
When Qrow was about 5 feet away from me, I got into a stance and trusted my spear at him. He skillfully dodged each of my attacks with a smile on his face. The piece of crap was going to get it! Grabbing the center of the spear, I twisted the spear and myself to build momentum and hit him with my spear like a hammer. Qrow seeing me do this, got his weapon and blocked. Still smiling at me, which I was starting to hit. He used his strength and pushed me back.

'Do I use it?' I thought to myself while staring at him. I need to focus. This only a sparring match and-

"Looks like you just can`t beat me," Qrow said, interrupting my thought. You know what...this guy has been making my life worse since I knew him. He deserves this.

"I hope that you don't hate for me, for this," I said to him. Focusing on him, I used my semblance. My semblance was interesting; it allowed me to feel the dark emotions of someone. It allowed me to do two things with it. I could decide to take and get stronger, or I could amplify in the person.

Suppose someone had the emotion of severe depression, anger, or whatever negative emotion. I could take that from them and get stronger. If someone had a small dislike of themselves, I could amplify that into a dislike, turning into sadness, turning it into depression, and finally wanting to end it.

I could only describe my semblance as evil, just like my kind. Qrow noticing that I had stopped, seemed confused. However, he quickly started to look worried. Finally, he fell to the ground on his knees, dropping his weapon in the process. Walking up to him, I said.

"Looks like you lost."

"What is the point?" He said to me.

'Crap probably should cancel my semblance.' When I canceled my semblance, I got a stare from Qrow, who had to be the human test dummy for me.

Getting up from the ground, still staring at me. He said.

"What kind of semblance is that! This was a spar, not an actual fight!..."

"Well, that is what you get," I said to him, with my arms crossed.

"Keeva, I am also curious about your semblance. As far as I can remember, you never used it. I thought for a while that you did not have a semblance." said Tai, as he walked up to us.

"Well; My semblance is special."

"I`ll say," said Qrow

"My semblance allows me to amplify negative emotions or take the negative emotions of someone and increase my strength."

"That's....hmm...I do not want to spar with you again," said Qrow

" see that guys, Big sis can whoop anyone butt!" said Yang while running to give me a hug.

'If it is not ruby or Jocelyn, then it is Yang that has the most energy.'

"What am I going to do with you...Yang," I said while looking at Yang, holding on to me.

"Well, you could make me food and....give me money....and make me a super cool fighter."

"Okay, one, I will make you food, two I will give you some...SOME...lien, and three that is Tai`s job. I have my hands full training Jocelyn and Amber as it is..."


"No! Keeva is training us, and not only that, but you were already training with Tai!" said Amber.

"ARG...Fine!" said Yang

Tai got all the kids back to the house. I stay outside with Qrow.

"So...did I pass?" I asked him

"Yeah, with that semblance. I am not sure a lot of people would want to fight you." He said to me.

"Thank you? Anyway, when do we learn to see the Headmaster of Beacon."

"Tomorrow...after that fight...I want to go to bed." He replied.

"What do you want to eat?"


"Fine...I will make tacos for tonight," I said to him while walking back to the house.

"Thanks?... will not be poisoned, right."

To that questions, I only looked at him and smiled. It was funny to see him like that. It was better than to see him look depressed and miserable. I do not know why he was like that. I could tell that he had a lot of self-hate. Hopefully, he will get better, maybe even find a partner or something.

When I got back to the house, I saw that everyone was in the kitchen sitting down. When they saw me, the kids started to yell.

"We want Tacos!" which was then followed by

"and Cookies!"

"Sigh...alright, I will make you all food. Ruby, Jocelyn, I want that room cleaned. Yang, I want laundry done. Finally, Thomas, Amber, I want the living room and dining room clean. No one gets food until it is done!" I said to them

With that said, they ran off to do the task I had given them. Tai seeing this smiled and said.

"You know, you are really good with kids. Ever think of having one of your own."

"No," I said to him. I do not even know if I could have kids. Not only that, but I was fine with having Thomas, Jocelyn, and Amber.

It did not take me long to make the food. When I came back, everything I asked to be done was done. When everyone was done, and the kids were to bed, Qrow came up to me with a serious look on his face.

"You know...that semblance is....something that I have not seen before."

Confused, I asked, "What is the point?"

"Just saying that...I ain't seen anyone with that kind of semblance before...only on Grimm...."

Narrowing my eyes at him, I said.

"I think it is pretty simple that I am not a Grimm...."

"I already contacted Ozpin. He is the Headmaster of the school. He said he wanted to meet you sooner rather than later. I guess something came up."

"It's 10 p.m....fine, let's go then."

With that, we left to see this Headmaster.

[A/N: So Qrow is suspicious of keeva. To be fair, most humans do not have the semblance to control other people's emotions. I will be releasing a chapter at least once a day. Twice if I have the time for it. Okay just so everyone knows...The MC does not like Qrow, she thinks of him as a friend. The only reason is because that Yang, and Ruby like him as an uncle...that is it. The only reason I will do a Qrow x MC is if everyone...and I do mean everyone wants that to happen. Just to be clear....]