The Missing Gods of Legaia

The easy defeat of the High Gomboo caused the morale of the Gobu Gobu to dwindle.

"Anito?" Dyne asked again. He was confused about whether the Evil God Totem would be called Angak igak to gak, or simply Anito as the Gobu Gobu had the practice of calling nouns without the gak.

"Anito." One of the Gobu Gobu allies of Dyne clarified and pointed at a house.

"So it's there? Good."

The High Gomboo shouted angrily at Dyne.

"Zo. Zo. Un."


The High Gomboo was burned to crisps.

"Except for the children and the women, kill everyone. We have a long journey, and I need the Piuras and the Gobu Gobu to grow stronger." Dyne gave his orders as Grim appeared.

"What?" Rena was stunned.

"KWEH!" The Chocobos and the Piuras charged and attacked. The Gobu Gobu allies of Dyne followed Dyne to combat.

"Terra! Stop Dyne! Terra!" Noa cried out suddenly.

"Noa. This is Gobu Gobu village. They are evil. The Gobu Gobu that Dyne found can become good. But this village has done many things that will break your heart. They can't become our allies."

"Why? Why, Terra?" She asked.

"Because this village is strong. It is used to power. Look at what they did. Do you see all the women Gobu Gobu? They have been treated as slaves and are mainly used to increase their population. Many have probably died from constant childbirth based on the number of female Gobu Gobu you rescued. But they kept doing it to get stronger. The madness of the Mist has made them like this. Noa. I know your kind heart thinks that this is cruel. Lord Dyne is right. They have to die." Terra began to explain.

Dyne's entry to the battle and Arya's charge began, and the death count was quickly growing. The battle ended quickly with no need to create a distraction to free the female Gobu Gobus and the slaves.

Dyne ordered Terra to divide the spoils so as to help everyone level up as he moved and found the Evil God Totem inside a room.

The Evil God Totem was a small carved idol with the figure of a strange man with three heads and six arms.

"An Asura?"

"Asuras are beings in the Cultivation world. If you have it in your culture, it might mean that some creatures in our world must have journeyed into yours and were allowed to live for a time."

"Huh. So many of our religions and superstitions are because of some cultivators trying to go here?"

"You have no idea." Strafe laughed.

"Anyway, I knew that these totems would have some sentience, but this feels alive. It's like a Ra-Seru in terms of soul!"

"The Gobu Gobu village that you are in might have conquered several. No less than three Totems need to create.

Dyne approached and was about to hold on to the Totem.

But suddenly, a strange force repelled Dyne's arm.

"Jedo. It seems that you found a good and cruel host." Several voices spoke together. The idol came to life and was like a toy.

"Evil God. It's good to see you again." Jedo respectfully greeted.

"Are you here to kill me? The age of God is over. I really don't have the strength or the desire to fight you guys again. Oh, right. You were neutral." The Evil God laughed.

"What happened to you? Why is your soul hiding in these Totems? Are you planning to start another war?"

"So, you all were unable to find out what had happened, eh? I guess that start of your slumber stopped you from sensing it. Something happened back then after the war. Didn't you wonder why no gods are awake now and why all fell into slumber? Even Rem?"

"I assumed thought that they were also like us. Weakened. I'm sure the other Ra-Serus must have concluded that when they woke up."

"They are gods. They don't need to rest like you. The Unholy God rebelled after you guys moved in those Genesis Trees.."

"Who? Who is the Unholy God?" Jedo was confused.

"The Unholy God rebelled?" Dyne frowned. He knew that there would have been a god since the Unholy Icon existed in the game. But from Jedo's words, even he didn't know of the Unholy God's existence.

"Shut up, human. This is just between Jedo. I don't need some human to talk to me. If you want to talk to me, be like Biron and become a Ra-Seru yourself." The Evil God shook his head in disdain.

"Oh boy." Jedo sighed. He knew that the Evil God's temper would result in this.

"Hooo… Really?" Dyne smiled and harnessed Brimstone's energy.

"Wha-What?! What power is this?!"

"You are darkness if I'm not mistaken. But you have another element which is time. Interesting. Then I'm sure that my Brimstone can purge you." Dyne smiled sadistically.

"Impossible! You… you are a Ra-Seru!"

