Warning: Sexual Content
That night the two men sat inside the house warming themselves around the fire-pit Manchu frowned, "It will be until summer to be able to eat meat again."
Joon, "You can go hunt."
Manchu laughed, "Have you ever see a hunter chase a deer with a kitchen knife?"
Joon, "You have a bow up there."
Manchu, "I don't know how to use it. Also, the arrows are old and rusty."
Joon, "You don't know how to shot arrow?"
Manchu, "No."
Joon, "When you run out of meat what do you do?"
Manchu, "I eat rice."
Joon, "Go get some water."
Joon stood up, walked to the wall and took down the bow and forty rusted arrows. He walked back and sat next to the fire-pit. Manchu placed the wood basin next to Joon. Joon began sharpen the arrowhead. Manchu smiled at him. After Joon finished sharping the arrows and fixed the bow.
Manchu, "Are you going hunting tomorrow?"
Joon put the bow and the arrow on the table, "You want to eat meat right?"
Manchu smiled and nodded.
Joon walked behind Manchu and sat down. He wrapped his arms around Manchu's waist and hugged him into his embrace. Joon kissed Manchu's head.
Manchu then held onto Joon's hands that wrapped around his waist. He asked, "Joon ge, do you always liked man?"
Joon, "Mm."
Manchu, "How many?"
Joon, "One."
Manchu, "How does he look like?"
Joon kissed Manchu on the back of his head, "He is young. He had long hair. He is the same height as me. He taught me that life have many different meaning."
Manchu smiled, "Do you love him?"
Joon, "Mm."
Manchu tighten his grasped around Joon's hands and he began to hum.
Outside the small house, the wind began to spread over the mountains. The two former enemies are now warming each other in this small house, watching millions of stars, and the moon glowing brightly in the black transparent sky.
The next morning after Manchu finished dressing Joon for outdoor. Joon want Manchu to go with him but Manchu declined.
Joon, "I'll be back soon."
Manchu smiled then teased, "Don't come back empty hand."
Joon took thirty steps, then turned to look at Manchu, who smiled and waved to him. After two hours of walking, Joon spotted three deer. He sent one of his arrow at the bigger deer. The arrow hit the deer's neck. The injured deer tried to escape, but Joon had sent two more arrows at the injured deer's abdomen. Joon walked along the bloodstain, and the injured died in a pool of blood on the ground thirty feet next to a rock. Joon spotted a rabbit sniffing snow. He drew out his arrow and was about to release his arrow at the rabbit, but then another rabbit came out and stood beside the first rabbit. Joon released his arrow and killed both rabbits with one single arrow. He remembered Manchu once told him that when skinning the animals, the skin must be preserved to make gloves and hats. It took him two hours to skin the deer and the two rabbits. He put the meat inside the bamboo basket and carried the basket back home.
When he approaching the house, he saw Manchu sitting outside on a bench waiting for him. He walked faster to the house. He stopped right in front of Manchu, dropping the basket on his back.
Manchu smiled at him, "You really got us some meat."
The two men cut the venison meat into smaller pieces and hang the venison in the kitchen. After a hard day of work the two men sat and drank hot tea.
Manchu looked at Joon, "Its look like it going to snow again."
Joon, "You can tell when it's going to snow?"
Manchu, "Sometime if there is dark cloud, it mean it's going to snow."
As soon as Manchu finished his sentences ten people dressed in black with their face covered stood on the other side of the rope bridge with their swords in their hands.
The ten people walked across the rope bridge and stood in front of Joon and Manchu.
An assassin said in Korea, "Stay out of our way, it's an order."
The first three assassins charged at Manchu. Joon quickly kicked the sword away and pulled Manchu behind him.
Joon said in Korea, "Tell your boss. No one touch him."
