Gruelle’s Platoon

Dyne, Arya, and with the help of Ussylys, were able to even more successful assassinations. On their way to the Arc Knights, Dyne killed a few more people. Time was of the essence, but Dyne had a few counter plans to buy them more time to complete the mission through Ussylys. But to do so, they would need first to kill the Arc Knights.

With all of Ussylys belongings absorbed inside the Monster Hive, the trio moved quickly.

The pair were beginning to see more and more of Dyne's eccentric behavior as he began to dictate who to kill. Some of the people they killed seemed sensible, but others weren't.

"So… this fat chef… has to die?"

"Yeah." Dyne nodded again and gave Ussylys the same instruction.

"But that soldier… who I know is rather wild… and bullies his fellow soldiers… and even took bribes should live."

"Again. Yes. Hurry!" Dyne waved his hands.

Dyne could see the destiny of the soldiers and knew which one had a darker and more wicked future. The chef had rather thick death energy around him, while the soldier who took bribes had a strange destiny that seemed inclined to the light.

Dyne didn't have time to explain as the group went along.

Dyne was happy that he now had a warrior who could equal the strongest known soldiers of the kingdom, But Dyne wasn't relenting or slowing down in his mission despite this advantage.

Soon, the group reached the area where the platoon was.

Dyne was excited as to what items he could acquire inside the Arc Knights base. If this were where they hid all such items, it would definitely be more useful to him and his group. This will make his trip back to Legaia more beneficial!

The plan that they had made was rather simple…

Ussylys shouted in a mad and angry voice and demanded entry into the Platoons base.

"Usserfer?" The Arc Knight captain, Gruelle, appeared.

"I demand entry! This boy has caused me problems!" Ussylys roared angrily. There was great hate, and a powerful martial power exploded from him that caused Gruelle to frown.

"That boy?"

"It has to do with your secrets. Don't think Abrellam and you are the only ones who know!" Usysylys revealed the ace that Dyne told him to say.

Gruelle's expression changed as he heard this.

"How did you...?"

"How do you think I can?!" Usserfer asked without explaining the details.

The Arc Knight was confused.

"Why haven't you sought Abrellam?"

"You think I didn't? Haven't you heard that an assassin has entered? Abrellam's missing!" Usserfer revealed.

Gruelle's expression became uglier all of a sudden.


"I already informed them! Hurry! You help me! If an assassin is in the midst, we have to find him immediately!"

The Arc Knight Gruelle made way for Usserfer to pass.

"Fine. Since you already know, I believe there is no harm to letting you in…" Gruelle's voice trailed off.

Ussylys immediately moved inside without hesitating.

Gruelle was silent as he saw Ussylys walk but a trace of suspicion remained. Gruelle glanced at another Arc Knight and simply nodded.

The Arc Knight returned a nod as if he understood the intentions of Gruelle.

Gruelle followed Ussylys into the house.

"What exactly is the problem?"

"This boy was my experiment. I made him take dark medicine. I know, Gruelle. I know about Abrellam, your real power... everything. Bishop Chrone has informed me, and he even offered me two options… The Spirit Stone or this!" Ussylys took out a strange dark pill.

"What… is that?" The moment Ussylys took it out, Gruelle could sense powerful dark energy emitting from it.

"Something from the other side. Do you know what is happening and what the Archbishop is doing?" Ussylys asked.

"Do you?" Gruelle challenged back.

"Hmm. This is an Afarit Source Pill!" Ussylys laughed.

Gruelle's challenging look faltered, and a look of shock appeared.

"Quick! Into the chamber! We cannot stay here!" Gruelle shouted as he ordered Ussylys to move down a secret chamber that suddenly opened up.

Ussylys carried Dyne in and they reached into a strange chamber with a dark altar in the middle. Around it was strange runic letters, and the bodies of the dead littered around.

Ussylys did his best to control his wrath as he knew that countless souls were killed and placed here.

"Tell me everything!" Gruelle asked immediately.

"Bishop Chrone is requesting for more allies to get ready. A terrifying battle awaits! This is why he sent me this priest to tell me everything! The Afarit Source Stone is something that can increase the power of a being. He gave it to me and told me to give you several of them. I admit I was greedy." Ussylys laughed.