"Evil God, Meet Lord Dyne. A friend and disciple of Lord Tieg."

"What?! AHHHH!"

Dyne ruthlessly grabbed the idol and harnessed the brimstone energy to attack the Totem.

"Ahh! I'm dying!"

"Hmm. I don't need some remnant god soul here. If you want to talk to me, be like Strafe and become a god yourself."

"No! Mercy!"

"Why should I? What can you do?" Dyne questioned.

"I am a powerful god! I can help you!"

"Are you stronger than this?" Dyne brought out the Wild Arm.

The moment he brought it out, the Evil God totem felt a powerful soul and could even see the form of the Afarit.

"What… is that?!"

The Evil God was responsible for creating and experimenting on many massive and strange beasts. But the soul was something he could never create. The Afarit itself was weaker than the Evil God's real form. But right now, the Evil God was so weak that the soul of the Afarit surpassed it.

"Master. That Totem will increase my powers." The Afarit explained.

"Yeah. He should. But I'm still negotiating. I guess that this Evil God could grow stronger with the more Evil Totems it can absorb. But what is your purpose? Strafe won't tell me since this is still part of the game and his side quest. Unless I ask nicely." Dyne chuckled.

"Evil God, Lord Tieg is actually with him. When Lord Tieg left, he was actually with this boy and hoped to cultivate this boy into a level of godhood similar to his. If you obey him, you could become a more powerful god. I'm sure right now, and your other selves are looking for you."

"Other selves?" Dyne asked.

"I'm not too certain. With what I know about Soul cultivation, I don't know how the Evil God did this. But he has many souls." Jedo answered.

"The Evil God's soul comes from certain prisoner master captured and sealed in the Imaginarium Bond." Strafe explained.

"That soul of that person is quite strong, and he developed a cultivation technique that Earth would call Samsara or the rebirth cycle. He or she wanted to increase his or her soul and used that technique to be reborn several times. The soul of the original person was divided into a thousand smaller ones and used to be reborn as many in the cultivation world, with the destiny of becoming one. This person was quite strong. And when I recreated the soul, I made the original soul, but since the original soul made that technique, the defeat and the attack of the Unholy God caused the Evil Gods to separate and create Evil God Totems and even the Evil God Icon with a small portion of its soul."

"I see. So this Totem has several souls reunited?"

"Correct. It's a little side-quest I made for you. You lived the skeleton side quest in Chrono Cross which you look for parts to rebuild an ally. The intention is sort of like this."

"Wow. That sounds fun! Thanks, Strafe!"

"If I give you cultivation-related godly techniques, you say nothing, but if it's something game-related, you become thankful…" Strafe secretly grumbled.

"Alright. As quests should be triggered by NPCs, tell me, Evil God. What happened? Who is the Unholy God?" Dyne asked.

"The Unholy God had been observing my battle with the War God. You see, the Unholy God is something like Rem. She is a High God. You Ra-Serus only knew of Rem when he appeared to banish Rogue. But in truth, another High God existed. The Unholy God was angry at the resolution. She hated how the War God and I lived after all that had happened to Legaia. She waited for all Ra-Serus to be sealed in the Genesis Trees, and she took action and appeared to kill us. That battle was not as long drawn, but it ended quickly. The Unholy God wielded a powerful power to end things. As Rem was the God of Time, her job was to ensure the mortality of this world."

"Entropy." Dyne guessed the element that this God had.

"Correct. We all fought against her. Finally, together with Rem, we were able to defeat her. But Rem's soul was also weakened, and we all fell to our respective slumbers. I was nearly killed, and I had to use this and trigger the many Totems I left to gather energy in hopes of reforming my body. It may seem selfish as it awakened greedy and evil monsters like this, but I had no choice. I didn't want to die!"

"What about the War God?"

"He sealed himself in the land of the Monster Kings. Ferti is somewhere in the deep underwater rivers in Drake, and the Wind God chose to be among men in Karisto."

"The Soren camp!" Dyne guessed.

"I told you everything! Please! Don't kill me! The Evil God pleaded.

"Alright. I guess I can keep you. But first… tell me how you did those crazy experiments and created the monster kings!" Dyne gave a sinister smile.