Changing looks

---------------------(MC POV)--------------------------------

It took us a few months to get to the port city of Glester; during that time, I trained the little humans as best as I could. I trained them in physical exercise, which I learned from the scroll and tactical planning. Teaching them about tactical planning was hard at first, but it became kind of fun after a while. The little humans did not like learning about just sitting around and waiting for something to happen, so I made a game out of it to combat this. The humans had to hunt not only each other but watch out for me as well. The first one to be caught by me or be captured by the other person would lose. The game was fun due to having nothing else for the little humans to do.

It was my greatest shock and everyone else that Jocelyn was the best one at the game. The look on Thomas and Amber`s faces was funny when they found out about it. I am sure that they also could not believe that they kept losing to her. There were other games that we played to help increase their skills in fighting. It was the best that I could do to help them as much as possible.

I should also note that during these months, I have fought many Grimm. I fought some spider Grimm, Snake Grimm, and even that....bird Grimm again. The fighting was difficult and challenging at first, but after some time, it became easier to deal with. Do not get me wrong when I say that. I could fight one, but if there were two of those birds, it would be difficult for me.

One of the things that I noticed about myself was that when I consume Grimm, I gain their power. It was not something that I would instantly gain; no, I had to eat...a lot of it. I had to eat at least a hundred of the spider Grimm to gain their ability, which was indeed a good ability. The wings on my back did get a little bigger after eating a couple of the birds, but I could not use it to fly or anything. In fact, they were mostly used to make me quote from Thomas, "Cool looking." My wings, to be honest, were more annoying than anything else. Walking through the forest, I hit a tree. I am trying to sneak; wings made a slight noise. It wasn't enjoyable, if I could I would take them off but...I can not do that. It would hurt a lot, and two hopefully, maybe they will do something in the future.

Speaking of abilities, the wings being totally useless, I got an interesting ability from the spiders. The spider Grimms were able to make illusions. To be more specific, they were able to show someone's worse fear. The ability I got from them was the same, but I got something a little more; I could change my appearance through illusion. The only problem was my height; I was...big. I could make an illusion to make me look like a little human, but I was far from actually being one.

I should also say that my relationship with the little humans has gotten a lot better after our little problem the first few days. I heard Amber call me "mom" a few times. When I asked her about it, she would get a red face and tell me to drop it. I could only laugh at her acting like that. My relationship with the sibling was just as good. Jocelyn liked to climb on my shoulders and head. It was her quote, "Favorite spot". When I asked why she said, "because I can see everything up here Thomas saw me as a quote "Master," due to me training him. Overall, if someone looked at us, they would probably think we were a family; not including that I am a Grimm.."

We were only a day away from the port city, and today was an exciting day. The reason why was because today we were going to decide what I would look like.

"I think that Keeva should be like a big sister!" said Amber with a firm voice

"YES! More big sisters!" said a playful Jocelyn.

"How can you say that? Keeva is an awesome combat teacher. Girls can not be awesome combat teachers! Only boys can."

This was the conversation that has been going on since...well, since we learned that I could do illusions. Thomas wanted me to look like a male, and the others wanted me to be more feminine-looking. I could only sigh at them; why they cared so much about what gender I was, was beyond me.

I should note that I have learned a lot about parenting and teaching. I would say that I am a good parent for the little humans.

"Okay...okay, little ones, Thomas, I know that you want me to look like a cool martial arts teacher, but we must remember that my appearance is only temporary. I can change at any time; that being said, how about I change my appearance to be a woman, and say that I am your Aunt. No would say anything to us, and not only that, but it will make traveling easier."

Thomas looked like he was thinking about what I said; however, I could see stars in the girls' eyes. It took Thomas a little bit, but after a while, he finally said


I thought about what I wanted to look like, and it was kind of fun thinking about what I could look like. It took me a few minutes, but I decided on what I wanted to look like. I focused on what I wanted, and after a little bit, I felt that I did the illusion. To be safe, I looked at my hands and saw that they were indeed human-looking. I smiled seeing this; I turned around to see that the little humans were shocked. Strange, I had shown them my ability before, so why are they shocked?

Amber was the first one to speak.

" look.... gorgeous."

"Yea!" said Jocelyn

"Hmm...yeah, you look....nice, Keeva." Said Thomas with a red face while turning his head away from me.

I laughed at his action; after the appearance, I had to change my voice too. I could not really speak like a Grimm, looking like how I did. With that, we spent the rest of the day going over my voice. Tomorrow we would finally be at Glester, and with that, we would finally be able to go to Vale.

-A/N: A fun family-like chapter right? Hey guys, sorry about the late chapter release. I will try to release a chapter every day