Lonely Fish Eaten Bait

Manchu went to the kitchen, and he made tea for both of them. When he poured the tea to his enemy with a smile on his face, his enemy somehow distrusted him. Manchu laughed and feeling sorry for this enemy of his. Manchu had talked with Joon for a long time after seeking revenge hoping that Joon will change his mind and go back to Korea. After the two men's conversation, Joon still refused to let go of the grudge that was not theirs to begin with.

Manchu noticed that the more he tried to talk Joon out of seeking revenge the more hostile he became.

Joon dark brown eyes stared right at him and said, "Don't waste my time. My patience is limited."

He had no choice but to show Joon the graves of his parents. Manchu can tell by the look on Joon's expression that he is very disappointed. Manchu still hope that Joon can decide to return to Korea at this time. He didn't want to reveal himself. If he reveal himself to his enemy, it meant his grandmother had won the bet and he will have to kill the Mi's offspring and Mi Kyong.

Manchu watched as Joon start digging his father graves. Joon deeply believed that inside was nothing but an empty grave until Joon hit his father sword.

Joon asked angrily, "Where is his offspring?"

Manchu smiled, "You are looking at him."

Joon speak slowly, "You are his son?"

Manchu smiled and nodded, "Yes and you killed my father."

Joon steps back, "Unsheathed your father's sword and fight me. Let see who the better swordsman is."

When his father rusty sword hit his chest and he watched the sword slowly fall directly on the cold ground, he almost took his father sword and kill Joon. Since he lost his bet with his grandmother, this means that from now on, all calls will comes from his grandmother. All he could do was shook his head at Joon when Joon drew his swords and stared angrily in his eyes.

Manchu forced himself to smile at Joon then turned around with his back to Joon, "Killed me where I stand or follow back home and I will cook dinner for us." He started to walk away, he made up his mind that if Joon want to fight him now he is well prepared to kill Joon where he stand.

Manchu knows his limits well and Joon has crossed it many times. He had never been this patient with anyone before. He reassured himself that this would be the last time he tolerated Joon. If Joon wants fight, then he will give Joon the fight he was waiting for seventeen years.

Joon said angrily, "Pick up your father sword."

Manchu, "Why would I pick up some rusty sword? I don't know how to hold a sword."

Joon, "Before you father died he should have taught you."

Manchu, "How could he teach me when he was dead for eighteen years? You killed my father before I was born. You stabbed him with a poison dagger. My mother died during labor. My grandmother died when I was five years old. I chose to live happily up here in this snow mountain then seek revenge and bear hates inside me."

Today is Manchu's eighteenth birthday so he don't want to kill anyone on his birthday. He hate the smell of blood.

Manchu walked closer and closer to Joon's sword until his left chest is right onto the tip of Joon's sword. As he stepped forward Joon stepped backward.

Manchu smiled, "You really going to killed me?"

Joon, "Yes."

Manchu smiled, "Alright. Can you kill me tomorrow then?"

Joon, "Why?"

Manchu sighed, "Today is my birthday. I don't want to die on my birthday."

Joon sheathed his sword, "If you try to run away I will cut one of your leg."

Manchu laughed and shrugged both of his shoulders, "How am I going to fight you with one leg." He smiled at Joon and walked away.

Today is his birthday, so he doesn't want to eat alone, and the only person who can eat with him now is his enemy.

The two men sitting down at the table inside the small house. Manchu don't want to think about revenge. He wants to have a normal conversation with Joon.

Manchu chew slowly at his food looking at Joon. He smiled at Joon and asked, "What kind of food do you like?"

Joon, "I don't know. I only eat noodle."

Manchu, "Do you like the food I cooked?"

Joon nodded once and continued eating. Manchu looked at him and felt sorry for the two of them. If the previous generations has no hatred, they could have grown up with their parents. They could have been friends. Then his grandmother's words came to his mind.

Wu Mei, "Manchu, if you were a woman how good would it be."

Manchu, "Why?"

Wu Mei, "If you are a woman killing the Mi's offspring will be easy. You can stay closed to him, be nice to him, show him affection, and slowly kill him."

Manchu, "Even if I am a man I could still do it. I will be close to him, be nice to him, show him affection, slowly gaining his trust, and then I will kill him."

Wu Mei, "Let us wait and see what you can do. If you relieve yourself to him as his enemy's son then it mean I won our bet. I will give order and you can only follow."

Manchu, "Fine."

Starring at the boiling water inside the big wok, he had to swallow his pride and be kind to his enemy for a little awhile. Manchu will attract Joon as much as possible to win Joon's trust. He will use Joon as a shield. It is not difficult to establish a brotherly relationship with Joon. Machu knows that people like Joon has never received any sympathy from anyone in his life. If someone shows him a little sympathy, he will be willing to sacrifice his life for that person.

