Kill Me Where I Stand

Manchu looked at Joon, and it seemed that Joon did not wear enough clothes for the winter. Manchu took off his scarf and prepared to wrap it around Joon's neck, but Joon had already put the dagger on Manchu's neck.

Manchu was in shock with a frighten face, "Woah...I... I was just going to wrap this scarf around you."

Manchu smiled nervously at him, while Joon's dagger was still Manchu's neck. Manchu slowly wrapped the scarf around Joon's neck. Manchu opened the scarf and covered Joon's head, still smiling innocently at Joon. Joon slowly withdrew the dagger from Manchu's neck.

Manchu rubbed his neck, "Do you always treat people who are considerate towards you this way?"

Joon, "No one ever think considerately toward me. Those who tried getting close to me were there to kill me."

Manchu murmured, "Wow, what a sad life."

The two men continued up the mountain trail. The only green tree left are pine trees. other trees have turned browns and yellow. The mountains that were once green are now full of trees of different colors. In about two months, these beautiful mountains range will become a piece of white land.

After an hour up the mountain trail, the wagon stopped at a cliff. On the other side of the cliff was another cliff. Stood on that side was a single log rope bridge across.

Manchu shouted out, "Mr. Fong, I am back."

An elder man walked out from the house and crossed the bridge to Manchu and Joon. Joon right hand held onto his sword. If this is Wu Fan, he will attack him right here.

Manchu noticed Joon's breathing accelerated. He looked at Joon and said, "Mr. Fong is not Wu Fan. I borrowed his horse and his wagon. Relax."

Joon, "Where is Wu Fan?"

Manchu smiled and said, "Help me with these sacks first. I'll tell you where he is."

Joon had no choice but to help Manchu carried his sacks of supplies. After the two men puts the supplies inside the house. The owner and his horse's wagon despaired as the dirt road curve alongside the mountain.

Manchu made tea and poured Joon a cup, "Drink some tea to keep your body warm." Joon only stared at the tea without touching it. Manchu laughed out loud, "You think I am going to poison you?" He picked up Joon cup of tea and drink one gulp. "It's safe." He chuckled.

After seeing Manchu drank the tea to ensure it was not poisonous, Joon picked up the teacup and drink the hot tea slowly. He noticed Manchu staring at him and smiled softly at him.

Manchu smiled at Joon and asked, "Are you tired of your life chasing after revenge? Always afraid that someone will put that knife on your back. Always sleep with one eye open and never have a good night sleep."

Joon, "No."

Manchu, "After you seek revenge do you still think that the pain will be gone?"

Joon, "I don't know because I have not completed my mission yet."

Manchu, "I believe afterward, you will still feel pain, you will be more sad, miserable and lonely because you have nothing to look forward to it anymore. Look at you right now, your face look like someone who carry the world on his back. The only friend you have is your own shadow."

Joon, "You are not like me. You don't know the pain I went through. You don't understand the feeling watching someone killed your father in front of you. You don't understand how it feels to be parentless."

Manchu, "I do." He smiled at Joon. "But I chose to not seek revenge and enjoy my days in harmony. I chose to look my enemy in the eyes and smiles at him instead."

Joon asked, "Why?"

Manchu smiled at Joon, "It's because I want to live every single day as happy as possible. I want the last thing I see before I close my eyes is someone I love and the person who loves me. I want my last breath to be inside that person's embrace and I will die a happy man." He puts both of his elbow on the table and held his hands together then rested his chin on his hands and smiled at Joon. "Don't you want to live happily and enjoy your days than be bond into someone else's grudge?"

Joon, "I don't have a choice."

Manchu, "Everyone have a choice. Even you, but you chose not chose."

Joon gave Manchu an ill stared, "Where is Wu Fan and his family?"

Manchu, "I've tried to distract you from the subject, but you still bring it back onto the table."

Joon, "Don't waste my time. My patience is limited."

Manchu, "I can tell when you pulled that dagger on me." He stood up. "Follow me."

Manchu led the way and Joon followed him. It took them thirty minutes to reach the three tombs. Joon couldn't believe his eyes. He has been waiting for seventeen years, and all that was shown to him was the three unnamed tombs.

Joon, "What is the meaning of this?"

Manchu, "You want to meet Master Wu Fan and his family. Here they are." He walked to the first grave. "This is Master Wu Fan." He walked to the second grave. "This is Madam Wu." He walked to the third grave. "This is Grandmother Wu." He turned back and looked at Joon.

Joon couldn't believe his eyes. For the past seventeen years, he has been waiting for Wu Fang, and all he got is an unknown tomb. Joon wholeheartedly believed that Manchu lied to him.

Joon, "I don't believe it. These must be empty graves."

Manchu, "If you don't believe it than dig right here." He pointed to in front of the first grave. "After Master Wu Fan's death. His mother buried his sword with him."

Joon walked over and started digging until he hit a hard surface. He dug some more, and he found the rusty sword that had killed his father. Joon shook his head and breathed heavily as he stood up and face Manchu.

Joon asked angrily, "Where is his offspring?"

Manchu smiled, "You are looking at him."

Joon speak slowly, "You are his son?"

Manchu smiled and nodded, "Yes and you killed my father."

Joon steps back, "Unsheathed your father's sword and fight me. Let's see who the better swordsman is."

