Ussylys the Guardian

The process of purging was almost impossible for most people. But Dyne knew what he had to do.

He first purged the lightning with Brimstone, and Jedo used his dark powers to absorb and sift away the darkness of the lightning.

As the Darkness was being purged, Dyne took out Grim, who was releasing its Holy Fire. From the flames created, Dyne began to gather the energy of lightning.

Strafe watched with interest. If Dyne had already guessed the emotion or drive behind the element, Strafe wanted to see how Dyne realized this.

"Dark Lightning was based on wrath and rage. But what is True lightning? Wrath and rage can be linked to justice. But wrath is the excess of anger. Then its light form will be judgment. Aren't lightning in those cultivation stories used to enact judgment? Cultivators who violated vows end up being struck by divine lightning. This means that this is lightning's real form. Justice and righteousness. No wonder Gala has lightning." Dyne recalled the game of Legaia.

"Vahn was known for his warmth. In the game, he wanted Meta's help because he wanted to save the world. His love for his village, his love for his mother, and his love and warmth caused it. His alignment displayed his personality. Noa was free as the wind. Innocent and wild. Gala was stoic and by the book. He really is of lightning!"

Dyne used the Imaginarium Bond, and with the mana orb that could refill his expended mana, Dyne imagined and brought to life his sense of justice. Soon, the lightning energy that fueled the jewel was slowly being changed.

"This man will yearn for justice. And that will fuel his power. No longer will he be wild and unchecked, but his anger will be focused. Justice will guide it, and his desire for justice will help him create that power. Unlike Akuma, who gave in to the dark power, this man will have the power to focus his desire to harness his soul." Dyne smiled.

The process took only a few minutes.

Strafe was secretly amazed at Dyne's expert use.

"Amazing. He could easily be a crafter of Legacy Artifacts. If he gets his hands on various elemental sources, he could even create the Materia system of Final Fantasy VII!" Strafe praised.

The power of Brimstone began to also course around the body of Usserfer and helped him breakthrough. The purging of darkness and turning to Light gave him a more purified body.

"Martial Formation Level 3!" Arya was amazed.

"With this artifact, he can easily challenge a Level 4 Martial Formation Cultivator. And with Trance, he could probably match a Level 5." Dyne assessed.

Arya was amazed at what she heard. A martial Level 5 cultivator was among the strongest of the strong. Even the Cardinal and the strongest knight of the kingdom were at that level!

"Now, Arya. It seems that this man will be our ally from now on." Dyne finally stood up as he completed the purging process.

"But... master. What if he finds out the truth?" Arya asked.

"What truth?"

"About all our lies?"

Dyne smiled.

"What lie exactly? Serpentari is surely behind this based on the dark artifact he has. That is certain. And King Ciroel isn't the type to be so petty to kill a man for paintings. The Serpentari has been gathering angry and disgruntled members of society and promised something to them. I am just showing this person the truth. The lies I made were intended to convince them. By the time this man figures out that that person isn't his father, we would probably already know the truth of his death, and he may remain in my services. And lastly, do you think I lied about Jedo?"

Dyne smiled as the dark Ra-Seru in his arm released a powerful purple light.

"What is that?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just a death god in my arm. A very weakened death god, but a death god nonetheless."

"Master is amazing! This god chose to serve you?"

"Frankly... He's quite disappointing." Dyne shook his head.

Jedo was very underwhelming. He could only do so much but compared to Dyne. Anything Jedo could do, Dyne could do better on his inverse element.

The harsh insult caused Jedo to shed tears once more, and water was created as it slowly dripped from the Ra-Seru.

One drop trickled down to Dyne's hand, and Dyne noticed it.

"Trying to show off by creating water? Please. Those droplets are nothing compared to this. Grim..."

Grim released fire energy.

Dyne seemed to have plucked something off and a bolt of lighting condensed in his arms.

"Show off when you can make something useful like this. Don't show those mere droplets to me. What're those for? Watering plants?" Dyne mocked.

Jedo wept all the more.