Three assassins charged at him, then two assassins charged behind Manchu. Joon saw two assassins attacking from behind, so he did three backflips towards Manchu. He quickly pulled Manchu inside his arm and used his body to protect Manchu from being cut by the sword. The assassin sprinting from behind with his sword and cut Joon's left upper arm. Joon kicked the assassin hard, which sent him smashing onto the bench and completely destroyed the bench. Joon began to attack other assassins. Manchu ran inside the house and grabbed Joon's sword.
Manchu shouted out, "Joon." He tossed Joon's sword to Joon.
Joon grabbed his sword and began attacking the nine assassins. Manchu witness Joon using this swords swiftly with no flaw. Joon swords agile and swift, yet full of power. Within a few moves, he defeated the ten assassins. He didn't killed them, but he injured them badly.
An assassins jumped from the roof of the house and fired a sword at Manchu . Manchu moved a little to the right, and the sword missed him by an inch. Joon quickly flew fast to Manchu and began to attack the last assassin. The last assassin was as skilled as Joon. The assassin attacked Joon. Joon stopped the assassin's sword attack. Since Joon's swords has switched from his right hand to his left hand, it is difficult for the assassin to stop Joon's sword. Joon's sword cut the assassin's right hand. Joon kicked the assassin at the abdomen, but the assassin blocked Joon's kick and did two backflips backward away from Joon.
Joon said in Korean, "Tell your boss, since Wu's last offspring does not practice swordsmanship, I do not want revenge. Tell her, I will stay here to guard him. If I notice him practicing swordsmanship...I will kill him."
Bo-A removed her clothed mask, "The boss said, if you can't do it, then I will finish it."
Joon said madly, "If any of you dare to hurt him I will show no mercy. Tell your boss, I will protect him. Also, done come up during the winter because her health is not good. If she want to come, then come in the spring." He sheathed his sword. "You may leave."
Bo-A and her injured assassins left crossing the rope bridge and despaired at the corner of the mountain.
Joon turned around and saw the frightened Manchu hiding inside the house. He walked inside the house and sat at the table.
Manchu with a broken voice, "Let me clean that for you." While Manchu was cleaning Joon's wound he asked, "Who are they?"
Joon lied, "Old enemies."
Manchu wrapped his arm and put a new robe on him. Manchu then held his two hands inside his, "Joon, I am scared that you will lose to them and be kill. Please let go of revenge and stay here with me here."
Joon looked at Manchu, "When you held a sword and start practicing, I will kill you."
Manchu kissed his hands and looked at him with a smiled, "Then... I will never touch a sword. I will be a sword-less person for the rest of my life. I want you to be happy. Please let go of revenge and live happily here in this mountain with me?"
Joon reached out and caress Manchu's face with the back of his hand, "What am I to you, if I let go of revenge and stay with you in this mountain?"
Manchu smiled at Joon, "A friend, a brother, a family member."
Joon sighed, "That's all?"
Manchu smiled shyly, "A partner in life."
Joon moved closer and kissed Manchu on the lips. Manchu wrapped his arm around Joon's neck. The two men began kissing switch from side to side. Joon picked Manchu up and lay him in bed. He undress himself then he proceed to undress Manchu.
Joon kissed Manchu downward and toward Manchu's member. He licked Manchu's member as he inserted one of his finger into Manchu's backdoor. Manchu started moaning and twitching. Joon then put Manchu's member inside his mouth and began to suck while his finger was still invading Manchu's backdoor. After sometime, he inserted his second fingers. He spread Manchu's legs apart, bent Manchu's legs forward, and he slowly inserting his member into Manchu's backdoor.
Manchu cried in pain, "It's too big."
Joon slowly inserted inch by inch inside Manchu's backdoor. He let the tight backdoor walls slowly pushed his foreskin back as his member enter Manchu's backdoor. After sometime of slowly inserting his member inside Manchu's backdoor. His member finally inserted all the way.
Manchu bit his lips, "Please be gentle."
