The Evil God

While Terra was busy distributing the experience points from the fallen Gobu Gobus, Dyne began his insidious torture of the Evil God Totem.

After much suffering at the hands of Dyne, the Evil God squealed and began to tell Dyne what happened.

"Alright! Alright! I'll talk!" The Evil God screamed.

"Then get to it! tell me everything!"

"Fine! But before I begin the tale of how I did it, let me talk about the past! This is because it is in an era before the Ra-Serus was born in Noaru Valley!" The Evil God explained.

Dyne nodded and listened. He was curious and felt that possible side-quests existed in Legaia that involved the gods. Unfortunately, even the Ra-Seru knew very little about the gods.

"When lord Tieg created this world, and it was still forming, several strange creatures were entering this dimension. A Beast of strange form was trying to breach in. Before the Ra-Serus, who were the ones who became guardians of Legaia, we the gods fought to defeat the horde of monsters."

Dyne guessed that these monsters were from the worlds of Brigandine and Breath of Fire IV.

"But as Legaia was still young, Tieg instructed us to focus on building the planet of Legaia where his other half lived. As you know, Tieg created two forms of body. The first was his spirit which resided in Noaru Valley, while Tieg's other half lived in Legaia and created the humans. The fight against these beasts was hard-pressed, and although we were stronger, the enemies were more numerous. So Tieg created the Ra-Serus, which had a portion of our power. While they were weaker, the many Ra-Serus became the guardians that prevented these beasts from entering."

"Is this true? Is this why Rogue is not counted in the ten Ra-Serus?" Dyne asked Jedo.

"There were many Ra-Serus created in that era. We, Ra-Serus, used to guard that region, and Yami led the defense. There were more than fifty Ra-Serus at that time. The memories you have in the game are from a time after that war. Each time a Ra-Seru died in battle, the powers of that Ra-Seru would be given over to another. Rogue had the most as he commanded several Elements. When the war between the Evil God and the War God began, only twenty-three Ra-Serus left, including Rogue. All fifty of the original Ra-Serus fought and fought until Lord Strafe completed the sealing of the world."

"I see. So I'm assuming for these beasts to get to Legaia, the strange beasts had to cross over to Noaru Valley first."

"That is correct." Jedo confirmed.

"And the twenty-three were further reduced to ten after Rogue's rebellion. I get it. What was the conflict about?"

"The War God and I had some disagreements regarding the beasts that were beyond Legaia. I wanted to lead an offensive attack and kill all of the invaders. At that time, Lord Tieg had vanished, and we were all up to our tasks. I wanted to enslave the humans and use them to attack the other world. We will use the protection of the completed seal to marshal our forces and attack; The War God disagreed as he gave value to the lives of these humans. And that disagreement turned into a battle between us. Soon, Rogue told me how my powers of corruption could create hideous monsters similar to those beasts. And so I did."

"How did you do that?"

"We threw all the monsters that survived into an island in Legaia when the monsters surrendered. It was Tieg's will that they would be spared. And it was those monsters that I used to make hybrid beasts. My darkness is even greater than Yami's darkness. Rogue suggested that my darkness can transform and corrupt these creatures if I inject it during their birth."

"I see… So you used the darkness to corrupt them. Interesting…" Dyne recalled the Chocobo. Was it possible to turn them into stronger versions using this method?

"And so the Virus type monsters were born. Using my darkness that inflicted all these creatures and they gave birth to many atrocities."

"Virus type?" Dyne perked up at the familiar term.

"The War God did the same and created beasts that were born of various elements she controlled."

"She? The War God's a girl?" Dyne asked.


"She is?!" Even Jedo was stunned.

"The avatar that she creates looks like a man, which confuses most. Anyway, since she couldn't bestow her Holy energy on these creatures, she created other means by instilling elements of the light. Lightning and Fire creatures were born until finally, light. She called these creatures Vaccine type to counter mine."

"Virus and Vaccine?! Then there should be a third type. The Data type!"

"Oh? You know about Data Type? Yes. Those monsters that weren't born but maintained their original form had allied with either the War God or me. These monsters were not peaceful and had their corresponding enemies. Since they were trapped in Legaia, they had no choice but to ally with one of us. These are the Data types. Some monsters allied with me as I promised them to be rulers of Legaia should they win."

"Like the Basilisk?" Dyne guessed. The Basilisk had Earth. Dyne guessed that the Wind and Earth types would be born of these Data types.

