A Snowstorm To Remember

Warning: Sexual Content

The thick snowflakes floating with the wind outside the small house. When the wind passed, gusts of wind shook the little house. Joon and Manchu sat by the fire warming themselves with some wine. They watched the flame dancing around with the strong wind. Joon got up and dropped down the bamboo drapes on the two windows. He went to the bed and grabbed the extra blanket at the foot of the bed. Then he returned to the fire-pit and sat down beside Manchu. He wrapped the blanket around Manchu. Manchu leaned on his left shoulder and wrapped his around Joon's waist. After a while, Joon felt his left shoulder wet.

Joon reached and wiped Manchu's tear. He said softly, "Why are you crying?"

Manchu, "I am happy. It's happy tears."

Joon, "If you are happy then you shouldn't cry."

Manchu, "Joon, if I did sometime wrong and it hurt you, promise me you will not hate me."

Joon, "Like what?"

Manchu lifted up his head and looked at Joon, "For example: when we ran out of meat. I might steal the last piece of meat from your chopsticks. I get angry easily. I talk a lot. I like to tease. When I have nightmare, I might punch you. I am clumsy. I am clinging and I..."

Joon kissed Manchu. Joon lips still touched Manchu's lips. He said softly, "I can never hate you." Then he continued kissing Manchu.

Manchu sat on Joon lap and wrapped his hand around Joon's neck and kissed him. He hugged Joon's tightly then chuckled, "It's much warmer hugging and wrapping inside the same blanket with you. I want you to hold me like this forever."

Joon strolled his right fingers through Manchu's hair and kissed Manchu on the neck, "Who knows if there will be a forever for us."

Manchu, "There is, as long as you stay here with me."

Joon gently sucked Manchu's right neck.

Manchu, "I am curious why you like to suck my neck?"

Joon, "I don't know. I saw your white long neck and I just want to suck on it."

Manchu, "Then let me suck your neck too."

Joon, "No, I am ticklish."

Joon tried pushing Manchu's mouth away from his neck as Manchu reached forward aiming at his neck.

Manchu fights, "Stop struggling. You don't think that I am also ticklish as well?"

Joon, "No, I think you like it because you moan louder when I do that."

Manchu charged and pushed Joon down onto the floor and started tickle Joon nonstop around his upper body and abdomen. Joon then flipped Manchu over and help both of his hands up then lower down his head toward Manchu and kissed him.

Manchu smiled at him and said, "Hey, I want to..."

Joon smiled at him, "I agree."

Manchu, "You agree without knowing what I want to do."

Joon, "Your body is mine and my body is yours."

Manchu, "Then it's a yes."

Joon nodded.

Manchu flipped Joon over and began kissing Joon. Manchu untied Joon's robe and licked gently on his nipple while one of his hands ventured down to untied Joon's belt sash. Manchu pushed Joon's pants downward toward Joon's knees and he grabbed Joon's member into his hand and slowly moves it. Manchu then kissed Joon's body downward toward his member and he kissed Joon's member then Manchu took Joon's member inside his mouth. Joon grabbed the back of Manchu's head while Manchu moves his head up and down. When Manchu sucked deeper and faster Joon's moaned faster and louder. Manchu's twisted his tongue around Joon's member then he licked the tip of Joon's member while one of his fingers inserted inside Joon's backdoor. He slowly thrusted inside Joon's backdoor gently. After some time of thrusting with one finger Manchu inserted his second finger inside Joon's backdoor. With two fingers thrusting inside Joon it makes Joon exhaled deeply. Joon began moaning softly as Manchu's fingers thrusting inside Joon's backdoor. Then Manchu suddenly stop. Manchu pulled his fingers from Joon backdoor and collapsed onto Joon's chest.

Manchu frowned sadly, "I can't do." He sighed on top of Joon.

Joon chuckled, "Are you sure?"

Manchu kissed Joon's left cheek then sighed, "Tell me how you do it?"

Joon rolled Manchu over and smiled at him, "I'll show you."

Manchu used both of his hand and braced Joon body, "I want a turn."

Joon flirted, "You have your turn, and you can't do it."

Manchu, "I want to try again."

Joon rolled over and opened both his arms very wide, "Come...I am ready."

Manchu got up and slowly inserted his two fingers inside Joon backdoor once again and began to thrust his fingers in and out. After a while, Manchu slowly interested his member inside Joon's backdoor. Manchu had tried serval times before his member was finally inserted all the way inside Joon's backdoor. Manchu grabbed both of Joon's legs and placed it on his shoulders. He held onto Joon's waist, and he slowly thrusts in and out. Manchu felt his foreskin of his member pulled back as he thrusts. Joon tight backdoor massage his member tightly and this is being his first time of love making, he released less than two min of thrusting. He collapsed onto of Joon.

Joon held Manchu in his arms and sat Manchu on his lap. He inserted one of his fingers inside Manchu's backdoor and the soft spot was already widened and swelling. He kissed Manchu as his inserted the second fingers inside Manchu's backdoor. He then interested his hard erect member inside Manchu's backdoor.

Joon panting softly, "Move."

Manchu held onto Joon's neck, Joon put his hand on Manchu's waist, and help Manchu move up and down on top of his lap. The two men moaned as their flesh hitting against each other making a smashing sound as the floor squeaks.

Manchu moaned, "Joon ge, I like it better this way."

Joon breathed heavily, "Me too." Joon grabbed both of Manchu's legs up into a standing position and he thrusts hard while standing.

Manchu held tight onto Joon's neck. The penetration felt extra good when Joon's member hits his prostate. The harder and faster Joon thrusts, the louder Manchu moans became. Manchu felt lukewarm body fluid shoot up into inside his rectum when Joon released inside him.

