Lu Jingye: Underage Youth Should Drink Less

After ten minutes or so, someone thought of He Fei.

"Why is Ah He taking so long in the restroom? Don't tell me he doesn't dare to return and continue drinking?"

With that question, Xiang Wei seemed to have recovered her senses. She stood up with a jump.

Everyone looked at her with a strange gaze.

Ouyang Ming smiled and said, "Xiang Wei, what are you doing?"

Xiang Wei's expression darkened. She turned towards the man who mentioned Hei Fei and asked, "How long was He Fei in the restroom?"

"Around ten minutes or so?"

Xiang Wei's expression had a drastic change. She ran in the direction of the restroom at once.

Everyone looked at each other and hastily followed along out of worry.

Lu Jingye and Zi Yi were the only ones who remained in their seats.

Zi Yi looked at Lu Jingye and asked, "Since you're a Young Master in the Capital, why are you repairing cars in S City?"