Do You Think I Would Fancy Such Repulsive Men?

Chen Xiangyu grabbed onto Zhang Peipei while Li Yuting said to Zi Yi, "What skills do you have other than moving that mouth of yours?"

"I have my face." Zi Yi pointed at her face in all seriousness and unceremoniously said, "You can't compare to me. Other than being jealous and dissing me, what can you do?"

Zi Yi narrowed her eyes and kindly reminded her. "You better not mention you have a rich father. We're in an Internet Age, so be careful of getting into trouble."

Li Yuting, who was about to say that she had a higher status than her, could only shut up and stifle her anger.

She was extremely unhappy deep down and sneered. "Don't worry, even if we don't use our status, there's nothing you can compare to us other than having your looks."