Getting ready

It did not take me long to reach Tai`s house. I wanted to show off, so I was not slow in my return home. When I got to the house, I decided to knock on the door. It was to surprise them even more. When I knocked on the door, I could not help but laugh to myself. Thinking about what their reaction would be.

When the door finally opened, the first person I saw was Yang. She looked at me confused before saying.


"Oh, I see, so you do not know this big sister of yours?" I said to her with a smile on my face.

" is just that I did not know that you were a Faunus...that's all," she said to me.

"Well...I guess I will not be too mad at you." I said with a serious face.

Yang looked to be a little upset, but after about a minute, I started to laugh at her. which caused her to pout.

"Sorry, it is just that I really could not help myself. I am not mad at you. Oh, by the way, we should go shopping today. I want to get clothes."

"You seem really excited today, sister...what happened?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it," I said to her while rubbing her head.

Making my way through the house, I met up with the others. They all seemed pretty shocked at my appearance. Laughing at their reaction, I told them that I would make some food after that, get ready, and then go to the store to get some clothes.

The shock turned into happiness when I told them that I would be making each their favorite food. It took me about an hour to make everyone's favorite food. When I was finally done, I decided to try some of the food that I had made. I mean, when I was a Grimm or...unevolved...whatever the point is that before I could not taste human food. Now, that has changed, and I wanted to try it all.

My favorite was a steak that I had made for Thomas. I was not a fan of vegetables or anything that wasn't meat. We were all on the table laughing having fun when I saw Qrow had come into the room.

"You made everyone food? Think you can make me something?" He said to me.

"No," I replied to him with a serious face.

I was not going to make food for a guy that made me work more. He can make his own food; I am not related to him, nor do I like him.

"As heartless as always...."

"Heartless? I am not heartless. It is just that when you LEAVE...I have to do double the work..."

"I told you I was sorry about that.." he said to me.

"Yet, here you are continuing to do so. You should either stop being a teacher or focus more on it."

We were both staring at each other at this point. Ruby, saying the atmosphere stepped in and said.

" were going to the store, right?"

I knew what she was trying to do and acted like I did not notice it.

"You are right, ruby. I did say that. I will be going. Does anyone want to come with me?" I asked them

"No, Qrow and Tai said that they would train us today." Said Amber.

"Okay... be safe about. If Qrow is too mean to you, then you let this sister know, and I will make it straight."


With that, I left the house. Making my way towards the town, I thought about the weapon that I wanted to use and the clothes that I wanted to wear. Seeing as I now had a human form, what weapon should I use. Sword? Spear? So many choices to make.

I shopped around the rest of the day. I got a spear for my choice of weapon. There was nothing special about it. I had long purple pants, black boots, a purple sleeveless t-shirt with a design in the middle for my outfit. I was got purple fingerless gloves that went all the way to my forearm. Finally, I got a purple robe that went all the way down to my ankles. The robe had a hood with a design in the middle of it. It was a matching set to my outfit.

{A/N: I am bad at describing things, so I found a picture that is close to what I want my character to have. I will try to place it here in the comments so that people can see it. Just letting you know it is the 1st and 2nd outfits on the left side. The MC looks the same but has wolf ears, like blake, and a tail, with black hair now.]

With my shopping done, my outfit on, and weapon bought, I made my way back to the house. When I got there, Tai and Qrow were both surprised at my appearance. Tai was the first to say.

"Did not take you for a hunter, and I did not know you were a Faunus..."

"Same...did not know that either," came a reply from Qrow.

"Well...I am good at keeping secrets. Speaking of it is summer, which means no classes, which means no work. Qrow, you are a hunter right, I want to start hunting Grimm." When I said that, Qrow put his hands on his chin and started to think about what I said. After about a minute of thinking, he finally said.

"Hmm...okay...if you can beat me. I will take you to Beacon. The principal there is the one I get most of my mission from him."

"Easy. Do not cry when you lose." I said to him with a smile before walking towards the backyard.

"You this really necessary Qrow?" said Tai, and after, Qrow immediately replied saying.

"It is; if she can not even defend herself, how is she going to save herself, let alone anyone."

It did not bug me that Qrow said that. I might dislike him, but he did have a point. Being weak here could cost the life of myself and the lives of others. I know that I was, without a doubt, weak. When we got outside, we all heard Yang yell from the house.


It did not take long for the rest of the children to come running outside. Yang had stars in her eyes, looking at me. She really did think of me as a big sister and had never seen me fight. She tried multiple times but never once saw me. The only thing that she heard about me fighting were stories from Amber, Thomas, and Jocelyn on the Grimms that I killed.

The children were excited about the fight between us, and I was also excited. When I got this form, I realized that I could use Aura, and not only that, but I had a semblance too. Qrow was the perfect test dummy for my semblance. Qrow and I got a good distance from each other. Tai came in the middle between us and said.

"Okay...the first one to surround or becomes unconscious is the loser. Ready."

When he said that, both of us got our weapons ready.


With that said, both of us dashed at each other.