"You know of the Basilisk?"

"Lord Dyne has slain one." Jedo clarified.

"Slain? Impossible."

"Gyoro. Ururun." Dyne called out, and the two creatures perked out.

"What…?!" The Evil God was shocked.

"I tamed its youngling after I killed it. Then, I used its powerful Earth Energy to create them."

"Believe it, Evil God. You are talking to Lord Strafe's chosen."

"Amazing! It seems that Lord Strafe has a talented disciple!"

"Interesting. So it's Digimon World, after all!" Dyne ignored the Evil God's words and was obsessed with yet another game. He knew that Digimon had Virus, Vaccine, and Data Types. The Skullgreymon was one of the hints, and the Kokatorimon was another.

"I'm guessing Doctor Light took some creatures that the War God created and based it as a reference for his Wild Arms…"

The Evil God talked in detail about how he created monsters that mixed all forms of creatures in Legaia and began to name them. He took the monsters and creatures that roamed the plane and experimented and kept creating monsters through his corruption while the War God made her creations with blessings from her power.

The descriptions of each creature that they created made Dyne jump for joy.

"That's a Patamon! A freakin' Patamon!" Dyne shouted in joy as the Evil God detailed how the War God was able to imbue her power and create a monster born regularly but had light. They were still Data type but had the War God's holy energy.

"Erm… Ri-Right. The two of us soon began to add more of our powers when the Serus came, and soon, the monsters that we had were able to evolve."

"Digivolution!" Dyne shouted.

"Um... Yeah. And we were also able to fuse two existing creatures to create one."

"DNA Digivolution! That's the stuff, man!" Dyne shouted as he trembled in joy.

"Is… something wrong with him?" The Evil God finally asked.

"Yes. But that's not something that we can fix." Jedo shook his head.

"This is fun! So tell me, is there a way to create eggs for these monsters?" Dyne asked.

"What?" Jedo was shocked at Dyne obsession.

"Erm… Actually… yes."

"You have got to be kidding me..." Jedo shook his head but recalled that Strafe created this world for Dyne.

"You see, the battle with Unholy God was so treacherous. Rem had just used his powers in time, and all of the other gods were too weak to fight. I know that the other gods have tried to find ways to be reborn and cultivate to become gods. But right now, we are all very weak. Weaker than the Ra-Serus. Our physical forms are like that. If we can find the right energy and are fed enough, we can grow back. Maybe the other gods decided to go with this route and be reborn as monsters."

"Wait… You mean.. All the gods have become Digimon eggs?"

"I'm not sure about eggs, but I used this way. I spread out my soul and divided it to create totems for the Gobu Gobu, who can hunt and grow to help me regain my strength. If I become strong enough, I can create a cocoon and turn into one of the monsters that I created."

"Then it's settled! You will become my Digimon!"

"I guess I should be happy…" The Evil God shrugged.

"What happened to the Unholy God?"

"We were able to kill him. He's dead."

"Yeah. That's sounds very suspicious. He's probably out there. Maybe he's going to be the Crimson Lord or GAIA in Digimon World 2 or that Analogmon in Digimon World 1. Or maybe both! That's right. The Unholy God might be alive in Sigma's world!" Dyne theorized.

Jedo and Strafe were both shaking their heads at Dyne's fantasies but secretly agreed that this was true.

"How can I make you an egg?" Dyne asked.

"The easiest way... is Genesis Tree. I can gain enough power from Noaru Valley to help me grow." The Evil God explained.

"Looks like all roads lead to a Genesis Tree. Then I'm guessing that you need to be reborn again and again until you transform into a perfect form?" Dyne asked.

"That's actually right. How did you know?" The Evil God was amazed.

"Just a wild guess. But why do you need to do that, anyway?"

"My lifespan as a monster. I have to become a monster and harness more energy to be able to assume a stronger form on my rebirth. My physical lifespan is very limited as I am a god trapped in a mortal body. The body cannot hold my soul."

"Gotcha. So I need to help you devour more and more creatures and grow stronger in each life as a monster, right? So you can digivolve?"

'Yes. That's correct."

"Just like Digimon World! Let's do this! Make a Soul Vow to serve me!"

"I guess I should..." The Evil God sighed.

"Now, for the most important part... Where do you poop? And is there like a way for me to know when and where you need to poop?" Dyne tackled one of the more annoying elements in Digimon World.

"What the fragment?!"