Ershao Has Taken a Fancy to a Woman

Lu Jingye held her hands and said as they walked, "This private restaurant is very famous. It only receives a few customers each day, but the food here is delicious."

While walking, Zi Yi checked out the interior and asked, "Why don't I see other customers?"

Lu Jingye suddenly looked at her. "I am acquainted with the owner. Having heard I had made a reservation, he pushed back the reservations of other customers."

The dining area was not exactly spacious. It could at most hold two or three tables and the furniture inside appeared aged. However, those that were familiar with antiques could identify in a glance that all the furniture were real antiques.

The two of them sat down on a square-shaped table.

Zi Yi's eyes lingered on Lu Jingye for a moment before shifting down to his suit. She then shifted and directly sat down on the bench he sat on.

Lu Jingye glanced at the bench and said disapprovingly. "You might fall."