The Best Swordsman

The snow floats twisted in the air. Joon watched the two swordsmen of different backgrounds and races holding their swords in their right hand, staring at each other, waiting for their opponent to make the first move. When the two swordsmen breathed patiently, Joon could see the condensation in their breath.

Joon looked at Wu Fan, who stood with his pregnant wife and his mother. Since Joon can remember the Wu last name was craved deeply inside his heart. Before he was born, he was already their enemy. Until the last Wu offspring die, he will always be their enemy.

Joon knows that today, Wu Fan is here to avenge his brother's death. Ten years ago, his father killed Wu Fan's older brother. This family fuel can be traced back thirty years ago.

Mi Kyong, "Junior sister, traveling from China to here must had been a long journey, should I pour you a cup of tea?"

Wu Mei, "Drop the act, Mi Kyong."

Mi Kyong mocked, "Junior sister, have you forgotten? If I'm as good of actor as you, my son's surname should be Wu. Sadly, your performance suppressed mine. That's why your sons and daughters have the last name, Wu."

Wu Mei said madly, "Mi Kyong, ten years ago, your son killed my son, but today my son will kill your son."

Mi Kyong laughed, "Ha...ha...ha... junior sister, do you really think your son will win. My son already killed two of your children. Today, he will kill your third child. After that, you will have no children and I will be the solo winner."

Wu Mei laughed back at Mi Kyong, "Ha...ha...ha... senior sister, don't think too highly of your son. Today, my son will kill your son and when your grandson become of age. He will also kill your grandson. The one without children will be you, not me."

Mi Kyong scoffed, "Let see who's the better swordsman is."

Mi Ki-Jun strike first. Wu Fan blocked Mi Ki-Jun's sword. The two swordsmen trade swords and both are equally skilled.

Mi Kyong said in Korean, "Joon, remember the man's face and all his sword movements. If your father would lose and die. You will seek revenge for him. Remember their faces."

Joon watched the two men fight for a while. Wu Fan discovered Mi Ki-Ju weakness. He noticed that Mi Ki-Jun is dominate on his right hand and barely use his left hand. Wu Fan took the opportunity switching his sword to his left hand and attacking Mi Kyong on the left. Mi Ki-Jun was having difficulty blocking Wu Fan's attacks from the left. Wu Fan tactics works. Wu Fan swung fast toward Mi Ki-Jun's left and cut off Mi Ki-Jun's left arm then he swung fast in front and slit Mi Ki-Jun's throat.

Joon charged toward Wu Fan with his small dagger. Wu Fan blocked Joon's attack and pushed him onto the icy-cold ground.

Wu Fan, "Little kid, when you are older come and seek revenge."

Joon got up slowly from the ground. Wu Fan went over and put his hand on Joon's right shoulder.

Wu Fan patted gently, "I will be waiting for you." He felt a sharp pain on his left abdomen. He quickly back up from Joon as Joon pulled his knife from Wu Fan's abdomen.

Wu Mei screamed and ran toward her son, "Fan'er."

Joon stared at his enemy fearlessly and said in Korean, "Wait for me old man. I will see you in ten years." Joon turned around and saw his father laying headless in a pool of blood as his mother sobbed her heart out.

Joon watched his grandmother's servants put his father inside the coffin and pulled him away. He turned around and gave Wu Fan one final stared before he followed his grandmother and mother.

Wu Mei, "How is the wound?"

Wu Fan, "It's alright mother. It's a small cut." He smiled at his wife. When walked to his wife he coughed and blood spurt from his mouth. He then vomiting blood badly.

Wu Mei, "Fan'er, Fan'er."

Wu Fan fallen onto his knee, "The dagger was poison." Wu Fan fallen onto his side.

Wu Mei screamed in pain and anger, "Mi Kyong, you dare to use dirty trick." She cried and held her son. "Fan'er!"

Joon was walking on a single dirt road. On his left side was miles and miles of connecting mountain ranges and on his right was the clear Sliver River. This road was use for the purpose of the Chinese and the Korean to travel doing business between the two Country. Joon spent many years perfected the Chinese language. He has been searching for his enemy to seek revenge for his father's death for the past eighteen years. He traveled to many different cities and villages, but he was unable to located Wu Fan and his family. His grandmother sent him a message that Wu Fan and his family was hiding in Fu Village.

Joon walked for a half of day when he spotted a small roadside teahouse. Joon sat down at a small roadside teahouse and ordered a bowl of noodle soup. He began to eat his noodle when a horse dragged a wagon full of sacks of rice stopped in front of the teahouse.

The owner waved, "Manchu, come have a bowl of noddle before you head home."

Manchu smiled at the owner, "I don't have any more money left."

