
-------------------(MC POV)------------------------------------------

Tai seemed like a nice human; I hope I can get this job. We both walked into the principal`s office; I can only say one thing. The room was a little small for me, and thankfully I had an illusion ability. If anyone could see through my illusion, they would see me almost crouching to fix in the room. The sooner I can leave this small room, the better for me.

The room had a large window on the left side; it showed the training ground for the students. There was a desk at the end of the room with some decorations around it. Tai walked up and said.

"Keeva, this is Prof Jin Stewart. He is a good man, and he will take care of the interview."

"Damn, Tai, you can not just bring people in here and tell them that....anyway, since you are here, I guess we can do a small interview. I promise no job, though."

Prof Jin Stewart was an average side human, with black hair, a square face, and brown eyes. Looking at him, I said.

"Well...I know a lot about Grimm, and I was told that I am a great teacher and can cook...if that means anything."

He looked at me, then looked at Tai, and then back at me. Did I confuse him? After a few seconds, he sighed and said.

"Do you have any qualifications? Did you study at a college? or better yet, did you even go to school?"

I was confused. What is a college? I do self-study; I wonder if that counts as a college...

"Hmm...I did self-study. Does that count?"

"SIgh...No, it does not count...it does not count at all. I-"

"How about this...she can work as an assistant teacher with me, and then after she can try out an actual teaching job?" said Tai.

"I guess...that works, your class is...difficult but are you sure Tai. I do not mean to be disrespectful, but...Keeva does not seem qualified to me."

"I am sure it will be fine....what do you think Keeva does that work for you."

Thinking about it, it was not a bad idea. I could get some experience with teaching, get money, and learn more about humans. It was a win-win for me; I could think of no real reason to refuse what was offered to me.

"Okay...that works for me. To be honest, it would help me a lot to be his assistant."

"Great, now let me show you around the school."

We made our way through the school. Tai showed me where everything was located and what places to avoid during certain time periods. When I asked him about it, he told me that the class would either be working on weapons, studying dust or practicing their skills. It would be rude and inappropriate to bother someone (students) during those times.

After a while of moving through the school, he finally showed me his class. He told me that he teaches combat and about Grimm. When I learned about that, I was shocked; he said that was the main reason he wanted me to be his assistant. Having me, someone that knows a lot about Grimm would help him a lot in his class.

Walking into his class, I could see multiple children sitting in their chairs. The room was quite big, with a board in the front of the class, a large desk on the far right side, and a door that lead to the training area on the left side. Looking at the class, I was able to see the little ones. I guess that means that they passed the test.

Tai walked in front of the class and said.

"Good afternoon, students. I have some good news. From today onward, Keeva will be my new assistant. She will help me go over Grimm basics, and she will help me teach you all combat. I can also see that there are some new students in the class as well. Since there are a lot of new people how about, we all introduce ourselves...Keeva, can you start, please."

"Indeed I can... Hello children, my name is Keeva Grimmwolf. As Tai has said, I will be helping him with teaching all of you. I hope that each of you can be patient with me, as I am still new to teaching. Does anyone have any questions for me?"

I saw a couple of hands raised; I was a little confused about that. Why would a human raise a hand? Was this some way to get my attention? Crap...the books I read did not go over this. I decided to point at one of the students that was raising her hand.

"Yes, you little hu-little girl."

"Hmm...Teacher Keeva, my question is, where are you from, and do you know about Grimm."

"Good question; I am from Glester, a port city that is far away from Patch. I know about Grimm because I use to study them. Any more questions?"

I saw a couple of other hands up. I pointed at a boy; he seemed to be the same age as Thomas and Amber.

"Teacher Keeva, my question is, how old are you? Also....are you single?"

"hmm....err...I do not think those are appropriate questions, young man," said Tai.

I was glad he said something because I was not sure how to answer that question. I honestly do not really know how old I am. If we were going on when I first started to walk, I would be about less than 2 years old. If we are counting the time that I was aware of everything around me, I do not know. As for the single question, that was a 100% yes. I am fine with being single.

"One last question for Keeva. After that, we are going to move on from the introduction."

" Okay...My question for Teacher Keeva is, how strong are you."

"I am not sure, but I did travel for some time and killed a couple of Grimm...nothing too serious."

"Oh, what were they," said one of the students. He seemed to be really excited about my statement.

"Hmm...I killed a couple of Nevermore, Spider Grimm, Death Stalker, Ursas, Beowolves, and a couple of other Grimm."


"Yeah, Teacher Keeva is not even a hunter, and she could kill all those Grimm..."

"OHOHO teacher Keeva, what weapon do you use and was fighting those Grimm dangerous."

Tai was going to stop them from asking me questions, but I stopped him. To me, it was fun to see how excited they were.

"For weapons, I use my fist...as for the danger, I got hurt a few times but nothing deadly."

"WOW!! Teacher Keeva is now my favorite teacher!"

After that, I went back to Tai's side, as he told the class to continue their introduction. It was a nice feeling to be here. I could definitely get used to the feeling.

A/N- I just want to say thank you all for the positive comments, and for your support. I hope that all of you are enjoying the story so far. Again seriously Thank you everyone :)