Liquid Cocaine

I need to get away where nobody can find me and the first place I thought of was the bar. The Special Bar. I need to go there, to ease my mind. I need to intoxicate myself so it won't hurt this bad. The pain was suffocating me.

After my encounter with them at the hospital, I went straight to the Special Bar to get wasted.

The traffic that day was really bad. It took me almost 45 minutes to reach the bar. I look at the time and it's 11.15 pm. "Still early. I bet the bar's not even appeared yet," I muttered. I parked my car a few feet from the bar.

Surprisingly, the bar is open. Like magically, it was open during daylight.

Without wasting any more time, I went inside the bar. It was packed. I wonder how people manage to find this weird bar during this time of the day.

I got seated at the stool near the bar and the bartender (who's, by the way, such a hottie) say hello to me. "Hello beautiful, it's nice seeing you again." I blushed at his compliment and nodded.

"So, what can I get you?" He asked.

I thought for a while but I can't decide. "Can you recommend me something strong?" I asked.

"Bad day?" He retorted and I just nodded, not wanting to spill any tea about my miserable encounter. "In that case, why don't you try the 'Liquid Cocaine?" He recommended.

Confused, I raised my eyebrow because I never order anything like that nor do I have ever drink it. "What's that?" I asked.

"The ingredients of Liquid Cocaine are simple – equal measures of Bacardi, Jägermeister, and tequila. You should enjoy it as a shot rather than a full drink, but you can enjoy it either way," he muttered.

"Sounds like I'm going to have a bad hangover tomorrow," I retorted and laughed.

After a few shots of the intoxicating drinks, my head started to feel a little dizzy and by the time I took about a dozen shots, I am already drunk.

{Asher POV}

My phone was ringing non-stop. I am so annoyed by it. Out of all the time, somebody decided to disturb me during my gaming session and making me lose my game.

I put down my controller and headphones and picked up the damn phone.

"You ruined my chance of getting a new record dude. I know you're my best friend, but you can be annoying sometimes. What's up?" I asked annoyingly to David, my best friend who happens to be the bartender at Special Bar.

It was kinda loud and I can hear a bunch of people shouting in the background. "Oops, sorry dude but your girlfriend here is dead-ass drunk and she's bragging about her ex. Please come and get her," he muttered.

Girlfriend? I am confused. "Which girlfriend?" I asked jokingly.

"The one you brought last time. I'm amazed she could find the bar during the day," he replied.

"Huh?" I am still confused. After a minute of thinking, I finally remember. "It's the drunk lady from the bar who borrowed my sister's clothes," I scoff and smiled. "What did you say? It's getting louder here. I can barely hear you." David muttered.

"Nothing. Be there soon. Don't let her leave," I said, almost yelling at him. "Be quick, or I'm gonna bring her home with me," he said, teasing me.

"Don't you dare touch her," I muttered and hangs up the phone.

I get up from the couch where I've been sitting and quickly head to the shower and get dressed. I just put on a white shirt and layer it with a black hoodie. Then I put on black jeans and pair them with my slips on vans. I grabbed my car keys and phone on the way out.

"I don't even know her personally and am nothing more than an acquaintance, but why am I going there to get her?" I muttered to myself. Let find out, shall we?

I hopped in the driver's seat, turned on the ignition, and accelerate toward the bar.

INT. Special Bar

I recognized her white VW Beetle from afar. It was parked not far from where the bar was located. I decided to park my car a few feet ahead of her car. I got out and head straight inside.

"You're finally here. What took you so long?" David asked.

"The traffic was kinda congested today. Where is she?" I retorted.

"She stubbornly wanted to leave and I have to forcefully make her stay at the VIP room. Please control her, she's getting wild but sexy at the same time," he scoffs and gave me a wink. I rolled my eyes at him and head towards the VIP room.

When I opened the door, she was already asleep with her top, nowhere to be found. I facepalm my face. "I can't believe I am bringing you home once more," I whispered.

I took off my hoodie and put it on her. I carried her out of the room, bridal style. We walked past David on the way out and I gave him a nod before exiting. We got to my car and I lay her down on the passenger seat and put on the safety belt for her. After I secured her, I closed the door and went to the driver's seat.

I took a glance at her. There's something about her that makes me wanna get close to her. I don't even know why but I am starting to get a little comfortable with her.

Since I still don't know where she lives, I brought her home with me. I still have some morals so don't worry, I won't do anything to her. Maybe not yet. *wink*