Taking a step in bonding

[A/N: Some chapters will have different points of view in them. Each chapter will only have a max. of 2 POVs unless it is a big chapter….]

--------------------------------(MC POV)----------------------------------------

We continued the rest of the day, going through the forest. Thomas, before we went on our journey to Glester, the port city that would take us to Vale, informed me that he knew where to go. The little human seemed extremely confident in his ability to lead us to where we needed to go. I did not say anything to him because I did not know where I was, to begin with. Amber was just about as clueless as to where we were as I was; finally, Jocelyn said happily that she would follow her brother. It was an interesting walk in the woods that would probably make some humans proud. The little humans were excited initially but quickly got upset, annoyed, and other emotions during our travel. We only had been walking for about five hours, but Jocelyn needed to take a break multiple times. Which caused Thomas to be upset at her for making us, in his words, "Short on time"; whatever that meant. Speaking of Thomas, I was starting to question where he was taking us. I could not help but noticed the same tree and a couple of other things that looked…. similar. When I had questioned him about it, he said, and I quote, "I know where I am going!"; I questioned him no further after that. Amber…the poor little human looked like a frightened animal after the first couple of hours. This was due to the usual sounds of my kind, wild animals, and other unknown sounds in the woods. I am sure that the events that had transpired did not help, nor did me being Grimm. What started as an exciting journey turned into a chaotic one before I even knew it. The constant irritation that I felt when around negative emotions was ever-present during our journey. The last hour of our travel, I was close to just killing them. Thomas hated that he did not know where to go. Jocelyn was depressed that her brother was mad at her and a little lonely. Amber felt nothing but hatred towards me; not only that, but she also felt lonely. After a while, I could not take it and said that we would make a nest where we were. The little humans were fine with my decision, thankfully because if not…. I could not help but wonder what I would do. Where the other day went with nice and lovely humans went to I will never know.

[A/N: Our poor MC does not understand kids, and the little patients they have….speaking as a parent myself.]

It did not take long for us to find a big enough tree to fit us; it also did not take me long to make a hold in the tree to sleep. I was at my last nerve with the little humans during our small travel and wanted nothing more than to have the day done with. I questioned myself repeatedly on why I was helping them. Was this a bad choice to make? That thought kept playing in my head continuously during the whole day. When I was done taking my small rage out on the tree, I turn towards the little humans to find conflict….again….

"Just admit it, you are lost…we have been walking through this damn place filled with monsters for HOURS!" said Amber to Thomas while her arms were crossed.

"That is not true. My father taught me how to read a map…not only that, but we have the scroll, so I know where to go," yelled Thomas.

"A freaking scroll without good signal, that thing is less reliable than you are."

"Brother….big sister…I think that maybe we should stop fighting…..Keeva seemed really upset with us." Said Jocelyn in a soft voice.

"Oh, do not get me started on that Grimm…."

"Why do you hate Keeva…he has done nothing to pr-

"ENOUGH," I roared at them; I was putting my paws down on this. (A/N: HAHA…a little joke, cause instead of feet, he has paws)

How their parents were able to deal with these little humans was beyond me. At this point, I wanted to take them and throw them to the nearest human and be done with it.

"I do not know, nor do I care why you are arguing, but that needs to stop now. We are going to eat, clean up, and GO TO SLEEP. We will figure out things tomorrow morning, after our training. Do you understand?"

They all had their heads down and said, "Yes." I was happy with that. Now when they were sleeping, I could relax. We got the supplies ready for the night, made a fire, and they ate their food. I had calmed down enough to realize that maybe I was…. wrong to yell at them. I felt bad about it now that everything was calm. Sighing to myself, I spoke to them first.

"Little ones, I am sorry for yelling at you. You have to understand that negative emotions bother me. It is an irritation that does not go away but only gets worse. I did not mean anything by yelling at you."

"I am sorry too, I…I…may not know where I am going; also sorry for yelling at you guys," Said Thomas.

"Yeah, I am sorry too for yelling at you, Thomas, and you as well, Keeva…. you have helped a lot by saving us, being with us the whole day yesterday, and traveling with us….I am sorry about…hating you. I still do not like Grimm, but I guess you are not too bad." Said, Amber

"Oh me, I am sorry…for….taking breaks…" We all laughed at Jocelyn's comment, she seemed a little upset about it, so I had to inform her quickly.

"It is okay to take breaks. You are a little human after all."

With that, we continued our small little meal, well, with me not eating. I was happy to see the little ones happy as well. When they finished their meals, it was already dark; the only light was the fire that had been set up. Putting out the fire, and making my way towards the tree I told the humans to come insides, and they did as they were told. It took us a while to get comfortable, but they quickly fell asleep when the little ones did. Looking at them sleeping, I could not help but feel tired but could not sleep. I realized that I did not know much about how to take care of the little humans. I decided that I would learn, so carefully getting the scroll from the bag that we brought in the tree, I was able to find it.

I decided to learn what I found was called….Parenting.