Going Home

----------------(MC POV)--------------------------

The class continued with the students doing their introductions. Thomas, Amber, and Jocelyn`s introduction was short due to the little time left in the class. Tai went over the activities, skills, and forms that we would be going over for the semester. It was interesting to watch how he lead his class. Reading about teaching and doing it were very different things.

It was sometime later that I heard a bell ring. Confused, I looked at Tai to see if that meant us being under attack or something. It was only a second later that Tai said.

"Alright, everyone's class is over. Remember to go over what we went through; we will be focusing on Grimm basics and combat later."

I saw that the kids were leaving the room for their next class. Looking over, I saw Tai sitting down on his desk, and he was getting some of his things together; curious, I walked over to him and said.

"What are you doing?"

He turned around, looked at me, and then smiled before saying.

"I am getting ready for the next class. I have a total of four classes that I teach. You and the kids are lucky. We have not started anything too serious, and they could start today."

"That nice to know; well, what are the things that we are going to be working on today?" I asked him.

He got up from his desk after I said that. He slowly walked towards me while laughing. When he finally got close to me, he put his hand on my shoulder and said.

"You do not need to worry too much about this kind of stuff; this is just the first week of class, so not much is going on. For today you can watch me; you are working as my assistant, not a teacher."

"Okay," I said to him.

After that, we continued our day just like the first class. I did my introduction, the students would ask questions about me, and I would answer them. There was a couple of times that the students thought it was strange that I was here. Some even asked me my opinion about Faunus, and I told them that I could care less about that. Well, I did not care about it because I was a Grimm.

Tai was an amazing teacher. I noticed that most of the students were truly interested in what he was saying and the activities he had planned for each class. Most of the students left the class with happy faces, excited about what they had learned today.

When the last class ended, Tai let out a long sigh. Curious, Tai looked like he enjoyed teaching and interacting with the kids. I wonder why he was sighing. With that in my mind, I decided to ask him about it.

"Why are you sighing? You seemed to have enjoyed teaching the students?"

Scratching the back of his head, he looked at me with a weary smile and said.

"I do enjoy teaching my students, but after a while, it can be difficult. Each class has different students, and each student is different. That being said, I need to be able to do and say things that will get them engaged in what I am teaching. No one likes a boring teacher, and if the class is boring, they will not learn anything. If a student does not learn anything, they could die out there as a hunter. You have to remember that we are training these kids to apply for a more advanced combat school. If they fail here, then how knows what could happen to them."

Putting my hands on my chin, I started to think about what he said to me. It was true that if a student did not learn anything here, then it could kill them in the worst-case scenario. At the end of it, I could only agree with what Tai had said about the class. I was starting to get excited about when I would be teaching in the future.

I was helping Tai get everything together when I heard the classroom door open. Looking over, I noticed that Thomas, Amber, and Jocelyn had made two friends. One was a small girl with long yellow hair; she looked a lot like Tai. The other girl was about the same age as Jocelyn. She had long black hair, and....silver eyes...

Looking at her eyes, I felt a sense of danger coming from them. It was not a life or death danger sense, but more of I need to be cautious sense; I was getting from looking at her eyes.

I saw Tai walking up to the children, and then he pointed at the little ones and me.

"Ruby, Yang, I would like you to meet Keeva, and I see you met her kids. They will be staying with us for the time being."

The two girls gave Tai a confused look before looking at me with the same face. It was silent for a couple of seconds before the yellow hair girl said.

"Is....she replacing mom???"

"Replace mom...NNOOO," said the silver eye girl.

Tai and I both looked at each other and sighed. I do not see Tai in that way, and I hope that he does not see me in that way either. It would make things very strange if he started to get feelings for me.

"No...like I said, they will be staying with us because they have nowhere to live right now. Keeva is not replacing your mother."

I walked up to the two of them and said.

"I could never replace your mother...Tai is only helping me out in regards to finding a place to stay. I will not be living with you for very long....hopefully," I said the last part under my breath. I really did not want to stay with them longer than needed.

"Okay," they both said to me. Seeing them, I could only think of Amber, Thomas, and Jocelyn. I could only smile and sigh at all the crazy stuff that those little humans put me through.

"So we are living with them," said Thomas, with his hands behind his head.

"As of now, yes, with that being said, please be good for Tai and his family. The last thing I want is to be disrespectful to them."



"Yeah, new friends," said Jocelyn. That girl was starting to get more energy than I knew what to do with.

"Okay, I have a few things to deal with and should be done in a couple of minutes. If you guys want to wait in the class, you can. Oh, and Keeva, can you help me with a few things."

"Sure," I said to him.

Tai showed me so of the responsibilities he had as a teacher. Planning the next class, getting the homework ready, and other such things. We did not stay too long, seeing as how the children were growing more impatient.

With that, Tai led us outside towards his car. His car was a small four-door car. Looking at it, I could not help but sigh...I was a fairly large Grimm, and I highly doubt that thing could hold me. I looked at the little ones, and they looked at me.

Seeing our faces, Tai asked us.

"What's wrong, I know it is not the best thing, but she is reliable."

I looked at him and said.

"It is nothing; I have issues....with....hmm...cars so I will walk to your home. If you give me the address, I will be able to find it with the scroll."

Both Tai and his kids seemed confused about it. It took a little bit of talking for us to decide that I would walk back to their house and that the little ones would travel with Tai. It was better than him figuring out that I was actually a Grimm.

Tai helped everyone in the car...everyone not including me; after that, he left, but before he left, he inputted the address into the scroll I was using. Seeing them drive off, I could not help but feel a little lonely. Looking up at the sky, I thought to myself, 'well...I guess I should start walking', and with that, I started to walk to Tai`s house slowly.