Manchu walked inside the house with a basin of water. He stood in front of Joon and put down the basin. He too off Joon's shoes and socks and started scrubbing Joon's feet. Manchu noticed that Joon's feet were rough, and there were new scar and old scars on his calf. Suddenly, he felt Joon's hand touching his head.

Manchu looked up, "What are you doing? I am not a child anymore. No need to rub my head." He smiled at Joon. As soon as he finished saying that Joon pulled his hand away.

After he finish washed Joon's feet. He patted it dry and found a pair wool sock for Joon.

He smiled at Joon and said, "I will sleep by the wall if you are afraid that I will sneak out at night."

The two men couldn't sleep, so they started talking. After their conversation, Manchu had learned that Joon actually grown up very sad. From morning until dawn, he did nothing but practice his sword. He has no friend. The only person he know is his grandmother, and maybe his only friend was his sword? He wondered who was at fault with this family grudge? It must be so sad to be Joon growing up? Who cooked for him after a long day of practicing his sword? Who wash his clothes for him? Who give him medicine when he was sick? Who reminds him to eat when he was too busy with his practice? Then Manchu felt weird and decided to just close his eyes and think about Xixi. He heard Joon shift his body towards him. He felt Joon's hand brushed away the strands hair on his face.

Joon murmured softly, "You going to die tomorrow, but you still was able to sleep peacefully."

Manchu knew that he had left a deep impression on Joon, and a lonely fish named Joon ate his bait.

The next morning, he decided to chop some fired wood. The stage was set up, he is just waiting for Joon to wake up to and play with Joon. This will be the final test to see if Joon has fallen into his trap.

When Manchu saw Joon walked out of the small house he smiled at him, "Good morning."

Joon asked, "What are you doing?"

Manchu, "As you can see... Chopping firewood."

Joon said coldly, "A dead person don't need firewood."

Manchu smiled at him, "But you needed it. After you kill me you still have to bury my body before you depart." He slammed the axe down splitting the small log in half. Machu stopped and wiped his sweats on his forehead. He looked at Joon and said, "That should be enough to last for a few days."

Manchu picked up his father sword and looked at Joon and he asked, "Joon, if our family has not been enemy for more than thirty years. Do you think we could be friend?"

Joon sadly nodded, "But our family were enemy so one of us have to die today."

Manchu smiled at Joon, "Joon, after you kill me. There will be no more enemy left. The Wu offspring will be wipe off. There will be no one seeking revenge for you anymore. Could you promise me that you will live happily every day?"

Manchu saw Joon slowly unsheathed his sword. Manchu saw Joon charge at him with his sword. Manchu felt some pain when Joon's sword pierced an inch into his left chest. He knew that if Joon stabbed a half of inches to the left, it would be his heart that was pierced. He can tell by the way Joon stabbed him, indicates that the big fish had eaten the bait, and the fisherman won by pretending to be innocent.

Manchu's eyes locked on Joon's eyes. Joon shaky voice, "Why don't you drew the sword?"

Manchu grunted in pain, "I don't know any fighting move. I only know how to use a kitchen knife to chop meat and the axe the chop firewood." He dropped the sword onto the ground. "Also, I am happy to die so you could have a taste of happiness." Machu closed his eyes and he smiled. "I forgive you."

This is Manchu final test of Joon, to see if he really won the trust of this man with his innocent eyes. He walked forward so that the sword will pierce deeper, but when Joon removed his sword, Manchu was surprised.

Manchu opened his eyes, "This very hurt. Can you just quickly silts my throat or cut me in half?" He placed his right hand onto his left wound on his chest.

Joon, "I will not kill a unarmed man."

After Joon wounded Manchu Joon tended Manchu's wound. Joon made it clear to Manchu that he will not kill a unarmed man.

Manchu said sadly, "I will not learn it if we will end up killing each other. I've promised to myself I will never hold a sword. I will be a unarmed man for the rest of my life if that mean you will not kill me." Manchu held Joon's right hand. "I really want you to be happy and live peacefully without hate." He cried. "I really want you to enjoy your life and for once see the world through a happy person eyes. Life is beautiful if we let go of hate." More tears fallen from Manchu's eyes.

Manchu felt very bad that he had to kill someone like Joon. The only thing that the two of them had done wrong was that they were born enemies. Then he felt Joon's hands wiping away his tears. Joon was the first person to wipe his tears.

Manchu face was being pulled closer to Joon's face as the tip of their nose touched. Joon then kissed Manchu. Manchu's eyes widened because he was shock by Joon's action. Joon continued to kissed Manchu from side to side. Manchu pushed Joon back and wiped his mouth.

In shocked Manchu pulled himself away in terror, "What are you doing? We..."

Manchu watched as Joon suddenly run out of the house and despaired in a distance.