Enemy In Disguise

Manchu stopped his wagon when he heard Fu Ning called his name, "Manchu, come have a bowl of noddle before you head home."

Manchu smiled at the owner, "I don't have any more money left."

Fu Ning, "Don't worry. Next time you come down the mountain, bring me some wild berries." He walked over and pulled Manchu away from the wagon. Manchu quickly grabbed a bouquet of wild daisies on the wagon where he sat. Fu Ning sat him at one of the tables. "I will also give you dried noodle." Manchu smiled at him as he left. Fu Ning came back with a bowl of noddle soup. He put a small bag of dried noodles and a bowl of noddle soup in front of Manchu. He smiled at Manchu, "The noodle is to celebrate your upcoming eighteen birthday."

Fu Yenay came out of the teahouse, "Manchu ge ge." She smiled at him.

Manchu smiled at the little girl and handed her the daisy bouquet, "For my beautiful girlfriend."

He was eating his noodle, and he noticed that a man was asking Fu Ning if he knew Wu Fan. He chewed the noodles slowly. He knew that this man must be the offspring of Mi. He just wants to live peacefully in Snow Mountain, without seeking revenge, but this is just wishful thinking. Soon, Mi Kyong will be here, and his peaceful life in Snow Mountain will end.

Two years ago, his grandmother made a bet with him. The bet was before he turns twenty years old, if Mi Kyong don't seek revenge, then he can live the way he wants and return to Dan Village to marry his childhood sweetheart Xixi. If Mi Kyong seeks revenge, then he will have to kill Mi Kyong and her offspring before he can return to Dan Village or Marry Xixi.

He still remembered Xixi's face as clear as the day he departed from Dan Village. With tears streaming down her face, she held his hands. He has told her if he does not go back when he is twenty, it means he will never come back to her, and she doesn't have to wait for him anymore. Since Mi Kyong's offspring are here now, he will quickly complete the task and return home to fulfill his promised to Xixi.

Fu Wangyong and his nine friends surrounded Manchu. Fu Wangyong grabbed Manchu's left shoulder and yanked him out of his seat.

Fu Wangyong clenched his teeth and said madly, "Manchu, how dare you rejected my sister?" Manchu struggled to break free. Fu Wangyong laughed, "Don't even try. Today, I will drag you back home and you will announce your love to my younger sister."

Manchu, "I already told your sister. I already have a lover."

Manchu knew that Fu Wangyong and his friends would refuse to let him go. He could easily defeat the ten weak men, but he chose not too because he doesn't want to give up his identity. When he saw the Mi offspring walking by, he shouted, "Hey, this elder brother, I know where Wu Fan and his family live." The Mi's offspring turned around and looked at him. Manchu said, "I can take you to them."

Manchu felt Fu Wangyong's punched hard on his stomach and Fu Wangyong punched was so soft that he didn't feel a thing, but he has to pretend to grin, as if he is in pain in front of the Mi's offspring. Fu Wangyong pointed at the Mi's offspring and said, "None of your business stranger, just simply walk away." He spat on the ground. He continued to dragged Manchu back into town.

Manchu watched the Mi's offspring grabbed Fu Wangyong's hand that was holding Manchu's front collar and he squeezed it tightly. Manchu can see from the squeeze strength that the Mi offspring is highly skill. Manchu worries deep inside. How will he defeat the enemy? His enemy is eighteen years older than him and has more experiences.

When The Mi's offspring and Fu Wangyong's gang fought, Manchu decided to kill two birds with one stone, so he seized the opportunity and drove off from the two enemies. He decided to lead the Mi's offspring up Snow Mountain. He will become a good brother of the Mi's offspring, then earn his trust and learn his skills secretly.

Manchu heard the Mi's offspring's feet touched the wagon; the Mi's offspring pulled his hair back. Manchu deliberately fell backward into the Mi's offspring's arms and put his head onto the Mi's offspring's thigh. He was staring at the cold face of the Mi's offspring. He tried to study the facial expressions of the Mi's offspring, only to see the hatred in the eyes of the Mi's offspring. He felt sorry for the Mi's offspring. He wondered if the Mi's offspring had ever smiled in his lifetime. The Mi's offspring was a very good-looking man, and he honestly believes that there are many ladies chasing him. How could someone be brought up only know hates but never once be loved? He is glad that Xixi had taught him how to love and be loved unless he will be like the Mi's offspring. Then the horse hissed and brought him back to reality.

Manchu whined, "Let go of my hair."

The Mi's offspring let go of his hair and said coldly, "If you run again, I will pull harder."

Manchu smiled and teased, "Then I will make sure I cut my hair very short before running away."

The Mi's offspring demanded, "You take me to the Wu Fan and his family now."

Manchu smiled at the Mi's offspring, "Yes sir."

When the Mi's offspring situated himself and sat next to Manchu, he notices that the Mi's offspring kept staring at him. He suddenly decided to face his enemy.

He turned around and faced the Mi's offspring, "What is your name?" He smiled and moved closer the Mi's offspring.

The Mi's offspring, "Mi Joon."

Manchu smiled, "I am Manchu." He stared at Joon. "You are Korean?" Joon nodded. "Why are you looking for Wu Fan?"

Joon, "To seek revenge for my father. He killed my father."

Manchu, "After you kill him then what?"

Joon, "Killed his son or daughter if they seek revenge?"

Manchu, "What if they don't want to seek revenge? Or they are don't know anything about swordsmanship? Do you still kill them?"

Joon, "Nonsense, the Mi and the Wu had been enemy for more than thirty years. They will definitely teach their offspring swordsmanship."

Manchu, "So you really going to killed a unarmed person?" Manchu moved closer to Joon.

Joon, "I don't kill unarmed individual. Stop moving closer to me."

Manchu smiled at him, "Good."

Manchu drove the horse wagon up Snow Mountain, and the snow scattered across the mountains. Manchu noticed that Joon was not dress for the cold winter in the north. He took out his scarf and was about to wrap it around Joon's neck to keep him warm. He puts his plan into action and showed Joon sympathy for Joon and gained his trust, but he didn't expect Joon will put a knife at his throat.

Manchu rubbed his neck, "Do you always treat people who are considerate towards you this way?"

Joon said quietly, "No one ever think considerately toward me. Those who are close to me were there to kill me."

Manchu sadly murmured, "Wow, what a sad life."

Manchu learned that Joon's up bringing was based on revenge, and nothing more. He saw the loneliness in Joon's eyes. Joon was the first enemy that Manchu did not want to kill.

When they return to his home and Mr. Fong came out of the house, Joon was ready to kill old Wong, so Manchu had to stop Joon quickly. Since Manchu was face to face with the man who killed his father. He will seek revenge by having his enemy carry all the rice sacs from the wagon to the storage room. However, his enemy is willing to obey because his desire for revenge is greater.