The Boy with Blue Hair

With the Gobu Gobu village taken, and the outpost captured, Dyne gave out the orders to the team, who were now stronger. The gold that they acquired was plenty, but Dyne also brought out more gold to help every Gobu Gobu level up.

The Gobu Gobus were amazed at Dyne's generosity. The Piuras also were stunned as Dyne gave them some. Even the women and young Gobu-Gobu leveled up from the abundance of gold.

But as for the Chocobos, they received experience from Terra's ability to harness and distribute Life energy. As beings with souls, they naturally learned the way to harness life energy.

Noa leveled up several times along with Rena. Rena was amazed at the method that Terra used and commented on how powerful it was.

Soon, Noa reached level five from this. Rena had risen one level and reached level seven of the Martial Advent stage.

Dyne harvested the various healing items that the Gobu Gobu had farmed. Healing Leaves, Flowers, and Berries were present.

"So the Gobu Gobu steals items from the Gimards and Zenoir down below. They farm it here and offer the life energy to you, the Evil God."

"I need a lot of Life energy to start my evolution. With your Ra-Serus, I don't need this as you can awaken Genesis Trees."

"I'll probably have to kick off my journey a bit earlier than expected…" Dyne knew that Calamitus's traps wouldn't wait for him.

As Dyne returned, he noticed a strange phenomenon that occurred as the female Gobu Gobu leveled up. Their appearance was slowly becoming more human.

The more Dyne observed the women, the more he couldn't help but wonder why their women were far prettier than the monstrous male form.

"They look almost human!"

"A female Gomboo will shock you. It will look human and could even attract humans!"

"Really?" Dyne was confused.

"Check it out yourself. In this goblin world, men took advantage of women because of their weaker forms. But if you invest in one and make it a High Gomboo, you'll have an attractive warrior with the beauty that can even challenge the most beautiful of humans."

"You're sick."

"It's not me! Goblins in the cultivation world follow that evolutionary path! I just gave goblins a divergent form here in Legaia!" Strafe defended.

"Oh! You should have clarified that. I thought you were doing some sick means to set me up with a goblin."

"Well, considering how perverted you are, I have a feeling that you might be attracted to a High Gomboo! And remember, those are just the last evolution in Legaia. In the Cultivation world, they can grow into a stronger creature called the Grendel."

"The Grendel from Beowulf?"

"Just cultivate. Right now, you already have impressions in your head. In the Cultivation world, it's not new for a human cultivator to marry a pig that managed to cultivate!"

"Really? Who married you?"


Jedo was having a very pained expression as he saw his creator receive a tremendous burn.

After everyone had their share of level-ups, the Gobu Gobus all vowed to serve Dyne.

Dyne soon discussed if there was a way down the mountain without passing through Drake Castle.

Soon, one of the Gobu Gobu women captured from another tribe spoke and said that the Gobu Gobu had used an underground path in the mountain. It led to a secret spring that the Gobu Gobus used and was why they could survive for so long and cultivate great farmland.

"I see. Drake Water. Spring must be here. This is great! I missed that tasty water!" Dyne laughed.

The Gobu Gobu led the way, and soon, they found themselves walking down a deep, dark cave.

Dyne brought out Grim, who lit up the path.

The path was pretty straightforward, and the team soon reached the spring.

Noa was so excited to see the spring as the water source in Snow Drift Cave was so small. But this one was deep and wide.

Everyone began to take their time and swim. Torches were set around, and Dyne began to drink the cold water.

"I wonder if I can swim from here to Drake?" Dyne wondered. He could feel that the spring led to an underground river. Dyne brought out the Evil God.

"Hey, Evil God. The Water God should be right around this area, right?"

"So you already know. Yes. The powerful magic and life in the water are because of her presence. There should be a totem far stronger than mine in there. She must have done this when she sensed the Mist. She sacrificed her power to create this water source that will protect people."

"What an honorable god. Unlike you."

"They don't call me the Evil God for nothing, you know?"

Suddenly, Dyne felt a strange current in the water.

"Hmm? The Water God?! She's expanding her life source! What's going on?"

"Jedo? What's going on?"

"This… It feels like powerful Time/Space magic. It seems like the Water God is redirecting something here!"

