small village, no one. I fell more and more in despair. I looked to my group to see that they were also having the same look of hopelessness as me. I had a quick passing thought to leave….to pretend I did not know anyone here and walk out. 'How pathetic am I?' I ask myself. I finally heard David say.

"Fuck this, I am out. We are Not hunters, and I do not even know if that Grimm is working for or against us. This is a hopeless situation; we should just leave".

James was a good man; he had taken the role of 'hunter' more seriously than any of us did. We all saw him walk up to David and punch him in the face. I knew what he was going to do but did not stop him. He looked at the rest of us and said.

"How dare you have that thought or even say that. There are women, children, and families in the village. If we know the situation, we should warn them at the very least." We all looked down, too ashamed at what we had thought a moment ago. We were going to leave the people we had known for years to save ourselves.

We decided to inform the village leader and see if we could try to evacuate the village. We would have to leave the island that we were on and seek shelter somewhere else. Our best bet would be to take a ship and try to make it to Vale. If we have that Grimm with us, then the trip would be safer. He would be able to guide us through non-Grimm areas. The only thing was would he continue to help us? We got on the wrong foot twice now. Not only that, but he did not seem to like being ordered around. These were my thoughts when I was running back to the village with my group. Do I tell them about the Grimm that had the possibility of helping us, or do I say nothing about it? The closer we got the village leaders home, the more those two questions plagued my mind.

We barged our way into the village leader homes. The poor older man was having lunch with his family when we came in. The village leader's name was hunter. He was a man in his late 50s, with a square face and jawline. He had short grey hair with brown eyes. He was a kind older man; the only problem was his constant reminder of how he used to be a bodybuilder. He looked upset about us coming in, and I could not blame him. I was going to say something before he brought his hand and stopped me. Did he already know about the Grimm? If so, then why did he not say anything about it. We waited for him to say something. After a few seconds, he finally said.

"I see….so you have all figured it out" I looked at my group in confusion; what did we figure out. Was this all planned, the Grimm attacks? Were we played this entire time? I was starting to get nervous, and so was my group. He got up from his seat, did a pose, and said.

"You figured out that bodybuilding is the key to LIVE."

We all wanted to kill him when he said that.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, OLD MAN, NO ONE CARES" After we had said that, I quickly said to him.

"There is a Grimm horde that is nearby and will most likely attack in the next couple of days. We have to evacuate."

"…..are you sure," Hunter said to me; David was pissed and yelled.


I took out my scroll and dialed the number to contact him. I hope he answers. The scroll continued to ring for a few minutes before he finally picked up.

"What….do…you…want" If his appearance did not scare you, his voice did not help at all.

"Can you show us the horde?"

"Did I not show you already, did I not tell you already, how much more do you believe that I will do for you? I am already at my limit with you." He seemed quite upset; I took a deep breath and said to him.


There was a moment of silence before he said.

"Very well...remember this is the last time I act as your….camera."

We could see that the amount of Grimm had only increased since we the same time we had called him. Seeing it, all of us had a frown on our faces. Hunter looked like he had aged 5 years when he saw it. Hunter quickly ran out of his home and yelled, "We need to get out of here. The Grimm will come any moment" His voice was heard through half the village. I could see that people started to get scared and panic. Even my group left to get their things in order.

"Well, I do not know what you did, but my kind is moving towards you." I had forgotten that my scroll was still on. I looked at it and thought about my family. If they were safe, then it would be worth it.


"What do you want….Father of Thomas?"

"How long will it take for them to get here, and how long will it take for you to get here."

"They will be there within a couple of hours; if I leave, now I will arrive most likely an hour before them at my fastest speed." When he said that, my heart started to race, my breathing became heavy. If I die, then my family must live. I would do anything for him and my little girl…

"Can….can….you save my family?" I asked him. I hope and wished he said yes. Please, for the love of everything, say yes….please. It was a few seconds before I heard his voice say.

"Yes, I can, but I will only be able to save three max. They can not be big humans it would add too much weight for me to carry and it would slow me down." I was so focused on our conversation that I overlooked that people had heard the entire thing. They looked at me, and I looked at them. It was at that moment that everyone knew that only 3 children would survive this. The ship would not be ready on time. The hunters would not show up on time; no help would come in time to help us. We all knew deep down that this was it, that we were going to die. Now, in this hopeless situation, we all learn that only 3 children would survive.

[A/N: A sad back story for the human characters, much like every anime ever. Kind of like Nora and Lie Ren]