Do You Know What You Just Did?

Subsequently, Zi Yi and Lu Jingye followed the man and headed towards the restroom.

There was currently a large crowd outside the restroom and gossiping filled the air. There were even Xiang Wei's hysterical screams from inside. "Shameless bitch! How dare you do such a thing to He Fei!"

When Zi Yi heard what she said, she snorted.

This lady was good at covering up her misdeeds by shifting the blame to others.

When Lu Jingye heard her snort, he tilted his head and glanced at her.

When they approached, someone called out, "Second Brother is here, make way."

The crowd near the restroom had automatically made way for them to pass through

Zi Yi and Lu Jingye saw Zi Lian's clothes were disorderly, while Xiang Wei pulled her. Evidently, she was in an extreme emotional state. There was also a handprint on Zi Lian's face that had turned red under the influence of the drug.