The owner, "Don't worry about it. Next time when you come down the mountain bring me some wild berries." He went over and dragged Manchu away from the wagon. Manchu quickly grabbed the wild bouquet of daisy on the wagon where he sat. The owner seated him at one of the tables. "I will also give you dry noodle." Manchu smiled at him and left. The owner came back with a bowl of noddle soup. He put a small sack of dried noodle and the bowl of noddle soup in front of Manchu. He smiled at Manchu, "The noodle is to celebrate your upcoming eighteen birthday."

A little girl came out of the teahouse, "Manchu ge ge." She smiled at him.

Manchu smiled at the little girl and handed her the daisy bouquet, "For my beautiful girlfriend."

Manchu opened his book, and he wrote 'Teahouse owner wants wild berry in the spring. He traded in a small bag of dried noodle'. He closed his journal and began eating his noodle.

After Joon finished his noodle soup. He walked up to the teahouse owner. He asked, "Do you know a master swordsman name Wu Fan?"

The owner shook his head, "Sorry, I don't know."

Ten young men rushed in and surrounded Manchu. The group leader grabbed Manchu's left shoulder and yanked him out of his seat.

Group leader, "Manchu, how dare you rejected my sister?" Manchu struggled to break free. The leader laughed, "Don't even try. Today I will drag you back home and you will announce your love to my younger sister."

Manchu, "I already told your sister. I already have a lover."

The ten men surrounded Manchu and refused to let him go.

When Joon walked past the group, Manchu shouted out, "Hey, this elder brother, I know where Wu Fan and his family live." Joon turned around and look at Manchu. Manchu added, "I can take you to them."

The group leader punched Manchu hard on the abdomen. Manchu grunted in pain holding onto his abdomen with his two hands. The group leader pointed at Joon, "None of your business stranger, just simply walk away." He spit on the ground. He proceeds to drag Manchu back into town.

Joon grabbed tight onto the group leader's hand that was holding Manchu's front collar and tighten his grips. The group leader pushed Manchu back into his followers and threw one hard punch onto Joon's right chest. Joon just stared at him with a blank expression. The group leader threw another punch at Joon, but this time Joon caught his punch and bent the group leader's left hand backward. Joon pushed hard until the group leader kneeled onto his left knee.

Group leader grunted in pain, "Hurts...hurts...hurts" He went down kneeing on the ground.

Joon kicked him hard on the upper chest which sent him landed in front of his followers.

Group Leader shouted in anger, "What the hack of you guy waiting for? Attack the foreigner."

The ten gang members began to attack Joon. Joon noticed that Manchu seized the opportunity when the men were fighting, Manchu jumped onto his horse's wagon and drove off. Joon saw Manchu drive away, so he unsheathed his sword spun in circular motion and cut the ten gang members' belts sashes. The pants of the ten men fell to their knees. The men quickly grabbed their pants as Joon did a single somersault over their heads and chased after Manchu.

Joon jumped onto the wagon sat on one of the rice sacks and grabbed a handful of Manchu's hair. He pulled it backward hard. Manchu tried to stand up, but then loses his balance and felt back into Joon's arms.

Manchu head fell on Joon's left thigh. Joon looked down at Manchu with a cold expression, but Manchu smiled innocently at him. Joon didn't know how long they stared at each other until the horse neighed.

Manchu whined, "Let go of my hair."

Joon let go of Manchu's hair and said, "If you run again, I will pull harder."

Manchu smiled at Joon, "Then, I will make sure I cut my hair very short before running away."

Joon, "Take me to Wu Fan and his family now."

Manchu sat up and smiled at Joon, "Alright."

Joon situated himself sat next Manchu. He stared at the young happy teen. The teen look like he is around fifteen or sixteen years of age. He has pale white skin with long black hair tied on the back. The teenager appeared to be quite handsome with his dark brown eyes. When he smiled his eyes squinted.

Manchu turned around and face Joon, "What is your name?" He smiled and moved closer to Joon.

Joon, "Mi Joon."

Manchu, "Oh...I am Manchu." He stared at Joon. "You are Korean?" Joon nodded. "Why are you looking for Wu Fan?"

Joon, "To seek revenge for my father. He killed my father."

Manchu, "After you kill him, then what?"

Joon, "Killed his son or daughter if they seek revenge?"

Manchu, "What if they don't want to seek revenge? Or they don't know anything about swordsmanship? Do you still kill them?"

Joon, "Nonsense, the Mi and the Wu had been enemy for more than thirty years. They will definitely teach their offspring swordsmanship."

Manchu, "So you really going to kill an unarmed person?" Manchu moved closer to Joon.

Joon, "I don't kill unarmed individual. Stop moving closer to me."

Manchu smiled at him, "Good."

The two men rode the horse's wagon up the mountain trail as snow ferries scattering across the mountain ranges.