Mix Feelings

Warning: Sexual Content

Joon woke up, lying on the bed alone. He panicked. He quickly got out the bed and walked to the door. He saw Manchu chopping firewood and beside Manchu was Wu Fan's sword stabbed into the cold ground. He put on his shoes. He grabbed his sword and tugged his dagger onto his belt sash. He opened the door and walked towards Manchu.

Manchu smiled at him, "Good morning."

Joon asked, "What are you doing?"

Manchu, "As you can see... Chopping firewood."

Joon said coldly, "A dead person don't need firewood."

Manchu smiled at him, "But you needed it. After you kill me you still have to bury my body before you depart." He slammed the axe down splitting the small log in half. Machu stopped and wiped his sweats on his forehead. He looked at Joon and said, "That should be enough to last for a few days." Manchu picked up his father sword and looked at Joon and he asked, "Joon, if our family has not been enemy for more than thirty years. Do you think we could be friend?"

Joon sadly nodded, "But our family were enemy so one of us have to die today."

Manchu smiled at Joon, "Joon, after you kill me. There will be no more enemy left. The Wu offspring is wipe off. There will be no one seeking revenge for you anymore. Could you promise me that you will live happily every day?"

Joon felt uneasy deep in his heart. This was the first time in his life that he felt that the hand he used to draw the sword was weak. He slowly drew his sword and charged at Manchu while staring at Manchu's face, and then the tip of his sword pierced Manchu's left chest.

Joon, "Why don't you drew the sword?"

Manchu grunted in pain, "I don't know any fighting move. I only know how to use a kitchen knife to cut meat and the axe the chop firewood." He dropped the sword onto the ground. "Also, I am happy to die so you could have a taste of happiness." Machu closed his eyes and he smiled. "I forgive you."

Joon has mix feelings. He didn't know whether he should push the swords forward and kill a person without weapon. If he does, he will be done with revenge. If he pulls his sword back, then this innocent young man will survive, and he will not be able to fulfill his duty as a son and grandson. He hesitated. Since he could remember, Manchu was the first person to smile freely in front of him. Manchu was the first to show him sympathy. The person most worried about him is Manchu. He felt Manchu walking towards him. Then, unaware of it, he had removed the sword from Manchu's left chest to prevent the sword form piercing deeper. This was the first time he hesitated to kill someone.

Manchu opened his eyes and grunting in pain, "This... very hurt... Could you just quickly silt my throat or cut me in half?" He placed his right hand onto his left chest's wound.

Joon, "I will not kill an unarmed man."

Manchu was speechless and ranting unhappily staring at Joon, "What? You could've have told me before you stabbed me. Now I am bleeding." He looked down on his wound. "There is too much blood coming out. I don't want to die slowly. I want a quick death." He continued ranting unsatisfied at Joon, "You claimed yourself to be a swordsman, but you can't even kill a person properly. I am in a lot of pain. I thought we agree to be an easy fast painless death..."

Joon shook his head then sheathed his sword and picked up Manchu.

Manchu continued ranting, "What are you doing? Don't you dare throw me over the cliff? I still want my body to look pretty when I am dead. I don't want to be an ugly spirit. You...put me down and just slit my throat...put me down..."

Joon walked to the housed, "You have any medicine?"

Manchu was ranting and forgot where he was. When Joon asked him, he looked around and he was already inside his home. He grunted in pain, "Look at the bookshelf."

Joon put Manchu down. He walked to the bookshelf, and he found the medicine box. Next to the medicine box is the Wu sword manual booklet. He grabbed the medicine box and sword manual booklet. He walked back to the injured Manchu and sat next to Manchu.

Joon, "This is the sword manual booklet. I don't kill unarmed people. I will teach you these sword moves. After you master the sword manual, we will fight again and settle our families' feud."

Manchu yanked the manual from Joon's hand and threw it into the fire pit.

Joon, "You..."

