
Daisy's P.OV

It's been months since I last spoke to Rylee. She hasn't been answering my calls or even responded to my text messages. I miss my best friend.

I know what I did was wrong but I'm in love with Lucas. Since they are not together anymore, maybe I could continue this relationship with Lucas and see where it brings us.

I heard a rumor from some of Aunt Jenny's employees that they have seen Rylee multiple times getting going to a bar. She's not the type of person who likes to drink alcohol. But ever since the breakup happened, and her mom being sick, she hasn't been like herself. I hope she's not doing anything that could harm her.

Every time I went by her place, she's either asleep, not there, or just constantly avoiding me. It breaks my heart knowing that our friendship will never be salvaged from the devastation she felt.

I let out a sigh and get dressed. I am going to visit Aunt Megan at the hospital today, hoping Rylee would be there too.

INT. The Hospital

Upon arriving, I couldn't see Rylee's car in the parking lot. So, I thought maybe she has already left.

I walk towards the hospital entry and proceeded to Aunt Megan's room on the 5th floor. I knocked on the door and I could hear Aunt Jenny's voice responding, asking me to come in.

"Good morning," I said as I walked inside the room and closing the door slowly behind me.

They both look at me and smiled. "Good morning dear. What brings you here so early?" Aunt Megan asked. She looked pale and skinny.

I am thankful that Aunt Megan and Aunt Jenny didn't hate after what happened with me and Lucas. To be frank, I am so embarrassed with them but they have been like my moms for the past years and I can't just avoid them like that.

"I brought you some fruits. How are you feeling?" I asked and handed the fruit basket to Aunt Jenny.

"As you can see, not so good. All the treatments were exhausting and I am sick of those medicines. I'm tired Daisy, I just want to sleep forever," she muttered. I can see the frustrations on her face.

"Don't say that. I know the doctors are doing their best to help you get better," I said. I almost cry seeing her in that state. "By the way, did Rylee left already? I didn't see her," I added.

Aunt Megan and Aunt Jenny looked at each other. "I was about to ask you if you've seen her lately. She hasn't been here for a while now. Sometimes, she would ignore my calls. Every time she promised to go here, she never actually show up and I'm worried about her well-being," Aunt Jenny said.

I was shocked. "The rumor about her must be true then," I muttered.

"What rumor?" They asked in unison.

With a guilty heart, I told them. "Well, some of your employees have been saying that they saw Rylee went to a bar like multiple times in a week. Maybe she went out drinking?" I said.

"I know my daughter, she's not like that. She doesn't even drink. What was she doing at a bar," Aunt Megan said.

"I know Aunt Meg, but after everything that had happened, I don't think she will be the same. I felt sorry for her. I do and I know it's all my fault that she became like this," I said with regret and started sobbing.

Aunt Jenny reach for her phone and dialed Rylee's number. After a few attempts, she gave up. Rylee didn't even pick up her phone. Both of them are worried.

I quickly reassure them that I will find Rylee and try to talk to her. They both nodded and I left the hospital.