The Bird and the Grimm

——————-(MC POV)——————-

When the human pleaded with me to save the little ones, I felt good. It felt good to have them not look at me with such hatred, to be appreciated; Good that what they had was being destroyed. I also felt sad; Thomas was my first human friend that I had made. He nor his sister deserves to have this done to them. To have their village destroyed.

Thomas's parents gave me all the supplies that they thought we would need. They also gave me a lot of cards, calling it Lien. I had no idea what Lien was, nor did I know half the things they gave us, but I would learn. The sounds of my kind were ever-present around us. I knew that we had to hurry; I wanted to leave the moment I had all the supplies, but we needed to wait for one more. Thomas`s father asked me to break down the door, and so I did. When I did, I saw a bigger human holding an unconscious human. The bigger human gave me more of the Lien card things.

Picking up Thomas, the other small human, and having Thomas`s sister on my back. I looked at the parents to make sure that this was all. They looked at me told me that the life of their children was in my hands, and with that, I left as fast as possible. There was no time to waste; for some reason, my kind would attack me just like the humans. I did not know why, but they did.

Running as fast as I could, I heard the screech of that annoying bird.

It had attacked me before, and I retaliated against it. I knew that I was stupid for fighting something stronger than me, but I did not care. We fought for sometime before I had to escape. Hearing its screech made me want to drop everything and fight until one of us died. It took a lot of self-control to stop myself from doing that.

Running as fast as I could through the forest. I did not know where I was going or where to go, but I did not care. The little humans needed to be safe, they needed me to protect them, and I was going to do just that.

The bird kept following us; no matter where or how fast I went, the bird continued to follow. It screeched and shot its feathers at me the whole time. I knew that it wanted to fight me; each screech was a challenge that it demanded from me. How badly I wanted to fight it, destroy it, but I couldn't. Every time I thought of fighting it, I would look at what I was carrying, and the feeling of fighting would go away.

I could not think of just myself anymore, but that crap bird would follow until either it or I died. I will say this about my race; we are determined to complete our goal. I was able to find a cave after hours of running. Going inside, I place the supplies and the little ones down slowly and gently.

Running to the front of the cave and roared as loud as I could. It was a roar that said, " I accept your challenge."

The bird circled in the air, satisfied with my response. He and I did not need words to communicate. It tried to shoot its feathers at me, but I was able to dodge them. Rolling, I picked up some rocks and threw them at the bird. He dodges them as well; the bird and I continued our long-distance battle. He was able to hit me a few times, and I was able to hit him. The bird was the first to give and dived towards me. I rolled out of the way and tried to jump at him. Using his giant wings, he struck me hard, recovery from the hit I dashed at him. Just before I got to him, he shot more feathers at me. I could not dodge them due to the speed at which I was going. When it did hit me, I was stunned for a second. A second at which the bird used its beak to stab me in the shoulder. I roared in pain. It took me a few seconds to recover from the pain and hit him with everything I had straight in the face.

The creature back away, stunned. Using that chance, I jumped on him. Once I was on him, I shoved my entire arm in the eye socket. The bird yelled in pain and smashed me on the ground over and over. I held on with everything that I had; I even put my arm further into its eye socket. It continued for a while before the bird fell on the ground, not dead but very close. Taking the chance, I decided to eat him. I got slightly stronger from eating a weak Grimm; what would happen if I ate stronger ones. I ate the bird as fast as I could; I did not know when he would try to attack again; or if he did, when his energy would die with him. I ate everything, bones, feathers (which tasted terrible) and all. It took me some time to do, but I was able to finish him. When I was done, I walked back to the little ones.

As I moved closer to the cave, I tried to feel the energy run through me. It was not like the last time; last time was gentle like a gust of wind, this time felt violent. I could feel my insides turning like they were going to burst. Walking became harder. How I made it back was beyond me, but I collapsed next to the small humans when I did. I was tired and when I could I fall asleep.

I do not know how long I was asleep, but I could not find the little humans when I woke up. Did something happen to them? I tried getting up, but my body was too weak. I started to get a little more worried, so I yelled.

"Little humans, where are you?"

There was silence for a second before I heard sounds of running and Thomas saying.

"You are okay."

I was tackled by him, his sister, but I noticed that the other small human watched me. Normally this would not hurt, but I was sore from the energy rushing through me and the fight I had. It hurt…a lot when they did that, but I did not show it on my face.

I looked at them, and they all started to cry and hug me tighter. It took them a while to calm down. I saw that Thomas, Jocelyn, and the other human had a determined look in their eyes. Looking at them, I said.

"What would you like to do?"

"Can you help us, help us get stronger to be hunter and huntresses."

I thought about it for a second. Learning how to kill Grimm by me was probably the best thing anyone could ask for. I knew my kind well; their habits, weakness, everything. After some time, I said


They all seemed happy at my response. We had escaped, yes, but what was our next goal besides getting stronger. Curious about that, I asked Thomas.

"What are our goals. Grow stronger, yes, but what else."

Thomas put his hands on his chin, then scratched the back of his and said.

" My dad wanted my sister and me to be hunters, and I heard that beacon was the best school. When should we go there."

"I see also…A name would be nice."

He started to laugh at my statement, and I laughed too. With everything that happened, I forgot about it, and I assumed he did too.

[A/N: MC already has a name, wait for the next chapter. Writing this chapter was annoying; I could not for the life of me figure out how I wanted this to go. Even now, I rate this chapter as a 6/10 :(