A Parent`s true resolve

-----------------(Kyle continue POV)--------------------------

There was silence complete and utter silence in the area. After a while, everyone started to look at each other and then at me. I looked at my best friend James, and he looked at me. I knew that he had a daughter who was 12 years old. We looked at each other and knew what the other was thinking. I nodded my head at him, and both of us ran off. He went to get his daughter, and I went back to my house as fast as possible. I could hear people yelling.

"You are a hunter; protect us."

"I am a good worker; please take me."

I did not look back and continued to run to the house. I got to the house, shut the door, and yelled.


It did not take long for my family to get inside the living room. Seeing that all of them were here, I started to seal the entrances to the house—the windows, the doors, any and everything that people could use to get inside. Once I was done, I saw the horror look that my family was giving me. I told Thomas to take his sister inside the basement and hide. He did what I told him as fast as he could. My wife looked at me and said.

"Kyle…what the hell is going on, the horde….the Grimm…that Grimm he can stop it, right?" I could see that my wife started to cry at the end of her sentence. I rushed over to her and hugged her tightly. I told her the truth of the situation.

" The horde is coming, and even with his help, it would not be enough. There is no time to call for help and no time to evacuate the village." Looking down, I saw that my wife had a look of absolute despair. Her eyes were lifeless like mine were when I learned the same thing, I told her. I breathed in and continued telling her.

"The Grimm…it said that it could save three children….and we are the only ways that know him."

I knew that my wife knew what that meant. It meant that our children would be safe and would have to continue to be raised by that Grimm. I could only hope that what I was doing was the right thing. I told my wife that we should use our scroll to say our goodbyes and get the supplies ready for when he comes. I hoped that he would save them, but no hope in his ability to raise them. He had no idea how our society worked, no idea about money, or hell, probably even food. My wife was the first one to do the chat while I got the supplies ready. It was then that we heard screaming and the sound of a loud screech.

I had read about Grimm and knew what was most likely a Nevermore, which means that we did not have much time on our hands. We could hear buildings being destroyed and continued screaming sounds. Even with all that, I continued to work, moving as fast as my body would let me. After some time, it was finally my turn to do my last goodbye to my son and my little girl. I did not have much to say to them. I told them the truth; I told them that I was not a hunter, that they can and should be better than me. I told him to follow that Grimm, as it was the only thing that would keep them alive. I told him that it was not that Grimm`s fault this would happen even without him being here. I got all my emotions out, when I was done, I got a call from James.

"James…do you have everything ready?"

"Yeah…Kyle, I do."

"Did you say your last goodbyes on the scroll?"

"I did….are you sure that Grimm will protect them?"

"I bet my life on it."

We both laughed when I said that because it was the truth. We were betting everything on that Grimm to bring our children to safety. I could hear movement on the roof before it was broken through. Standing there, I could see him; he had wounds on his body. He looked like he had recently got out of a fight. My wife screamed at the sight of him, and I could not blame her. I quickly informed her that he was the Grimm they were waiting for. She calmed down after a second of me telling her. There was no time for doubts at this point. I told her to get the kids quickly. It was just him and me in the room. I turned to look at him and said.

"Please…I know that you hate me, but please save my children. I am a weak, pathetic and stupid man. Please, you are my only hope in saving my children" I started to cry at the last part of it. The Grimm looked at me and nodded his head. I ran to get the supplies for him. I gave him two huge satchels that held all the lien we had. I also put a carrier on his back for Jocelyn. The carrier had some supplies in it as well.

When we were done, Thomas and his sister were there. I told him that he needed to go with the Grimm. He and his sister both fought and argued, saying that they would help fight too. I laughed at them both before knocking them out. The other Grimms were already in town, and with the Nevermore, it was even worse. My wife and I both held their unconscious bodies and cried even more. We finally handed them to the Grimm and told him to wait for one moment. I took my scroll out again and called James.

"I am here. Open up"

I quickly asked the Grimm to break the door, to which he did. Standing there was James and his daughter in his arms. She was unconscious as well; it took us only a few moments to get everything that James brought in the satchels. With that done, James also put all the Lien he had in one of the satchels. We all told the Grimm that we were counting on him and that the lives of our children were in his hands. When we said that, I saw him run off faster than anything I have ever seen.

I went to the closet, grabbed two guns, and handed one to James; he took it and looked at me. I smiled at him and said.

"We need to buy him as much time as possible. Plus, I have been fighting Grimm long enough to be a hunter, right? Might as well die as one, yeah?"

"You took the words out of my mouth Kyle."

"You think I can not help you?" I looked at my wife and smiled at her. I went and grabbed an extra gun I had; The three of us were armed. We went out, shot, and killed as many as we could. It was a fight we would lose, but by doing so, we all knew that our children would have a chance.