Manchu said sadly, "I will not learn it if we will end up killing each other. I've promised myself I will never hold a sword. I will be an unarmed man for the rest of my life if that mean you will not kill me." Manchu held Joon's right hand. "I really want you to be happy and live peacefully without hate." He cried. "I really want you to enjoy your life and for once and see the world through a happy person's eyes. Life is beautiful if we let go of hate." More tears fallen from Manchu's eyes.

Joon reached out his hand and wiped the tears on Manchu's eyes. He slowly moves closer to Manchu. He kept getting closer until the tip of his nose almost touch Manchu's nose. He felt his heart beating faster. He heard the sound of his beating heart. He lowered down his head and kissed Manchu's lips. Manchu's eyes widened because of shocks. Joon continued to kiss Manchu from side to side. Manchu pushed Joon back and wiped his mouth.

Manchu was frightened, "What are you doing? We..."

Joon picked up his sword without saying a word and rushed out. Manchu watched Joon despaired as the mountain curve.

Joon ran and ran until he ran out of breath. He stood in the middle of the mountain path, taking a deep breath, trying to calm his heart and thoughts. He didn't know what caused the kiss. He still denied that what had just happened just now was not himself, because he didn't remember anything until Manchu pushed him away. He closed his eyes and shook his head and yet, he still feels Manchu's soft lips on his lips. After two hours of walking, Joon came back to the small Fu village. He walked past a small house when he overhead two elderly couple's conversation.

The elder woman, "Just try to fix it the best you can. Next time when Manchu is here. We could ask him to help us."

Elder man, "Next village meeting we need to kick those savages out of our village."

Elder woman, "What do you think of having Manchu marry one of our granddaughters since he had helped us a lot?"

Joon turned walking back to the villager. Joon saw Bo-A stood before him. Joon followed Bo-A back to a small tavern.

Inside the guarded bedroom, the grandmother and grandson sat across from one another. Kim Kyong looked deeply at Joon, and they began their conversation in Korean.

Kim Kyong, "Do you find Wu Fan and his family?"

Joon, "Yes."

Kim Kyong, "Did you kill his offspring?"

Joon, "No."

Kim Kyong hit hard onto the table. She said madly, "How dare you? Your mission is to kill the last offspring of the Wu."

Joon, "Grandmother, did you poison the dagger seventeen years ago?"

Kim Kyong, "It has nothing to do with your mission."

Joon, "Just answer the question?"

Kim Kyong, "I did. He killed your father. Kill the Wu Fan's offspring and put an end to the families' feud."

Joon, "Wu Fan's son did not practice sword. He is just a common person who live peacefully up in Snow Mountain. He refused to seek revenge. I will not kill an unarmed person."

Kim Kyong said angrily, "You march back up the mountain and kill him."

Joon, "Why do I have to kill him if he doesn't want revenge? Grandmother, please let it go?"

Kim Kyong, "If you don't kill him today. He might kill you tomorrow. I know Wu Mei. This must be part of her plan."

Joon, "She is dead twelve years ago."

Kim Kyong laughed hard, "Wu Mei, at the end I outlive you." She looked at Joon. "You grow soft. If you can't kill an unarmed man, then I will send someone else to end it." She exhaled. "You can go rest. We will head back to Korea in two days." She continued laughing.

Joon step out and ran back up the mountain. Two hours later, he arrived at the house. There is no light inside. Joon's heart sank. Maybe he is too late, his grandmother already sends someone else to finish the job. He ran crossed the rope bridge and open the door. He saw Manchu laid on the table not moving at all. He gently placed his hand on Manchu's right shoulder and shook him.

Manchu groaned in pain, "It hurt... don't shook me too hard." He looked up and it was Joon. "Are you back to finish me off?"

Joon shook his head. He said, "I will help you tend your wound."

After Joon clean, put medication, and wrapped Manchu's wound. He stood up and walked to the door. He said coldly, "I will not duel you if you don't hold a sword, but my grandmother is different. She will be sending assassins to finish you off. It would best if you leave this place at once."

Manchu, "I am not leaving. If I die. I will die here."

