How Could He Fei Fancy a Woman Like That?!

"How could He Fei fancy a woman like that?!"

"Isn't that what all of you have been spreading?"

Just then, everyone in the shop looked towards the trio.

They were ashamed and annoyed at the same time, and wanted to leave at once.

Zi Yi suddenly said in a contemptuous tone, "So you came here today to slander me and make a scene for others to spectate. I thought you came here to purchase jewelry.

Oh right, I doubt you can afford any of the pieces. Let me guess, the so-called young ladies of high society don't have as much pocket money compared to the change that I have?"

After she said that, she took out her card and passed it to the staff as she pointed at the display. "This, this, this and this. I want them all."

The total value of the few sets she chose were worth more than two hundred million.

After she made the purchase, she even provocatively wriggled her eyebrows at them.

One would rather die than be disgraced!