At home

A/N: WARNING...I made this chapter while dealing with my cranky two-year-old, so there will be some edit errors, just letting you know.

---------(Thomas POV)-------------------

Getting into the car with the rest of the girls, I looked back and felt kind of bad at having to leave keeva behind. We understood why he would have to walk back, but still, it felt kind of strange. Keeva had been with us for a long time now, and having her not with us felt kind of weird. I did not know if it was just me or not.

Looking at Amber and my little sister, I could tell that they probably had the same thought as me, that it was weird without keeva when we were finally in the car, with me being upfront with Tai. Amber, Jocelyn, Yang, and Ruby were in the back seat.

It was not that I wanted it to be like this; it kind of just happened. The girls said they wanted to be together; who was I to stop them from doing that. It was four against one. I was winning nothing. I could also tell that Tai cared a lot about his daughters, so it was five against one. That being said, it was nice to be upfront and not in the back where it looked kind of cramped.

I could hear the girls in the back talking about school, guys, and other stuff that I really did not care about. It was nice, though, to have someone that my sister could be friends with. Not only that, but the girl ruby was just as energetic as my sister; maybe they can try themselves out or something.

My sister...I love her, but when we were traveling, she got annoying quickly. She always wanted to play the "hunt" game....and I never won...As a big brother, how the heck can I lose to my little sister. It was not just a small win either; no, sir, she would destroy both me and Amber.

It was crazy. If my sister did not want to be found, it guaranteed you were not finding her. Keeva was only able to find her because he had a good sense of smell.

I came out of my thoughts by the sound of Tai trying to talk to me.

" did you like the school so far?"

"It was fun; I actually had fun learning how weapons, combat, and was also fun to see Keeva looking confused," I said the last part to myself while smiling at the thought of Keeva being confused.

"That good to hear...I had a question for you I hope you can keeva...a Faunus?"

'Why would Tai think that?' I thought to myself, well, it was better than him knowing he was a Grimm. I can only imagine how bad that would turn out.

"Hmm...I think so...why do you ask?"

"Well...when I went to shake her hand, I could have sworn I felt fur, and when I touched her shoulder, I thought I felt it again. I thought I would ask you about it. If it is private, just let me know. I do not want to get into anything personal with her or you and your sisters.

"Keeva does not really like talking about it, plus it is her own thing, so you should ask her about it."

'I can not tell you the truth about what Keeva really is. You would probably try to kill him..'

"I guess you are right about that...I will ask her once she gets to the house."

It was an uneventful ride back to Tai`s place after that. The girls continued to talk and giggle the whole way there.

When we finally got there, the sun was still out, so I got to see their house. They lived in the forest, which was nice cause I was kind of use to living in the woods at this point. Their house was a standard cabin house that seemed to be 2 stories tall.

Tai helped us get our things out from the truck. There was not really a whole lot that we had. It was just a few things, but it was our stuff.

Tai showed us around the house, and the house reminded me of my old house. The living room felt comfortable, the kitchen was pretty nice, and the rooms were big too. The house was overall perfect. If I could, I would want to live in a place like this when I grow up.

"How much did you buy this for..." I asked Tai, who helped my sister get her stuff into one of the guest rooms.

"I did not buy it; I built it...with some...friends." He said to me.

"That is awesome...hey, if I get a house in the future, will you help me build it too?" I said to him

"Yes...I could do that...but that is probably pretty far in the future, you know."

We continued to organize our stuff into our new rooms. It was nice to be able actually to sleep on a bed for once. It took us about three hours to finally get everything situated. When we finished, Keeva showed up.

When Jocelyn saw her, she immediately went to hug her. My little sister had definitely gotten closer to Keeva, that is for sure.

Keeva was brought into the living room with the rest of us by Jocelyn pulling on her hand. My sister wanted to show Keeva everything in the house, which keeva did patiently.

It was getting kind of late, and I was getting hungry, so I decided to ask Tai.

" when is dinner?"

"Oh, crap...I totally forgot about that, well I can make something really quick, or we can get out to it."

I saw that Keeva was now being pulled by both my little sister and Ruby...I can only feel sorry for him at this point. Those two had way too much energy.

Keeva must have heard us and said to us.

"I can cook something for everyone, I am not the best, but I have been learning."

Tai gave a weary smile, scratched the back of his head, and said.

"Well...if you want to, that is fine."

"I will be in the kitchen if you need me at all; also, Jocelyn, Ruby, please do not bug me when I am trying to cook, okay."

"Okay," both of them said at the same time. Geez...are they secretly related...did I lose a sister....No...Jocelyn still loves me as her brother...right

"Hey...little sis, how are you doing?" I said to her. Jocelyn looked at me confused, turn her head to the side, and said.

"Thomas...why cant you be a big sister..."

My heart broke at those words...why...

After that, Yang wanted to play some video games, so we all played a fighting game together; while Keeva was in the kitchen making food.

Ruby was good...but I was better. I was going to win when Keeva told us that dinner was ready. We had Keeva before, and surprisingly Keeva was good at cooking.

Keeva's food was actually a little better, which was awesome. The more Keeva learned, the better his food. It was a win-win. I looked to see that Tai, Yang, and Ruby looked shocked. After that, Keeva made cookies, mostly it was Ruby that wanted them.

We spent the night watching movies and playing video games. Tai told us that we would not be going to school tomorrow as tomorrow was a weekend. It would be a busy day for Keeva to get us registered and all the other adult stuff.

Today was a nice day.