Suddenly, the light flashed out, and the entire spring had a strange glow.

"Get out of the water!" Dyne shouted.

Noa and Rena quickly jumped out of the water.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the water and began to panic as if he was drowning.

Dyne saw it and was shocked.

"Vahn?!" Dyne shouted as he jumped in and pulled the young man up and was coughing.

"Tha-Thank you!" The young man thanked Dyne.

"You're not Vahn!" Dyne was shocked. The young man was in his teens. He looked older than Songi and Gala. However, his appearance resembled Vahn, and he had dark blue hair.

The young man looked around and was shocked to see Gobu Gobus, Piuras, and several large birds that the young man couldn't identify. Even a wolf stood next to Dyne and was growling!

"Nanaki. Calm down." Dyne ordered as he made Grim harness a brighter flame so he could see the man clearer.

"Monsters!" The young man shouted.

"Relax, kid!" Dyne called out.

"Oh right! I'm a kid too. Arya. Deal with this." Dyne called to Arya, who appeared right in front of the kid. Arya didn't hide her power.

The young men felt it and were shocked at the power of Arya. This person was stronger than the strongest people in the Village! In fact, not even the kingdom or the Monastery had someone as strong as her!

"Do not worry. Those monsters are our… servants. Pleased to meet you. I'm Arya, and this is Master Dyne."

"Master Dyne?"

"Alright. Tell us what happened. Why did you pop out of this spring?"

"Spring? Where… where am I?"

Dyne then recalled the words of Jedo that the Water God redirected the power towards this location.

"This is in the Drake Mountains. You must have triggered strange magic that forced the Water God, Ferti, to send you here."

"Ferti? The Drake mountains? Why am I here? The last thing I remembered, I was in Rim Elm to visit my sister! She was getting married and I and my friend decided to comb the beach to look for shells and scales to give to my sister for her wedding."

Dyne's Gaming Sense tingled. The scenario was different, but it was familiar.

"Drowning… Water God… Time/Space magic… Combing the beach for some shells… Wait a minute… What about the Mist? How can you guys be so carefree?"

"The what?"

"You don't know what the Mist is?"

"What's the Mist?"

Jedo and Strafe realized what was happening. They had seen Dyne's memories and knew many games that Dyne played.

"That crazy son o af fragment did it! He really did it!" Strafe was shocked at Calamitus's creativity.

"Another Legaia exists! And the scenario! It's just like that game!" Jedo shouted as well.

"Blue hair… And an appearance that looks like Vahn! I get it! Tell me, is your sister going to be married to a man named Val?"

"Yes! You know Brother Val?"

"What's going on?" Terra asked.

"The blue hair! Of course! That guy also had blue hair!" Dyne realized it. Vahn took after his mother, Nora, in appearance. In the game, it was revealed that Nora had Vahn's trademark blue hair. And this purely aesthetic game feature was turned into a continuity that Calamitus built upon.

"Blue hair. Common hair color in PS1 RPG games. In fact, there are a few main protagonists of JRPG games that have that very hair color! Rudy Roughknight of Wild Arms. The Ryu's of the Breath of Fire Series. Then we have Vahn of Legaia. But there is another one who had an oddly familiar scenario like yours!" Dyne approached. There was madness in his eyes. The mad obsession reflected in Dyne's eyes caused the young man to feel great fear.

"I'll tell you this, this isn't the Legaia, you know. I'm guessing you have been thrown decades into the future! Your sister is Nora, right?"

"Yes… Where is my sister?"

"In your world, she's alive and well. In this one, she's dead."

"What? What are you talking about?! My sisters dead?!"

"Relax… Your real sister is still alive. You were with your friend. Is her name… Leena?"

"How did you know? Who are you?"

"And lastly, do you have… a red bandana that you like to wear over your head?"

"Ye-yes… What's going on?"

"My friend. This is the world of Legaia, more than a decade has passed since you drowned in that sea! You time-traveled and reached this place! No, rather, you found a way to travel from that parallel world with a different time into this one! You are Serge, the Chrono Trigger!" Dyne announced as he spoke like an evil black panther demon in the Chrono Cross games.