
-----------------(MC POV)-------------------------------

Yesterday was the day that I put on my "human" appearance with my illusion. I learned the limit to how long I could hold the illusion for. It turns out that I can only hold the illusion for six hours before I start to feel weak.

Walking through the roads, we found them about an hour before; we could finally see Glester port town. It had tall buildings everywhere and had some ships that were docked on the pier. I received a lot of looks from the humans during my walk with the little ones. It was funny to me that humans cared so much about appearances. If only they knew what I actually was; if they did, I do not think they would be acting the same. Humans, they are....interesting creatures.

Going up to one of the ship workers that I saw, I asked him.

"Hello, hum-I mean good sir. The little ones and I would like to know if you any ships to vale?"

He looked at me, shocked for a few seconds, before coughing and straightening his hair. He had a smile on his face and said.

"Hi, young lady. We- I mean I, do have a very expensive ship that could take you. The problem is that my shoulders are killing me, and...I have not eaten anything. How about you and I go out for dinner, then maybe a message together, and get to know each other"

I looked at him to confirm that he really said that to me. I looked at the little humans who were looking at him, then at me. It was about a minute later that we started to laugh. The human seemed not to find it too funny, but Thomas looked at him and said.

"Sir, I do not think you Keeva."

"Yeah, appearances are not everything, you, know," said Amber.

I turned to him and said with a smile on my face.

"I like the thought, but unfortunately, I am not looking for a mate right now."

With that said, we left to go into a building that looked to be the terminal for ships. It did not take us long to get passports to get on the ship; however, we ran into a slight problem.

"I am sorry, but we only go to the small island of are lucky, though. The ship leaves tomorrow. If you had come a day later, you would be waiting for almost a whole year." said the man at the counter

"Why is that?" asked Jocelyn.

"Well, it is because we are a small port town. Not only that, but we need the kingdom of Atlas to send support to help us through the seas."

"I see. Thank you for helping us," I said to him.

Walking out of the building, I looked at the little ones and said.

"I think we should use this chance to buy a few supplies and then get a hotel. The ship leaves tomorrow; with that said, where do you guys want to go first?"

"I want to check the weapons!"

"I want to look at clothes."

"I want to get all the snacks! And cookies! and ride on rides!"

Sighing to myself, I looked at the excited humans and could not help but smile.

"Okay, We will start with weapons first, then get clothes, after we will get something to eat. Once we are done, we will go to a hotel and get to Patch tomorrow."

With that, we had a day of fun at the small port city of Glester.

-------------------(Amber POV, starting at the beginning of this chapter)-----------------------------

When Keeva showed us her human appearance, I was shocked. She looked stunning, and to be honest; I was a little jealous of her. She had long beautiful blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and an oval face. She had a perfect weight, not too big but not too thin. If I did not know what Keeva was a Grimm, then I would think that she is 100% human; even further, I would she was a model or something

[A/N: The MC right now because of an ILLUSION looks like Violet Evergarden. will the MC have an actual body of a human later, still thinking about it....]

I could tell, by looking at the guys, that they thought Keeva was pretty too. I could see a lot of them staring at her and completely ignoring us. There was even a ship worker that tried to hit on in a Grimm. We laughed at him for trying to hit on her; I mean, when have you heard of something like this happening.

We were able to get passports and a ticket to the island of Patch tomorrow. I think it was mostly due to how beautiful Keeva looked. I mean, most guys just kept saying "yeah" at everything she said. Hell, the world could be falling apart, and they would keep looking at her and saying, "yeah.

It made me mad Thomas when he first saw Keeva was doing the same thing. Why are boys stupid, and how likes them anyway.

Everything was pretty good for the rest of the day. We were able to get some weapons. Thomas got a sword and shield set; I got a bow and arrow, and Jocelyn got twin daggers. Keeva was able to get us a big discount on the weapons. After that, we got clothes and a lot of clothes.

My favorite outfit was dark blue pants, combat boots, and a black t-shirt. Keeva said that I looked good, and I got a couple of looks from Thomas. This was also the reason why I liked my outfit.

The day was the best day that we have had so far.

-------------------(MC POV)--------------------------------

During our time shopping, I noticed a couple of negative emotions directed at me. I did not want to scare the little ones, so I acted like nothing was wrong. When we finally got to the hotel and the little ones were sleeping, I went to have a look at what the cause might be.

Walking down the street, a couple of guys with black suits came up to me and said.

"Follow us."

I did what they told me and followed them into a rich-looking building. There I was lead into a room; the room had a single desk, an expensive rug, and a fat man smoking a cigar. He looked me up and down and said.

"I want you, you can either let me have you, or we can have the kids you were with will be killed your choice."

My mood was immediately turned from curious to killing intent. I thought about it and started to smile. The only thought on my mind was...'I wonder if I will get anything if I eat them.'