Did We Do It?

I woke up to the annoying sound of my phone ringing. My head hurts from drinking too much last night. I slowly open my eyes and to my surprise, the room was a bit dimmer than usual. Normally, I kept my curtains open. So, I was a bit confused. I couldn't remember a thing.

As I was still trying to proceed to what had happened last night, I glanced at my surroundings. Within a few minutes, my eyes widen. It hits me to finally realized that THIS IS NOT MY FREAKING ROOM! No wonder it's darker than usual.

I started to panic and quickly raised from the bed I've been laying on. I stood up so quickly, I almost lost my balance.

OH MY GOD! I even have different clothes on me. A wild imagination clouded my mind. "Did I followed someone home last night? Did I get into a one-night stand? Am I kidnapped?" I muttered. I am shaking and freaking out.

I started to look for my dress from last night and hoping that I can leave this place quietly.

It was a slight pause of silence. The next sound to be heard was the opening of the bedroom door. I was stunned to see the person standing at the doorway.

It was Ash.

"Shit did I came home with him," I muttered softly.

He smiled and walk in my direction. I am back away slowly until I stumbled back on the bed.

"Stop!" I yelp while holding up my hand as a barricade.

Ash stopped and laughed. "You should've seen your face. Do you really think I'm going to do something to you?" He snorted.

"What the hell are you doing here? Don't you see I'm only wearing a t-shirt over my underwear?" I retorted. My face was red like a tomato.

He laughed again. "This is my room, so I'm free to go in and put as I pleased."

I tried to cover my thighs using his pillow. "This is embarrassing," I whispered.

"We didn't..uhm do it, did we?" I raised a question.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. I asked my sister to come and helped me to change my clothes and no, we didn't do it. I slept on the couch last night. I'm not that heartless okay? I let you sleep on my comfortable bed. Besides, you passed out last night and since I don't know where you live, I had no other choice but to bring you home with me," He retorted with a hiss.

It was a relief to know that we didn't sleep together. That would be a disaster.

"There's a clean towel there. You can use it. And also a t-shirt and a pair of jeans my sister brought last night. I don't know if you will fit into it though. My sister has a petite figure," he pointed the clothes at the bedside table.

I simply nodded.

"Grab some breakfast before you leave," Ash huffs before walking out of the bedroom.

To be frank, this was less awkward than I had imagined.

I took the towel from the bedside table and head to shower. My head still hurt but at least I'm all cleaned up.

After a shower, I tried on the clothes that Ash's sister had brought. The t-shirt was a little tight but the jeans were way too small for me.

With a towel still wrapped around my waist, I went to look for Ash. Not gonna lie, his house is pretty huge for someone who I assumed lives alone.

I made my way to his kitchen and saw him smoking outside on the patio.

"Excuse me, do you happen to have anything else I could wear? Unfortunately, those jeans were a little small for me," I muttered.

He glanced at me from top to bottom, gave me a smirk before putting out his cigarette on the ashtray. "Wait here,"

"Okay," I responded.

I took a quick glimpse outside and the scenery was quite delightful so I decided to go out to the patio.

"Nice view right?" Ash huffs as he walked towards me.

I glanced at him over my shoulder. "Nice? Are you kidding me? The view is stunning. Damn, I wish I lived here," I retorted back. His house has a beautiful view of the lake.

"I think this will fit you," he said and handed me a pair of black shorts.

"Let me go and try first," I took it from his hand and head inside the house. I tried the pants and it fits. I grabbed all my things and wander towards him. He's still outside at his patio.

I stood by the door. "It fits. I'll have them wash and return it to you as soon as possible. By the way, thanks for letting me stay last night and I'm sorry for causing you the trouble to bring me home last night," I muttered.

He just smiled and didn't say anything. It was kind of awkward. I don't know what got into me but I blushed.

"You look like a tomato when you blushed. It's cute," he teased.

It was embarrassing. So, I quickly said my goodbye and head out. I just walked passed him at the patio.

"You know, there's a front door that you can go out right?" He scoff but I was too embarrassed to look back at him. "Okay, bye. Till we meet again," he added.