Why Don’t You Send Me Back?

After they finished dinner, the weather unexpectedly changed. Strong winds blew past and evidently, a heavy downpour was imminent.

Knowing that Lu Jingye still had to return to his office, she said, "I'll go back first."

However, Lu Jingye grabbed onto her when she turned around.

Zi Yi looked at him with her head slanted to the side.

"It's not safe to drive a racing car in such weather. I'll get the driver to send you back."

Zi Yi glanced at his sedan, then at her racing car with an ultra-low chassis. Originally, she wanted to say that her car had been modified and there was nothing to fear, be it wind or rain. However, noticing his seriousness, she suddenly had a playful thought.

"No, I want to drive my car."

Lu Jingye frowned at the young lady who was throwing a small tantrum and stared at her with a stern gaze.