Meeting people.

-------------(MC POV)------------------------------------

looking at the fat human sitting there on the desk and the humans that surrounded me, I could not help but feel angry. That piece of crap dares to threaten not only myself but the little ones as well. Their death has to be the most painful, but I need to know if the little ones are safe first.

"How do I know that if I go with you, then the children will be safe," I asked him.

He took out a pipe started to smoke it and then smiled at me.

"Do not worry, sweetheart, as long as I do not press this button here. Then I can guarantee their safety."

The moment he told me that was the moment I could not help but smile. I could see the look of confusion they had when I started to smile; however, they quickly started to panic. Using my tail, I cut the guy's arm off and cut the legs off of the other men. My tail moved so quickly that they did not even realize what happened; well, it helps to have an illusion.

I went to each of them and showed them their worst nightmare, after which I ate them. By the time I was done, it was getting late. Sighing to myself, I could only think, 'why are humans so destructive.

Walking through the small town, I picked up some food for the little ones. I could only hope that Thomas would actually eat the food I got. I tried to have them eat "Healthy" stuff while we were in the forest. Sigh

--------------- a time skip later---------------------------

We finally made it to Patch, which I am glad for. The ship ride here was fun but got a little dull after a while. A whole month of just sailing and not breaking anything or fighting anything was annoying. The little ones kept me busy teaching them, so it was not that bad, I guess. My illusion ability has gotten a little better now that I have been constantly using it. During that time, I also studied more about teaching because I like to teach and other things. I also cooked, cleaned, and helped the workers during the trip. I did it to help us get a little bit of money.

We had enough to last us a couple of months if I did the math right. The only problem was finding a place to live and me getting a job. I hope there is a class about my kind; it would help a lot.

"Hey Keeva, can we go to Signal?" asked Thomas.

I looked at him and then at the girls. They also seem to want to go to Signal as well. During our travel, we learned that to get into Beacon, you needed to graduate from one of the combat schools. Signal was one of those schools.

"Yes, we can make our way there. I was actually thinking of getting a job anyway. I can not live in human society without it."

The little ones laughed a bit about me getting a job. I mean, I am 100% sure that I am the only one of my kind that is getting a human job. It was pretty early in the day, and some of the workers told us that Signal was not that far from here.

Making our way through the city, I could not help but be amazed by it. The buildings were really tall; people were walking on the sidewalk, cars were driving through the streets. All in all, it was really nice.

It took us some time, but we ended up at Signal. It was also a big building, with equipment outside, we could see students training outside. Going into the building, there was a front desk with multiple little humans walking through and some adults walking as well.

We walked to the front and saw a male human sitting there. He had short black hair and brown eyes. There was really nothing special about him.

"Hello, I would like to get my little ones registered, please, and if possible do you have any jobs open?"

"For the kids, they have to go get tested; we have a testing area that is still going on if they want to try it. To get a job here, you would have to as-"

"Hey, if you are looking for a job here, you can come with me. Lane, why don't you show the kids where the testing area is." said a man with tan skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes.

I looked at the children and told them to go to the testing site; after that, we would look for a place to stay. They nodded and went off to the testing area.

I walked up towards the man and said.

"Thank you for the help."

"No problem, so you want a job here, right? If that is the case, then what are your qualifications?"

"I do know a lot about Grimm, and I do know some combat. I hope that is enough; I am still very new to this whole....getting a job thing."

"Hmm...well, how about we go to the principal`s office and go from there."

"Thank you."

We both started to walk through the halls; as we walked, he started to talk to me. It was not that I minded it; it was just that I felt kind of weird about the way he looked and acted around me. My only thought was, 'how would he treat me if he knew?'

"You are looking kind of down; you okay?"

"Yeah...just thinking about some stuff, the little ones and I have no place to stay. Not only that, but I do not have a way to make money."

"Well, if that is the case, why not come stay with my daughters and me for a bit. I am sure that they would love having you and your kids around."

I quickly waved my hands and said.

"No...sorry, they are not my kids. I...hmm...well...their village was attacked by Grimm. I knew their parents, and they told me to save them, so I did. That was about five months ago. The kids have stayed with me ever since then."

"I am sorry to hear about that...It is a hard life for villages and other small towns due to those fucking Grimm; the world would be a better place without them."

"Yes..." It was the only thing that I could say. I knew that what he said was the truth, but deep down, I felt hurt. I myself was a Grimm; I started to slowly like being around humans and trying to be a parent. The problem was was just playing pretend; I could never truly be human.

" about you staying?'

"Oh...yes, that would be...nice..."

"Oh, and here we are. I will try to get a good word for you regarding either teaching or something else."

"Thank you again, oh I never got your name. My name is Keeva..Keeva Grimmwolf."

"Weird last name, but my name is Taiyang Long...most people just call me Tai."