"What did you do?!" Gruelle got angry. This was something that was supposed to be his, but the stupid Usserfer wanted it!

"I know what you are. A vampire! Bishop Chrone told me to take this but warned me that only a being dwelling in darkness could take it. I wanted it for myself to grow stronger. So I took one and gave it to the priest. And this happened." Ussylys pulled the priest's robe over Dyne, and strange black lines were spiraling over his body.

"Such dark energy…" One of the Arc Knights nearby looked in greed.

"I'll tell you upfront. I don't want to become a vampire! That Spirit Stone looks weak. I don't want to share power with a monster. But I also didn't want to become one. So I gave it to this boy to see if it's possible to absorb the power without becoming like you! Killing and drinking blood? Bleh!" Ussylys made a disgusted expression.

"Coming from an insane man like you who kills others without cause, your disgust confuses me."

"Oh? I kill people because they irritate me. But I won't ever kill people for food! You make it sound like you don't kill people to drink their blood. Are you telling me that you go out once a month to seek women who are having their menstruation period to avoid killing others?" Ussylys laughed.

The Arc Knights had an angry expression.

"But enough. Abrellam is missing. We have to hurry. What is wrong with this boy? How do I absorb the power of the Afarit Source Pill?"

Gruelle shook his head.

"We don't know. We have never heard of this before. But I assume that only vampires can take it and channel the power. Since Abrellam is out, we can turn you into a vampire. But it might… sting a little." Gruelle laughed.

"No. I don't want to be a menstrual cycle creature. Tell me another way! Teach me how to channel the energy! I am blessed as a Soul Cultivator. I can use that to channel my power." Sudden, thick energy emerged from Ussylys that was causing him to rise in power slowly.

The Arc Knights suddenly began to draw their swords. More of the Arc Knights that were hiding also appeared. Gruelle made the Arc Knight outside, ready for all their platoon members if they needed to kill Usserfer.

"Relax. We are allies! I am even here on your behalf. I just showed you my confidence in controlling the dark energy. Just tell me what to do!" Ussylys laughed as he saw all the arc Knights.

"So this is your full platoon. Quite weak! Now tell me how to control the power of this pill!" Ussylys laughed.

"We don't know. How many did Bishop Chrone give you? We have to test it ourselves first to tell you what to do."

"… He gave me… two," Ussylys answered as he gazed away from Gruelle.

The Arc Knights frowned. They could tell that Ussylys was lying.

"Two? Liar! There should be enough for all Arc Knights and one for you! Don't lie!"

"Alright! He gave me several and even asked me to give one to Nabal. But since he's missing, I went ahead and used one on this boy."

"You imbecile! Give us the pills before you cause more damage! We'll tell you whether or not you need to be a vampire, which is most likely!" Gruelle shouted.

Ussylys grumbled and took out several pills in his pocket.

"There are five missing!" Gruelle shouted again.

"That's all I have!"

"Usserfer!" Gruelle demanded.

"Fine!" Ussylys took out five more pills.

"But you have to show me how to do it!"

"We don't know how! This is the first time we've seen it!"

"Fine. I'll just observe you guys as you take it. Don't disappoint me." Ussylys grumbled as he readied his pill to be eaten. Then Ussylys realized it.

"Oh? Why is the dark energy weaker? Should I have not taken it out of that Jade case?" Ussylys wondered.

"WHAT?! YOU IDIOT! MEN! QUICK! TAKE IT!" Gruelle shouted, and the group immediately rushed to grab the pill as if their life depended on it.

They took the pill and began to absorb the energy.

It was then the energies went into their bloodstream.

Suddenly, the vampires shouted in pain as they all fell and were trying to claw their bodies as the energy invaded their bodies.

Ussylys and Dyne immediately went to work.

Arya had also appeared as she ran down the unguarded room and began to hack and kill the vampires.

"Remember! We have to make it look like a battle appeared here!" Dyne focused on his task on hand and channeled Brimstone energy as he readied to destroy the object.

"Jedo… There should be more energy for you! If this keeps up, you could reach level 2 in no time!" Dyne smiled as he began to channel the energy.