Manchu said softly, "Walk us to the tube."

Joon held Manchu and walked to the ceramic tub and the two men soak in the hot water.

Joon gently sucked Manchu neck and said, "How long do you want me to hold you like this?"

Manchu, "Why? You are tired of holding me already?"

Joon, "Never."

Manchu murmured, "Joon ge, there is a say 'if you find Mr. Right at the right time, he will be your Mr. Right, but if you find Mr. Right at the wrong time, no matter how you look at it, Mr. Right will never be Mr. Right."

Joon, "Do you think you've found Mr. Right at the right time?"

Manchu didn't answer.

Joon Looked at Manchu and he was already fast asleep like a baby inside his embrace. He quickly washed Manchu then picked him and put him on the table and wipe him dry. Then carried Manchu to bed and tucked him in.

He kissed Manchu's forehead, "Sorry, I drugged you. Sleep tight." He walked to the door and opened the door and saw four people stood at the other side of the rope bridge.

He proceeds to cross the bridge to meet with the four people. He stood two feet away from the four people. It was Mi Kyong and her three servants. Mi Kyong was full of rage, and she slapped Joon hard.

Mi Kyong madly clenched her teeth, "Joon, I am disgusted by your action. Do you forget that you have to avenge your father's death?"

Joon, "No."

Mi Kyong, "If not then why is the bastard offspring still alive?"

Joon, "I cannot kill an unarmed person."

Mi Kyong, "Then step aside and let my servants kill him."

Joon kneeled down, "I've always listened to you and never ask anything in return. I can kill anyone for you but not him."

Mi Kyong screamed, "Ah....." She slapped Joon hard on his left face. "Ungrateful." Mi Kyong went down her knees and grabbed Joon's front collard with her right hand. She said angrily, "Why? You already fucked him. You already explored your curiosity. Why have you killed him yet? Answer me!"

Joon, "I love him."

Mi Kyong slapped him again, "Answer me again."

Joon, "I love him."

Mi Kyong slapped him again.

Joon answered, "I love him."

Mi Kyong slapped him again and shouted in anger, "He is close to you so he can kill you because he knew that his skill is no match to yours. Do you understand this is a plot to defeat you?"

Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, and he said, "No matter how many times you slapped me, my answer is still the same. I love him. I trust him completely."

Mi Kyong raised her right hand high, "You... One day you will be sorry. I'll be back in three months, take it as my love towards you. In three months, either you killed him, or my servants will kill him." Mi Kyong got up and as she was walking away. She said coldly, "I just want you to know that the ten servants died. They were killed by a black clothed individual. You better watch your back because he might stab you with his knife."

Joon watched his grandmother, and her servants walk into the darkness. Joon stood up and walked towards the house. He closed the door and walked into the bed. Manchu was still asleep. He climbed onto bed and lay down beside Manchu. He turned to the door and saw that the fire was still burning. He turned to embrace Manchu and kissed Manchu's left temple.

Joon caress his left hand on Manchu's left face. He whispered softly, "You won't lie to me, right?"

The heavy snowstorm last night completely covered the mountains. Joon gazed at the morning sun through the open door. He saw a big white snowball. He walked outside and everywhere he looked was white. He saw Manchu rolling another big snowball around the house. Manchu smiled at him.

Joon called out, "What are you doing?"

Manchu smiled, "I am creating friends. Come help me."

Joon and Manchu built two snowmen stood next to the house.

Joon looked at Manchu, "I have to practice my sword."

Manchu smiled, "Go ahead. I'll play with the snow while you practice."

Manchu watched Joon practicing his sword skills. He decided to roll up ten small snowballs. He threw the first one at Joon and Joon quickly cut it in half. Then he threw the second, then third, and then the fourth but Joon cut them one by one, and none hit Joon.

Manchu frowned, "Mum... No fun. I can't even hit you." He turned around and heading back inside.

Joon called out, "Manchu." He threw a snowball at Manchu.

Manchu felt that something hit him on his back. He turned around and threw the last snowball on his hand at Joon. When the snowball hit Joon's left neck, Joon stood still while the snowball broke into million tiny particles. The snow fell on Joon's neck and cheek. Manchu smiled. Joon stabbed his sword on the snow and opened his arms.

Manchu walked slowly toward Joon, put his arms around Joon's neck, kissed him gently on the lips, and hugged him tightly.

Manchu whispered in Joon's right ear, "Sorry." He dropped some snow inside Joon's robe.

Joon twisted his body around as the cold snow traveling down from his neck all the way down towards his waist. Manchu laughed out loud stepping backward from Joon.

Joon, "You are so dead."

Manchu provoked, "Only if you can catch me."

Joon chased Manchu, Machu started running around their pile of snowmen. The two men ran around the snowmen carefree, and their footsteps left unforgettable moments on the snow. After a while, Joon caught Manchu, and the two men fell down onto the snow. When they landed on the snow Joon was on top of Manchu. Joon lowered down his head and kissed Manchu. The two men don't know how long they were kissing in that position until Manchu started complaining.

Manchu, "My back is all wet."

Joon, "I'll carry you on my back."

Manchu, "I am heavy."

Joon chuckled, "Is not like I have not carry you before."

Joon got up and reached out his hand to Manchu who was still on the ground. Manchu grabbed Joon's hand and Joon pulled him up. He blushed off the snow on Manchu's back then he turned his back to Manchu.

Joon, "Climbed on."

Manchu jumped on to Joon's back. They began to walk back to the house.

Manchu said, "With you here with me, this is a snowstorm that I will always remember. Thank you."