"Lord Tieg... Why did you make me the Ra-Seru of this monster?" Jedo finally complained.

"I didn't. He defied the fate I set and got you. You were supposed to be that Songi's Ra-Seru and follow the memory he showed you in the game. But your past life was pretty horrible. I think you deserve this."

Dyne retrieved several healing items and fed them to Usserfer.

Arya watched curiously as to what Dyne would do.

Usserfer awoke.

"Are you alright?" Dyne asked as he woke up.

"My... body feels bizarre. Are you...?"

"I am the medium that your father talked about. He saw the dark destiny you were headed to and pleaded with the reaper." Dyne pointed back, and the grim and deathly figure of Jedo appeared.

"The reaper?"

"For some odd reason, this reaper is quite fond of me and listens to my command. So through his powers and your father's stubbornness, he was able to see you one last time. But your father has passed on. This is Arya. The Serpentari also killed her family. Their goal is to conquer Martsirt. Are you going to help them, or will you avenge your father?" Dyne asked.

"I want to avenge my father!" Usserfer shouted.

"Good! Ussylys. Your father gave you a gift. The dark jewel that was bestowed in your chest is something that uses your emotions and brings them out. It's honestly a rather powerful Soul object." Dyne analyzed.

"This jewel uses your emotions and feeds on your soul to constantly create Spirit. It's like a solidified Power Elixir, Shield Elixir, and Speed Elixir." Dyne praised.

"But the drawback is that it covers the anger in your heart. Sooner or later, that would have turned you into a mindless monster. It has begun, hasn't it?" Dyne asked Usserfer.

"Ye-Yes... I fall into strange trances. And that's why I hid here most of the time."

"Ussylys... Let's call you by that name now. The jewel used wrath and anger to fuel you to power you up. But with my power, I purged it and reversed it. It was rather easy to do since this object has no sentience, and Jedo helped me purge it. That item should allow you to harness the power you had but without the wild effects. It will be driven by your desire to enact justice. This kingdom needs to be saved. The Serpentari is deceiving many others and is being toyed with like you. You were fooled into becoming their soldier. And if your father had not had the power to reach out to me, you would have become an evil murderer!"

Ussylys gritted his teeth. He felt great helplessness.

"A great plan to counter the attacks of the Serpentari is happening right now. My team is planning to kidnap the king and bring him somewhere safe to protect Martsirt from falling into civil war. Will you aid our cause?" Dyne asked.

"I will!" Ussylys answered.

"Good! Then you will help us. No longer will you be called Usserfer the Berserker, but Ussylys the Guardian! We will expose the evil of the Serpentari! And the best person to prove it is this Arc Knight. I know of the Arc Knight Gruelle. Where is he?"

"Arc Knight Gruelle is the head of the Blood Sword Platoon. They are in charge of capturing and imprisoning dark mages, bandits, and other criminals in Martsirt and the surrounding regions. He has a platoon of five powerful Arc Knights as well." Ussylys answered.

"Arya… How do we kill them?" Dyne asked Arya.

"Kill them?!" Ussylys was stunned.

"We killed Nabal and his Swift Blade guard, Corros. And then we also managed to defeat you." Dyne laughed.

"But Master... We only killed them through various means. We can't kill six Arc Knights with those tactics!" Arya answered.

"Then what tactic could kill them all? If they are all Arc Knights, then I doubt we can sneak in. They should be vampires and would have more keen means of finding us." Dyne answered.

"Can you fight the Arc knights?" Arya asked Ussylys.

"This is an assassination. And I don't think he can face and kill all if the Arc Knights all revealed their true powers." Dyne answered before Ussylys could.

Ussylys glanced at Dyne and nodded in agreement.

"Killing them all would be impossible. There are no ways for us to attack them without getting noticed." Ussylys answered.

"Master, can you poison them?" Arya asked Dyne.

"Great job, Arya! Your scheming is increasing! The answer is yes. With everything I've acquired from the Temple, Abrellam, and the other herbs, I can poison them!" Dyne smiled.