Joon, "As you wish?" He moved closer to the door.

Manchu, "Joon, then we are still friend?"

Joon answered, "No, I cannot be your friend."

Manchu stood up and walked towards Joon, "Why not?"

Joon turned around, "Because I don't think I like you that way. So, we cannot be friend."

Manchu, "Even if we cannot be friend maybe perhaps a goodbye dinner. I can't cook now, but there are some dried noodles. Can you make us noodle?"

After some time passed, Joon walked in with two bowl of noddle soups. He placed one in front of Manchu, and he sat on the other side eating his own noodle soup.

Manchu asked, "Joon...if you are being kind to someone. Do you ask that someone to return the favor?"

Joon, "No."

Manchu noticed that Joon was avoiding making eyes contact. He looked at Joon and said, "Hey Joon, teach me some Korea word."

Joon, "What do you want to know?"

Manchu, "How do you say I like you?"

Joon, "Nan neoleul joh-ahe."

Manchu, "How do you say I love you?"

Joon, "Saranghae." He continued eating.

Manchu, "Joon ge... saranghae."

Joon looked up at Manchu. Joon stood up and towards Manchu. He then sat next to him. He lowered down his head and kissed Manchu lips once again. Manchu did not struggle this time. He sent his tongue into Manchu's mouth. The two men tongue twisted inside each other's mouth. Joon picked Manchu's up and carried him into the bed. Joon lay Manchu down. Joon untied Manchu's belt sash as he kissed Manchu. Manchus also untied Joon belt sash as well. Joon reached down and held Manchu's member in his hand and started moving his hand in a slow soft rhythm while he sucks hard on Manchu's neck. Manchu began moaning and panting hard. When Joon hand moved faster his sucking on Manchu's neck became hard. Joon sucked Manchu's neck switching from side to side.

Manchu felt so good. He has not done anything like this before. He was wondering since Joon touched his member and he felt this good. If he reaches out and touch Joon, will Joon felt the same way he does? Manchu then reached out and held Joon's member inside his hand and began stroking.

The two half naked men on the bed stroking each other's member. As the excitements grew, the two men reached orgasm, and then they cum inside his other's hands. Afterward, the two men lay bottom naked on the bed without talking.

Suddenly, Manchu rolled over and put his head onto Joon's left chest. Joon reached over and held Manchu then he kissed Manchu's on the forehead.

Manchu said softly, "Can I suck your neck too?"

Joon, "Of course."

Manchu reached over and suck Joon's left neck then he moved his mouth upward toward Joon's lips and he kissed Joon. After some time of kissing, he returns to Joon's embrace.

Manchu, "Would you be okay to stay with me like this and forget about revenge?"

Joon kissed his forehead and nodded.

The next morning when Joon woke up he did not find Manchu anywhere. He decided to pick up some firewood. He spotted his grandmother servant Bo-A.

Bo-A, "Madam want to know if you kill the last offspring of the Wu."

Joon, "No."

Bo-A, "Also last night Madam was targeted. A lot of the students were killed. Madam believed that the Wu offspring killed them."

Joon, "It can't be. I was with him all night."

Bo-A, "Madam want you to be careful and don't fall into enemy trap."

Joon, "I know what I am doing."

Bo-A, "Madam also say if you can't kill him then she will send us to kill him."

Joon carried a pile of firewood to the kitchen. He saw Manchu stood washing vegetables. He slowly pulled out the sword and pointed it at the back of Manchu. If Manchu is a skilled fighter, he would have noticed the sword on his back, and he would turn to investigate, but Manchu was still washing the vegetables and he did not even notice that his life was in danger. Manchu suddenly dropped his knife on the floor. He looked down at the floor on the right and went down to pick up the knife.

Manchu still with his back on Joon, "Did you just get back?"

Joon sheathed his sword, "How do you know?"

Manchu turned around with a smile, "I saw your shoes when I went down to pick up the knife. Go wash your hands. The food will be ready in a bit." Joon exhaled deeply as he walked out of the kitchen.