Finding the truth?

[A/N- I want to apologize to my readers for the delay in chapter releases. With that said, Take my apologies, and read this chapter]

-----------(MC POV)------------------------------

Yesterday Tai told me that I would have to come with him to the academy to do some paperwork. I wanted to spend more time with the kids but could not argue against what he said. When he told me that, I decided to go to bed early so that I could make an early breakfast for everyone. That and I know that two certain children will want cookies.

Waking up, I made my way walked towards the kitchen. Before going to leave my room, I made sure to put on my illusion. I do not want to deal with being hunted in the morning; that would ruin many things.

I was happily making breakfast when I heard banging on the front door. Curious about who would be knocking on the door, I opened it. When I opened it, I was met with a middle-aged male, black hair and smelled of alcohol. The human in front of me was also releasing so much negative emotion that my first instinct was to attack him.

Thankfully...I am a much better Grimm and did not do that. Breathing in to calm my instincts down, I stared at the human and said, "Can I help you?"

He looked at me confused, then look at the drink in his hands and then back again. This scene continued for about a minute before he said to me.

"Is this Taiyang house? I must be really drunk..."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed at his remark. After I did that, he brushed past me and went straight into the living room. I did not stop him because if I did, I was going to kill him. The man was screaming negativity that was honestly going to drive me crazy. The smell of alcohol did not help at all.

I was going to tell him something, but Tai came down the stairs before I could say anything to him. Tai saw the man on the couch and sighed. I did not want to be apart of this; I was walking back to the kitchen when I heard Tai say.

"Sorry about that....he is the uncle of Yang, and Ruby...he is a nice guy, just on hard times..."

"It is fine. Please keep him away from me...I am not a fan of alcohol..." With that said, I went back into the kitchen.

I decided to make some basic eggs, pancakes, bacon, and cookie breakfast. When I was finally done, I made my way to the living room with the food. Immediately I was greeted by the stares of everyone in the house. I could tell that they wanted to eat, so I put the food on the table without delay.

Looking from the kitchen, I saw that the man was still sleeping on the couch. As long as he was far away from me, that was all I needed.

"These pancakes are amazing..."

"You say that sis, wait until you try the cookies."

"HAHAHA, Keeva is an awesome cook. You should try her other foods. My personal favorites is a smoked rabbit that she makes."

The kids continued to talk about my food, but I was focused on Tai. I wanted to know more about what I was going to do today.

"So, Tai...when are we going to the academy," I said to him with a smile on my face.

Tai looked at me, then looked at the man (who I personally wish would die) and me. He scratched the back of his head, gave me a weak smile, and said.

" wanted Qrow to come with us. He is also a teacher at Signal, so we will have to wait until he wakes up."

I have to wait for that human... breathe keeva breathe, I thought to myself. I really did not want to be near that...thing... Tai probably noticed my discomfort, said to me.

"Again, he is not that bad...just need to get used to him."

'Getting used to the constant desire to kill him and getting used to the smell of alcohol is not something that I want,' I wanted to say that to him but did not. Tai had helped me get a job and sheltered us. I owed him, at the very least, to not kill his friend.

"Fine, but I will be outside to train.....alone..." I had to say the last part because I could see that the kids wanted to train with me. I said that but what I really wanted to do was cause destruction. There were days, where I had to do some form of destruction. If I did not, then I would get crabby. It had been a while since I did any form of destruction, and having to deal with the human Qrow pushed me over the limit.

I walked towards the front door, but before I could leave, I heard Tai say.

"Be careful out there. There are some strong Ursas out there."

Looking over my shoulder, I said to him.

"They should be careful of me" With that, I left the house.

I ran as fast as I could and as far away from humans as possible. When I got far enough, I was able to breathe fresh air. Do not get me wrong, I like the kids, and I like humans, but sometimes I need a break from them.

I spent the time I was in the forest to hunt, kill, and eat Grimm. There were some small beowolves, Ursas, and other small Grimm. It was enough to get me satisfied.

"That felt good," I said to myself out loud. I changed back into my human illusion form when I heard the sound of a stick breaking. Thinking nothing of it, I decided to make my way back to the house slowly. I did not want to be near Qrow. The longer I was away from him, the better.

It was not until I made my way towards the house that I noticed small footprints in the mud. When I saw that, I became more focused. Was that Ruby, or Yang...crap... I ran as fast as I could back to the house. I was far from the house; there was no way that they would be able to run that far. I ran as fast as I could until I got to the house.

When I finally got there, I saw Ruby with Jocelyn in the front yard. Ruby was looking at me with teary eyes. She did not say anything to me, but I knew in my heart that she saw me...real me.