Joon threw the rusty sword at Manchu. The rusty sword hit Manchu's chest, and the sword fell straight down onto the cold ground. Joon was so angry that he stared into the eyes of the enemy's descendants, he drew his sword, and prepared to avenge his father's death.

Manchu looked at Joon and shook his head.

Manchu smiled at Joon then he turned around with his back to Joon, "Killed me where I stand or follow me back home and I will cook dinner for us." He walked away from Joon.

Joon had chased down his enemy for seventeen years and he was not about to let this enemy go when his enemy stood only two feet away from him. Joon did a single somersault over Manchu and pointed his sword at Manchu.

Manchu smiled at Joon, "I've already told you. I don't seek revenge. I would rather smile at you instead."

Joon said angrily, "Pick up your father's sword."

Manchu, "Why would I pick up some rusty old sword? I don't know how to hold a sword."

Joon, "Before your father died, he should have taught you."

Manchu, "How could he teach me when he was dead for eighteen years? You killed my father before I was born. You stabbed him with a poison dagger. My mother died during labor. My grandmother died when I was five years old. I chose to live happily up here in this snow mountain then seek revenge and bear hates inside me."

Manchu walked closer and closer to Joon's sword until his left chest is right onto the tip of Joon's sword. As he stepped forward Joon stepped backward.

Manchu smiled, "You really going to kill me?"

Joon, "Yes."

Manchu smiled, "Alright. Can you kill me tomorrow then?"

Joon, "Why?"

Manchu sighed, "Today is my birthday. I don't want to die on my birthday."

Joon unsheathed his sword, "If you try to run away, I will cut one of your legs."

Manchu laughed and shrugged both of his shoulders, "How am I going to fight you with one leg." He smiled at Joon and walked away.

Joon sat on the bench outside, guarding the door to ensure that Manchu could not escape. Joon saw Manchu carrying a tray full of food and two bowl of rice to the small house.

Manchu stop in front of Joon and said, "Come eat. You will not be able to kill me with an empty stomach."

Joon stood up and followed Manchu into the house. There is a small open room in the house. There is a small table with two wood benches. The fireplace is in the middle of the room. The bed is on the left, and there is a bookshelf and a small table on the right. Joon sat on one bench, and Manchu sat on another bench. Joon refused to eat until after Manchu tasted each dish.

Manchu chew slowly at his food looking at Joon. He smiled at Joon and asked, "What kind of food do you like?"

Joon, "I don't know. I only eat noodle."

Manchu, "Do you like the food I cooked?"

Joon nodded and continued eating.

Manchu, "Today is my birthday. Can you grant me a wish?"

Joon, "I am here to kill you nothing more."

Manchu, "After you killed me. Please bury me. I don't want to be eaten by fox and wolf." He put down his bowl. He stood up and walked past Joon. Joon then grabbed his left wrist. "It dark outside, I am not running away. I've boiled some water in the kitchen. I am going to go fetch some hot water."

Joon waited. After an awhile, Manchu came back with a basin of warm water. He went stood in front of Joon and grabbed Joon's left foot. He continued to take off Joon's left shoe and then his right shoe. Manchu puts both of Joon's feet in the warm water and began to scrub Joon's feet.

Joon watched Manchu wash his feet. Since he grew up until now, no one has ever shown him any sympathy. When Joon watched Manchu wash his feet, he felt his heart beating very fast. This was the first time he felt like he didn't want to kill this person. He felt sad and hurt at the same time. Why do they have to be enemy? He slowly reached out and touched Manchu's head.

Manchu looked up, "What are you doing? I am not a child anymore. No need to rub my head." He smiled at Joon. Joon quickly pulled his hand away. Manchu wiped his feet dry and put on a pair of wool socks on Joon's feet. "I will sleep by the wall if you are afraid that I will seek out at night."

That night, the two men lay in the small bed staring at the ceiling.

Manchu asked, "Tell me about your childhood?"

Joon, "Why?"

Manchu, "I just want to know?"

Joon, "The only thing I remember is practicing my swords from morning until dawn."

Manchu's jaw dropped, "That's all?"

Joon, "I've been to many places searching for you and your family."

Manchu, "Do you get to eat many delicious foods?"

Joon, "No, only noddle."

Manchu complained, "What a shame...You've been to many different places but all you eat is noddle. If I've been to as many places as you. I will had eaten all different kind of food."

Joon, "I don't have time."

Manchu turned his body toward his right and face Joon, "That's what I've been telling you. Life is short. Why not make the best out of it than holding onto something that is unpleasant. Besides, this revenge thing was not even ours. Killing back and forth when will it end?"

Joon, "What about you?"

Manchu, "I've done a lot of things during my seventeen years. I made many friends. I've learned how to cook and survive on my own. I've learned to plant my own vegetable. I refused to let revenge shackle me down. I chose to live happy. I chose to not seek revenge. I chose to forget and forgive my enemy."

After a long time of silence, Joon murmured, "We could have been friend. If ours two families are not enemies." He turned to his left and came face to face with Manchu. Manchu was already asleep. He smirked at Manchu. He felt his heart ache as he stared at the young handsome Manchu. He murmured softly, "You going to die tomorrow, but you still were able to sleep peacefully." He reached out and brushed away some of the hair strains on Manchu's face while he sighed hurtfully.