This is not Joon's first time having sex with man. He had had sex with many men in the past, but for some reason having sex with Manchu makes his heart began to race while he slowly thrusts. When he had sex with other people, he will thrusts hard and show no mercy when he thrusts behind them. However, for Manchu, he worried if he thrusts hard and fast like he did with those men in the brothel, Manchu will be in pain. He slowly thrusts and Manchu began to moan. He felt the warm tight soft walls around his member. His trembled all over. After ten minutes of slow thrusts, he felt his inner pleasures traveled to the tip of his member, and he released inside Manchu. He lowered down his head and kissed Manchu. He sucked gently on Manchu's left neck. He rolled onto his left and tucked his left arm under Manchu's head and held Manchu tightly inside his arms.
Joon kissed Manchu's forehead, "Promise me, you will never hold a sword."
Manchu, "Mmm."
Joon said softly, "I love you."
Manchu, "Can you really loved me? I am not a woman."
Joon, "I love you because you are you."
Manchu, "Joon, stay here with me forever. Let us end the family thirty years hatred with love."
Joon, "I promise." He kissed Manchu forehead again. "Goodnight." He reached down for the blanket and covered the two of them.
When the eleven assassins slowly walked downhill. A dark clothed person stood before them. The dark clothed person attacked the eleven assassins. The dark clothed person used a few moves, and killed the eleven assassins. The dark clothed person walked away despairing into the night.
Two hours after the dark clothed person left, Bo-A, who was seriously injured, pretended to be dead slowly got up and makes her way back to Fu village.
Bo-A knocked gently at the door and one of the servant opened the door. Bo-A fallen down onto the floor. Mi Kyong rushed to her favorite servant.
Mi Kyong asked, "What happen? Joon hurts you?"
Bo-A coughed up blood, "No, Joon didn't hurt us. There was a dark clothed person came out of nowhere and killed everyone. The reason I am still was because I pretended to be dead."
Mi Kyong, "How was the dark clothed person's sword skill?"
Bo-A, "The person did not use a sword. The person used a butcher knife. The person defeated us within a few moves."
Mi Kyong, "Is the person a woman or a man?"
Boa-A, "A woman."
Mi Kyong, "A woman? What are you thinking Wu Mei?"
Boo-A, "Yes. Young master Joon said for you not to go up Snow Mountain. If you want go up then go in the spring time. He will not let anyone hurt the Wu offspring."
Mi Kyong, "How dare? Don't talk anymore." She looked at the two servants. "Bring her back and tend her wounds."
Two servants, "Yes madam." The two servants then helped Bo-A out of the room.
Mi Kyong sat down at her desk. She closed her eyes then tapped her fingers on the table, "Butcher knife, not a sword. What are you thinking Wu Mei?"
When direct sunlight hit Joon's eyes, he slowly opened his eyes. He still holds Manchu's inside his arms. Manchu sleep soundly. He realized that since he came to Snow Mountain, his sleep has been very good, and there is no worry in his heart. He no longer dreamed of killing. He doesn't even remember if he even has a dream, but if he dreams, he hopes he will be about Manchu and him only. He decided not to wake up Manchu because he want to continue holding Manchu in this way until Manchu wakes up on his own.
After watching the sleepy Manchu for two hours, Manchu finally opened his eyes. He saw Joon starring at him, "How long have you been awake?"
Joon, "A while ago."
Manchu yawned, "How come you didn't wake me up?"
Joon, "I want you to rest longer."
Manchu, "Do you really meant what you said last night?"
Joon smiled at him, "Mmm."
Manchu quickly sat up due to excitement, "Really? Ouch...!" He dropped his body on top of Joon, "My bottom is still sore."
Joon chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, "Sorry if I've hurt you."
Manchu, "I was over excited. This is the first time you smiled." He kissed Joon's neck. "You look every handsome when you smiled. I love that smile and I hope you will smile like this forever."
Joon kissed his forehead, "As long as you are with me. There will always be a smile on my face."
Manchu, "Then I will always be with you because I like that smile on your face."
Joon held Manchu inside his arms as the morning sun shine upon the horizon and birds chirped everywhere across Snow Mountain.